Showing posts with label pub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pub. Show all posts

8 September 2024

Christian turns 40

 A fun evening reuniting with hiking friends at The Batch Brewery in Sydenham to celebrate Christian's birthday.

23 August 2024

Gavin's birthday

We met up in a pub in Petersham to celebrate Gavin's birthday. They then went onto a Nirvana gig but I opted out. Hard rock is not really my thing and the tickets were quite expensive.


10 May 2023

Heavy Metal gig with the boys

Not my preferred kind of music but a fun night out with the boys.  I was very thankful I brought ear plugs as it was decidedly loud!

29 September 2014

Celebrating my 44th birthday with Sue at The Oaks

It was lovely to spend time with Sue as always and getting to hear all about her recent trip to Poland, The Arctic and Iceland.  The highlight food wise was the enormous apple, raspberry and rhubarb crumble.  Almost as good as mum used to make!

19 March 2014

Catching up with Roger at The Oaks

Roger was in Sydney for business. It's always such a delight to catch up.

10 February 2014

Weekend at Kangaroo Valley

I always enjoy Kangaroo Valley with its relaxed vibe and this weekend was no different.

Some highlights

  • Driving up with lovely Jilly who I dropped off with her daughter, Mandy.
  • One girl made fun of us because we were taking so long to pitch our tents. She had a special tent that she threw onto the ground and it instantly erected. Great for her. Except packing it up wasn't so easy!  Took 5 people an hour to work it out when it was time to leave!!
  • Mandy taking pity on me with my tuna and giving me some of her salmon for dinner on the first night.
  • A steep walk in The Morton National Park with Andrew while everyone else went kayaking.
  • The extreme heat on the Saturday. We opted to escape the sun by going to the pub where I tucked into another delicious salmon steak.
  • A relaxed and much cooler walk around the town in the evening.
  • A short walk on Sunday with amazing cliffs and vistas over the valley.
  • Taking some photos for Mandy of her house and adorable new puppy, Jessie. 
  • A lovely deep chat with Jilly on the way home.



16 October 2013

A fun evening with Roger in The Rocks

Roger was in town. Always so great to catch up with him.

14 March 2013

Drinks with Roger

It's always great to meet up with lovely Roger.  We enjoyed a couple of beers and a nice meal.

17 February 2012

Sue's wonderful tour of Palm Beach and the Northern Beaches

Sue took mum and Mike and I on a great tour of the beaches of Palm Beach. The weather and scenery was gorgeous. We also shared a lovely meal at the local RSL Club.
