Showing posts with label pot plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pot plants. Show all posts

27 July 2008

Our new pot plants

Chinese Lantern (back courtyard)


Lime Tree (front courtyard)

Fern (back courtyard)

14 July 2008

Orchids Galore

We were very proud of our orchid that we had in Cambridge and the beautiful flowers it created. Well, we are delighted to announce that our Orchid plant here in Sydney has also just given birth to some beautiful flowers. Gorgeous they are...

Much to our delight (and purely by co-incidence), Eva also brought us some lovely yellow orchids as a house warming present. So now our house is adorned in orchid flowers...

14 August 2005

Our Pride and Joy

You may remember we spoke about our Orchid back in May. Well, we're deligted that it has finally flowered with avengeance - 5 beautiful flowers and one bud still waiting to open. It's our surrogate baby (that's what happens when you have neither kids not pets) so we're feeling like proud parents!!

16 May 2005

Ally's little ones

Ally's surrogate babies are doing rather well. Her balcony plant, which we were convinced was dead, is reviving very nicely indeed and the orchid has it's first ever flower stem so we wait with bated breath for its blooming. Ally's love and nurturing is clearly paying off...
