Showing posts with label sailing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sailing. Show all posts

21 March 2014

Inside look at a Sydney to Hobart Racing Yacht

My good friend, Nicola, took these wonderful photos earlier this year during The Sydney to Hobart yacht race.  It was so cool to be able to see inside the boats.  As I said in my earlier post, they were very much made for speed rather than comfort!!

And here is Team Garmin out on the actual race.  It was a thrilling start.

9 January 2014

Sydney to Hobart race

Nicola's husband, John, was one of the sailors in this year's race. It was fantastic to watch some of the behind the scenes and even get to see inside the boat.  Not exactly comfort!!  The loo, shared by 20 people, is something that would make a pygmy claustrophobic and the narrow bunks are angled at 40 degrees to the wall, so you're pinned in like a tinned sardine. Amazing that some of the competitors spend a whole year on the boat. They'll never take space for granted again.  Still, an amazing experience, I'm sure to be on the open ocean, pitted in combat against other yachts in their class.

At the harbour, before the race

Nicola and John

Watching the start at Watson's Bay

Some dolphins swam past.  Well spotted, Nicola!

John's boat (Go Team Garmin!)

18 April 2013

Sailing on the Harbour

Dani and I went for a lovely sail around the harbour.  The Sydney Harbour always looks its most beautiful from the water.  We had a fun time despite the rather irritating habit of the skipper of yelling angry abuse at other boats for very little reason!

31 May 2012

Harbour cruise on old sale ship

Sue and I went on a relaxing harbour cruise on a 100 year old sale ship courtesy of a Groupon deal.  Thanks very much to Sue for the idea and for treating me.  The wind wasn't blowing so the sales didn't go up, but we had a fun time and of course, we both snapped away happily.  One of the highlights was a musician on board who strummed away at his guitar and sang old folk songs.  Beautiful.  As was the sunset.
