Showing posts with label spiritual moments.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual moments.. Show all posts

16 June 2024

Spiritual moments (2024)


  • Uber driver: His tshirt and the ribbon.
  • David Gray, Babylon on Spotify and at book store. Theme:  Reconnection, reconciliation, spiritual longing, hope and grace after distraction, separation & confusion. 
  • Car battery flat outside my house with NRMA road assist cancelled, neighbour has special "instant" spark plug. He was present and asked me if there was a problem.
  • Continually finding parking outside venues
  • Go to correct platform where train has been sitting for ages. It leaves as I board it.
  • Take garden refuse out. The trucks arrives at that exact moment.

Notebook LM podcasts

  • A podcast of "Life is a Movie" summary when I'm feeling demotivated and doubtful.
  • A super affirming, insightful podcast about Life Trove. Travel & Introspection. Self as curator and coherent story teller. Interconnectedness of all life's aspects. Life is in the little moments. Valuing connection and relationships over possessions. 


  • After One Day "It all passes, Life"

Benevolent universe

  • Passport lost: Martin:  "In books?"
  • Contact Cosgrove day before leave for dex.
  • 30 minute appointment: Realise 1 month dex mistake. Still 3 months.


  • With eyes open:  Puffin, Fulmar


  • Curating photos of our Garden of Stones hike and feeling so much love for the boys.

1 January 2024

My uber driver

I was on holiday in Cape Town. Life had sent me some financial curveballs and was I feeling a little distrustful about its benevolence. I got an Uber to Mum and Mike.  Without me mentioning my life or predicament at all, my Uber driver told me how a couple of years ago he was financially destitute.  Being God intoxicated, he prayed for help.  Then suddenly he was contacted by a Joburg company who offered him the chance to rent a car and end up owning it.  It just felt right so he spent his last remaining money to get there.  When he arrived at the dealership, he was gobsmacked to discover that his tshirt was exactly the same colour as the ribbon on his new car.  "It was a clear sign and it gave me the most extraordinary sense of trust and gratitude" he told me.  He drove the car home and used it to generate income as an Uber driver.  "It has brought me so much financial prosperity" he said.  "Life is good.  God is good."

The story brought tears to my eyes.  It reminded me of the exquisite benefits of trusting Life and surrendering to it.  There is an Infinite Intelligence running the show and I am loved and cared for.  Life is not meant to make us happy but to wake us up.  So not all will always go to plan.  But ultimately all is as it is meant to be and all is unfolding for the ultimate benefit of The All.  There is nothing but The All.  Life is inherently good.

Below is the photo of him getting the car.  He was delighted that he had inspired me and I wanted a copy of it.

16 January 2023

Spiritual Moments (2023)


  • Lie and Be:  21 mins / day.  126 hours in total.
  • World, Body, Mantra, Breath
  • Sound Healing (Bamboo Buddha)
  • Monastery mantra chanting
  • Massage with Renata (x2)


  • Chitwan birding: Kingfisher, Coucal, Owlet, Hornbill
  • Everest peaks


  • Heart open, cry with love at the drop of a hat (e.g. couple holding hands)
  • In city, I see God in each person. I see God. I see God. Love.
  • Shushann video tribute
  • Michael video tribute

Synchronicity in Ceres

  • "Trying to understand with intellect is like chasing a butterfly. Sit quietly and understanding will alight on you." 
  • Russel brings 5 green apples. Painting in kitchen of the cottage with 5 green apples.


  • Life is God's Movie and the clarity it brings
  • Wisdom & Being reminder

16 January 2022

Spiritual moments (2022)


  • Sitting and Being at park with Mack near tree
  • Nov & Dec, timed Being. Ave of 30 mins per day.


  • Love to music (driving to and from Carocar at Xmas)


  • Presence, Spaciousness, Surrender wisdom deeply reviewed & understood.
  • Reading daily wisdom (Life is God's experience)


  • Malachite kingfisher in Rondevlei
  • Puffin close to the zodiac in The Arctic
  • Wagtails at Dunns Swamp
  • Cape Rockjumper and Buntings in Cedarberg


  • Polar bears in the Arctic
  • Arctic fox


  • James at La Perouse (never been there before)
  • NRMA car service van at Barton Park after I left my lights on.
  • Fine for seat-belt



  • Sight of camera screen in dark

Evidence for benevolence

  • Getting dex in Longyearbyen

10 September 2021

Spiritual moments (2021)

MDMA experience

  • Spent a weekend with Aimee and Shushann in The Blue Mountains where we took MDMA for spiritual purposes.
  • It didn't effect me as much as Aimee and Sharon, maybe because of medication I'm on?
  • Aimee and Shushann were extremely loving and said some beautiful affirming things to me. I felt deeply appreciated and loved. There was also lots of loving touch.
  • I helped Aimee process some past trauma and issues and stood in for her dad and some others.  A little self conscious but Shushann later said it was exactly right what I said.  

Morning gratitude

  • I go through a list of things I'm deeply grateful for each morning. It makes me feel very connected to Life.

Talks with Yogi when he was struggling with anxiety

  • Yogi was struggling immensely with anxiety over having to find a new home to stay in.  
  • We had some amazing conversations and I found myself giving wise advice on how to cope with anxiety, relating to Presence (resting in awareness), letting things be and being the space for emotions. Also how being in our senses reduces anxiety.
  • Beautiful feedback from Yogi such as "That was just magnificent"  and "You and Eckhart are my guru."


  • Bernardo Kastrup Youtube and course

12 February 2020

Spiritual moments (2020)


  • Gratitude practice every morning.


  • Feeling love at the Deva Premal concert in Mullumbimby.

Elevated and renewed

  • After blessings at the Blessing Group I go to with Christina, I feel renewed and blissful.

A realisation with Marion

  • There is no such things as the absence of God. Ever.


  • I feel a great release after saying "I’m so sorry. Please forgive me." I do this after collecting quotes for for "God as merciful judge", part of my "Metaphors for God" collection.


  • Sitting and Being at my desk.

12 January 2019

Spiritual moments (2019)


  • Fingers crossed in Awareness
  • Jo Dispensa meditation
  • Oneness blessings and workshop
  • Music daily
  • Mantra each day


  • 3 pillars: Spacious, aware, surrendered


  • A sense of intense gratitude for life arising during my daily gratitude prayer.
  • "Thank you Life for awareness, spaciousness, surrender."
  • Thank you for awareness, spaciousness, surrender


  • An intense spasmic feeling of love, bliss and peace that I felt as a heart orgasm on one of my nightly walks at the park.
  • Wishing Leon well and feeling love during my session with Marion. Leon used to emotionally bully me at school.


  • Praying "Your will Life" and feeling it so strongly.
  • Meeting Aimee at The Botanica. She said some souls are happy to be below the radar, be of service, be a vehicle. Be the valley and not stand out.  I felt so strongly that yes, that is what I'm here for.

Dad's visit to Aimee

  • I met Aimee at The Botanica and she said that my dad (who passed away in 1995) visited her the night before. She said Dad was anxious but then relaxed. He said he loved me, was proud of you and the work I was doing on Wisdom Trove. He said he now understood what life is about, and said that heaven (the between lives realm) is amazing. Normally I would have been a bit sceptical of Aimee's experience of my dad but after experiencing the intuitive wonders of Marion, I was open to it. I cried and felt love for dad. Since, then I think of him often and have had a sense of great gratitude that he visited Aimee. I later heard from Aimee's mum that she heard someone climbing the stairs to Aimee's room and she wondered who it could be.

Chills to music

  • Very intense leg chills while listening to music or having profound thoughts.

1 December 2018

Spiritual Moments (2018)


  • Spiritual high (consciousness primary, it’s all God)
  • Milson’s Point: It’s all God, Godding
  • Working on Life is God's experience.


  • Reading about consciousness (inner experience)
  • Handel Messiah on Sony Headphones
  • Rupert Spira books and Youtube
  • Flight music, love and insight.

11 November 2018

Mystical experience: There is nothing but God. It's all God, Godding.

I was driving past Milson's Point train station in Sydney, quite close to home.  There were a number of people walking along the side-walk. I saw them and felt love. A powerful and sudden gnosis (an indisputable intuitive knowing beyond words) arose in me that each person was God. Each person was God having a human experience. God was looking out into the world through each person's eyes.  Everyone was God.  Everything was God. There was nothing but God. There was nothing but God Godding.

This mystical state and knowing lasted for several days.  There was an immense sense of oneness, connectedness, wonder, peace, love and euphoria.  Also, my mind felt it was more connected to universal intelligence than usual.  There were a series of deep insights and revelations.  There was deep mental clarity. 

In the midst of this, I met up with Aimee at The Botanica. There was a beautiful sharing of insights. At times, as I shared, I felt such love and wonder that tears streamed from my eyes.

I went to 5 Rhythms Dancing. Deep insights kept arising and I kept going off to write them down on my phone.

In the days following this experience, I felt inspired to write essays entitled "Life is God's experience" and "Why would God choose to experience objective experience?"  The words just flowed through me.  

I also started collecting quotes on the topic "Life is God's experience" for Wisdom Trove. This reached its climax in Mauritius.

10 November 2018

Synchronicity: "It's like a movie, right?"

I was walking to the post office in North Sydney.  As I walked down the Princes Highway, my mind turned to my favourite metaphor; "Life is God's movie." I had some beautiful thoughts about how relevant this metaphor is and how life feels just like a movie."

As I neared the post office, a man and a woman walked past me.  At the very moment they passed me, I heard the guys saying "It's like a movie, right?"   There is absolutely no way I imagined this.   I heard it so very clearly. 

A sense of wonder at the synchronicity arose in me.  Life felt dream-like and pregnant with meaning.

10 January 2018

Thank you poem

A beautiful poem Aimee wrote to say thank you for helping her with her site.

8 November 2017

Spiritual Moments (2017)

Spiritual moments

  • Expanded perception at airport.
  • Blessing (especially after judgement)  Bless Sharmista.
  • La la Land genius.  Joy and sorrow
  • Sense of being in the now between two infinite gulfs. What chances?
  • Deep presence lasting all walk.
  • Changing images on the wall in bed.
  • Abstract documentary. Platon. Architect.
  • Ants. Spiders. Love.
  • Spiritual high ("work of art” with Aimee)
  • Dad release after dancing
  • World Atlas in Blue Mountains
  • Feeling awful at S21 prison in Cambodia, then saying Ho'oponopono prayer bringing release.

Aimee connection

  • Conversations with Aimee in car.
  • Aimee shared movie experience, then on my balcony


  • Mindful walks increasingly mindful
  • Mindful swim at drumming
  • Walk early morning Warrenbungles, kangaroos 


  • I Am That  (Reading and summarising in Cambodie)
  • The Surrender Experiment
  • The Untethered Soul


  • Massive love release (after universe series)
  • Looking into girl’s eyes at dancing, feeling love. 
  • Deva Premal love - flute, looking into Jane’s eyes
  • Spider and web - watch spin
  • Bless mum. May she have a long, happy, healthy life.
  • Bless all in IKEA dining room. Great love and oneness.
  • All is well my baby.
  • Tremendous self love, self tenderness. Self embracing. 


  • Rain stops
  • Lydia tells me re Jeff Foster (movies, self acceptance)
  • Light on wall
  • Got to 607x bus just as came
  • Consciousness in book on train
  • Train after Nic not 30 mins. Only 2
  • God is behind me (behind back.). Near death experience "Do not turn around.")
  • In your hands life: iPhone charger in Bowral.


  • Atoms and space. And Awareness.
  • Complete surrender to life beyond mind.
  • Complete embrace of self as I am. A human experience.
  • Open up around pain. Relax heart and shoulders. Don't close.
  • Relish pain coming up as opp to let go of stored pain. 
  • Consciousness = inner experience = the ultimate mystery (Rupert Spira, Sam Harris etc.)
  • Spacious. Aware. Surrendered.
  • Voices.  Sergeant Rushmore etc.

10 February 2017

Drum Circle

Wow, such a wonderful evening last night.  The most mindful swim of my life earlier in the evening with the play of light on the water.  Soulful drumming and joyful dancing. Such beautiful people.  Thank you dear Sharon!

Oh, wasn't it all so glorious! I loved it all so much, and I so loved you two darling beings being with me there! xx

I had such a lovely magical evening....! I woke up as fresh and light as ever.  Thank you dear Sharon for sharing this event. What a beautiful night I look forward to the next one xxx

1 October 2016

Spiritual Moments (2016)

Letting go

  • Experiencing the letting go of impulse to rush and be present while doing DIY. Focus on giving each action full attention. Amazing!!


  • Thank you Divine Consciousness.  Saying it all time.
  • A real knowing that all inspiration comes from a divine source, consciousness creating through me. Starting to say thanks whenever it flows.

Expanded awareness

  • Expanded awareness at Khirtan
  • Expanded awareness. I am him. I am her.

Movie high back

  • Movie" experience back - high. Discuss with Louise and Yogi.
  • Movie theme: Then mentioned 3 times in one day (Scott Kelby, Mooji, Kanangra) plus Sharon 
  • “God made Visible Book."  (movie in the can)
  • Field of experience. (Londolozi) video


  • Jesus - and his twin walks past.

God = Awareness

  • Awareness (and Life) instead of God
  • Deep awareness in park. All spiritual thoughts are empty, pointing to this
  • Sharing with Sharon, cry at "this"
  • Sense even "I am" is empty, go deep.  Sense of I am is phenomenon.  Deep nothing.


  • Sadness about lambs, suffering of animals - vegetarian.
  • Joy in the created achievements of the greats, of the creators.
  • Stuck to surface of universe looking down. Vertigo experience. Headless.
  • Great sessions with Nic, getting back on track with Bogeyville.
  • Mindful walks with Jason


  • Really smiling and laughing at the voices in my head. Great.
  • Labelling the voices (mind patterns) in my head that drown out the silence. (Mr Sinister, Mr Spiritual Hero etc.)  Really helps to get focus back on moment.

20 July 2016

The flowering Buddha plant

How exquisite is this.  A beautiful plant on my balcony flowering right at the Buddha statue's third eye.  I love it!

15 May 2016


A beautiful evening of body nourishing food (vegetarian pizza) and soul nourishing Kirtan.

Thank you, dear friends, for sharing a beautiful evening of of body nourishing food and soul nourishing Kirtan.

Thank you, dear Sharon, for organising it.

Thank you dear Pru for the lift home.

Thank you dear Life for All of it.

With love,

12 April 2016

Synchronicity: Life is God's movie

In 2016, I woke up in a very elevated state similar in some ways with my elevated states of consciousness that I experienced during my "enlightened mania" experience in 2015.  The strong sense came over me again that life is unfolding perfectly and is a movie created, directed and experienced by God through each of us.  Life is God's movie and it is already in the can. I felt a wonderful sense of peaceful bliss at the thought.

I got out of bed, dressed and got onto a bus to go to the Spit Bridge to join some friends for a hike.  As I was driving, I received an email from Sharon giving me a link to online information about one of her favourite spiritual gurus; Paramahansa Yogananda. I explored the link to discover that "Life is God's movie" is one of his favourite metaphors.  

Later that day, I listened to a teaching by Mooji. In the talk, he too used the metaphor.  He said something along the lines of "It's all a movie. It's all just happening. Consciousness (God) is the great movie maker."

An hour or two later, an email arrived with a teaching from Scott Kiloby. In this teaching, Scott too used up the metaphor that life is a movie.

The next day, Sharon send me an email with a quote from Barry Long, a spiritual guru she admires. In it, he too used the metaphor that life is God's movie.

A couple of days later, I mentioned the "Life is God's movie" metaphor.  Yogi said "Wow, I've just read a book that contains that metaphor." He lent me the book by Merlyn Swan. She uses the metaphor including the quote: "The film of life is already in the can and all I can do is view one frame at a time. I have no choice or free will. I am a character playing a role, dancing the divine dance, the way God wants. Independence and volition are part of the illusion."  Merlyn Swan is a relatively unknown author and the chances for Yogi to be reading that book is very slim.

So, in short, I woke up with the express feeling and thought "Life is God's movie." Then in the space of only a few days, I came across this metaphor used expressly by 5 different spiritual teachers.  There was an immense sense of wonder at the synchronicity. It felt very meaningful.

Since, then, I have researched this metaphor extensively and as of 2022, I am writing a book about it.


1 February 2016

Experience from a Deck Chair

I was looking out into the sky from my deck chair on my balcony.  I had an immense sense of being the space (created by the eyes looking out from the head that  could not see itself) in which the clouds and other forms like birds flying by were arising and subsiding.  I got a sense too of any thoughts that arose as coming into the space from "out there", rather than emerging from within my head.  They just passed through without getting stuck.

What made it so much more powerful was the sense that I was pinned to the very edge of the universe looking down into the universe (my part of it, my world).  It was such a strong sense that it gave me a scary and yet delicious feeling of vertigo.  I felt my back (which I  also could not see, and never can, no matter where I am) merging with an infinite Space behind me. A Space far vaster than the universe itself (my field of experience).  It felt as if the universe, as immense as it is, was contained in a sphere and I was pinned to it's outer surface with my back merging with the infinite nothingness (formless Consciousness) outside it.

I felt the space in front of the eyes (the space in which all forms arise and subside) merging with the infinite Space behind.  The more I sensed the Space behind merging with the space in front, the deeper the sense of expansiveness I felt and the more I sensed that I was that Space.  I felt tapped into something vast that was immensely peaceful but also immensely intelligent.

I still have this sense now (not as strong) when I anchor myself in the body and look out of my head into the space that contains my computer screen.   A space of awareness in front, and a sense of  vast space behind.  The forms in the foreground (arising and subsiding) AND an infinite Space in the background, both merging with each other through the aliveness of the body.

Reflections From A Deck Chair 

I gaze into the sky below
stuck to the ceiling of the world
by an invisible force
that makes leaves fall in autumn,
breasts sag with age,
daredevils hurtle from planes,
water cascade into ravines,
chairs collapse under the fat,
snow avalanche from cliffs,
rain patter onto roofs,
and ostriches stay earthbound
as much as they might want to fly.

Written: 1997 (on a holiday in Turkey)

30 January 2016

Movies that were a catalyst to emotional releases

Some movies effected me enough to bring about a significant emotional release.  Here are 5 movies that had such an impact.

Dances with Wolves (1990)

When: When Dunbar and Stands with a Fist ride off together at the end, leaving the tribe and all they love, in order to not endanger the tribe.  Wind in His Hair shouts to Dunbar, reminding him that he is Dunbar's friend.  I was in Cavendish Square and literally sobbed all the way to the car.

Awakenings (1990)

When: Towards the end, where Paula and Sayer (the psychologist) dance together, knowing he is going to return soon to his comatose state.  His tics and spasms momentarily cease.  I was watching the movie with my mum.  The tears flowed and flowed and flowed.

Schindler's List (1993)

When towards the end of the movie, Schindler breaks down and says "I could have saved more people."  Then, just before the credits, many of the surviving Schindlerjuden and the actors portraying them visit Schindler's grave and place stones on its marker (a traditional Jewish sign of respect for the dead), after which Liam Neeson lays two roses. I broke down and sobbed. I had trouble stopping.  Ally comforted me.

Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Dad has passed away just days before.  The movie in its entirety moved me immensely, especially where Andy plays classical music to his fellow inmates and his escape and eventual reunion with Red. I cried and cried in the cinema at the end, I think largely due to the pent up grief of my dad's death.

The Notebook (2004)

This movie really, really effected me and brought on many beautiful tears, especially the beautiful lake scene.  The movie reminded me so much of my Gran and Gramps who were together for 60 years.

Amy (2015)

After I left the movie, I went to my car where I broke down and had the greatest emotional release of my life.  Details here.

15 October 2015

Synchronicity: Here Now

I was driving home after a weekend away. As I drove, the mind became active and I got lost in rumination.  Suddenly the insight arose, "Be Here Now"  I immediately became present and a beautiful sense of peace came over me.  At that exact moment, I looked up and saw an enormous billboard on a building.  Emblazened on it were the words "Here Now".  The full set of worlds was "Here Now: the  new Samsung Galaxy" but the words "Here Now" were in bold and caught my attention.  A beautiful sense of wonder arose in me at the extraordinary synchronicity. It felt like the divine was winking at me.
