Showing posts with label punting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label punting. Show all posts

25 June 2005

The dangers of punting

We went punting along the Camb last weekend and saw a suspicious bunch of guys on the bridge ahead. Didn't think too much of it though - until we passed under the bridge and they unexpectedly "bombed" us from the bridge. We got soaked. And loved it - the girls thought the "bombers" were kinda cute and the weather was hot so a bit of a cooler off was just what we needed. Can't say that all the other punters on the river who experienced the same treatment felt as amiable as us though.

19 June 2005

Martin's farewell punt

Another punt down the Camb, this time as a farewell outing for Martin. It was a gloriously sunny day with temperature over 30 degrees. Seemed liked everyone in Cambridge was out soaking up the rays. Ally was in the Lake District with Rosemarie so missed the outing. Afterwards, we went back to Mats and Maria for a steak barbecue. It was a late and rather drunken night.

30 May 2005

Punting towards Granchester

Went for a marathon punt along the Cam today to Granchester. The river is very natural along this section - not quite as cultural (no 14th century colleges) but very peaceful. We took a picnic lunch.

4 September 2004

Punting in Cambridge

We all went punting on the Cam on Friday evening (no trip to Cambrige is complete without a punt) and took a lovely picnic along. Here are some photos taken along the river. Good fun - The colleges in Cambridge always looks extra special from the river.

This duck was very inquisitive and came to say "hi" and ask to share some of our picnic. Mum and I had a little competition to see who could take the best photo and she won, despite the fact i took snapped five times more shots. Cute little fellow, isn't he. He swam around us for ages.

14 March 2003

Adam comes to stay in London

Ally's wonderful cousin, Adam, stayed with us for a while in Hammersmith Grove. We had so much fun together.


  • Rollerblading!!
  • Rugby 7 a side at Twickenhams
  • Ripping off Michael
  • Water ambushes from the 3rd story
  • Lounge football
