Showing posts with label emails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emails. Show all posts

23 April 2016

A wonderful email from Su, my former housemate

Hey, G ... !

We introduce you to the new family member: Annabel Sophie Hirsch. 

we hope you are good and life is blessing you with all you deserve!… we wanted to share the news with you… cuz in our hearts you are still uncle G!  and now you have  another little reason for visiting Switzerland!… 

best wishes from the 4 of us!

Alex, Su, Amie and Annie

Hi Su

Your email brought tears to my eyes, both the beautiful words and the photo of your new little parcel of joy.  She is absolutely gorgeous!   May Annie bring you a lifetime of love, joy and laughter as your beautiful family journeys together through the adventures of life.

I hope you are all well and that life in Switzerland is wonderful. I send my love to all of you.  Give both Amie and Annie a big hug from Uncle G !  And a big hearty hello to dear Alex.

Life on my side is great. I've renovated the house, doing all the work myself, and it's lovely to live in a beautiful place, especially with all the plants everywhere (my new obsession!).  But it will always feel like it's missing a little something.  Namely you guys!

Yes, a trip to Europe is a must someday. It will be so wonderful to see you all.

Sending you all sunshine,

10 April 2016

After Millie's party

Dear Graeme,

Thank you so much for inviting me to join your special, special blog. I've been so enjoying the little bits I've looked at just now, and will spend more time soon.

You are a dear man, and I enjoy getting to know you, and our friendship. I love your openness, profundity and joy, among so many other beautiful states and traits I observe and feel around you. I find with you an intense brightness and fineness that is rare. So thank you. Thank you for being you.

Life is good!


Dear Sharon

Thank you for your beautiful, affirming words.

I've so enjoyed getting to know you too. The access you have to the light of your being and the way it radiates through you as joy, love, serenity, physical grace and healing attention is an enormous source of inspiration to me. Also the way you embrace life with such love and live it so deeply.  You are beautiful in so many ways.  I'm very grateful to Life for bringing you into my life and the lives of my dear, dear Eckhart friends.  I know they feel the same way.

I read a couple of quotes the other day that made me think of you because you personify them ...

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.  Hafiz of Shiraz

The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.  Henri J. M. Nouwen

It isn't by getting out of the world that we become enlightened, but by getting into the world…by getting so tuned in that we can ride the waves of our existence and never get tossed because we become the waves.  Ken Kesey

Words are so wonderful aren't they? The way they point to truth.  And the way they create a platform into the chasm of the soul from where we can leap off into its depths where all words fall away.

Life is indeed good,

Dear Graeme,

Thank you, so much, for your deeply touching words, and beautiful quotes.

It is so beautiful to know what you perceive, as I can't really see how this unnameable reality I love and am reflects to others... I just am it, more and more. This is one of the true Graces of another who has the x-ray vision (as Barry sometimes described it) and the ability and will to communicate and reflect it back - helping it go even deeper. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

I am also so very grateful to Life for bringing you into my life, and the other dear Eckhart beings who are each so beautiful. I feel so blessed, and am loving this unfolding of love, wonder and sweetness that is occurring between and within each of us. All so indescribably beautiful! Oh God, this Life is so beautiful! It's sometimes hard to remain conscious within all the beauty... yet I do my best!
How beautifully you describe what occurs as words point to truth and then dissolve as I become that truth.

Yes, Life is so Good!!

28 November 2015

Sharing with Sharon

Dear Sharon

Thank you for being a beautiful Space for me last night to express some of what had not yet been expressed. It opened the way to a beautiful session with my therapist today.

Thank you for being the radiant, loving, joyful, healing Presence you are.  It’s such a profound gift to the world.

Dear Graeme,

Thank you for your truly beautiful acknowledgements. I am grateful to be, by Grace, the Presence I am... as I, by Grace, go deeper.

You are a dear man, and it was a joy and an honour to be with you last night. I love to hear how the wonder of life continued to unfold for you today.

Go well, with love of the mystery of it all, Sharon

Dear Graeme,

You are such a beautiful being, and I truly love how given to God, by Grace, thou art. I trust all is continuing to go well. I am with a deep sense of thee these last couple of days. It is a deeply bright and indescribably beautiful place.

We were talking about yoga briefly the other evening. This is the yoga school at Pymble that I mentioned, that my darling Mum, Margaret North, began many years ago. She teaches the Wednesday and Friday morning classes, and encourages people to work slowly, consciously, and with joy and lightness. The other teachers are all wonderful too. I would recommend the style of hatha yoga they all teach, which always includes relaxation or meditation at the end of the class. You'll really notice the effects at every level, find it deeply grounding, and I'm sure you'll love it.


In love and presence, Sharon

Dear Sharon

Thank you so much for the yoga details. The body, yearning as it does to stretch, so appreciates it :)

It is indeed a profoundly beautiful time for me.  There is a sense that the brain is receiving something profound and there is some writing going on now and then.  Every so often the brain feels compelled to jump in and churn with what is there, but there's a realisation that any mental effort leaves muddy footprints on something that feels pure.  The space of time will tell whether its meant for a wider audience.

There is lots of spaciousness and peace in the body and contraction at times too.  The contraction provides a beautiful invitation to loosen around it by being a space for it.  Something which, I sense deeply, is part of the process of this form becoming the instrument that the Soul within so yearns to be.

All is Well.  What an adventure this experience of Life is!


29 Sep 2015

Happy Birthday Dear Graeme,

What a beautiful day it is, and what a beautiful man you are.

I loved being with you and the other dear beings on Sunday... great to see the photos, too!

See you tonight.

Lovingly, Sharon

10 Feb 2016

Hi there Sharon

It was so lovely to speak about the wonder and beauty of nature last night.

I feel inspired to share some of the animal and bird photos I took in the Kruger National Park, including the breathtaking leopard I spoke about.  African wildlife is so close to my heart.

No rush, only if you find some time.

May you have a beautiful week,

Attachments area

Hi Graeme

Yes, it was so lovely to speak about the wonder and beauty of nature the other night. What a blessed life on earth this is, with the reflection of my true nature all around me...

Thank you so much for sending me your stunning photos. What beautiful moments you have captured. Your leopard is a wondrous creature, and you have captured his essence so beautifully. All those gorgeous animals, and birds, and the light.... what a clear eye you have, with such natural attention to detail, harmony, balance, shape, form and the formless.

I trust I may go again to Africa some day. It is my intention, and for much longer next time!

Enjoy all that you are doing and being.


21 Feb 2016

Hi Graeme,

I'm sure you and Mack are enjoying a beautiful time together again now. He is blessed to be adored by you and Lisa, and I know it is beyond description all that he gives you, in being his beautiful, innocent, dear presence.

Thank you for sending your writing from 2004, expressing such devotion to and love of the Mystery, beauty and truth I (the one I in the universe) am. There are deep levels of Me, aren't there, that are always in love and union with God. It seems to take the surface levels 'time' for it to filter through consciously so that I am more and more in the profundity of the depths of the vertical dimension I am, now. I glow in knowing that you are finding now, all that you long for.

I had a lovely time at the Baha'i Temple. There were about twenty people, and it was so beautiful to walk around the gardens, and then sit within the beautiful, Persian-inspired, white, light-filled, silent temple and be. I was in a deep place, and really had the sense of being within the temple at every level - within my body temple, the temple building, the temple of the earth, of the universe, the temple of my being, all so sacred. Have you been there? The temple is open for anyone to come and partake of. Perhaps you may enjoy coming with me there one day? 

I have added an attachment of a note from Eckhart to the retreat participants in Qld, Nov 2014 (I think written by someone else, as I've seen his writing elsewhere, and it's much more flowing). So true.

Enjoy the beautiful evening, Graeme.


To Sharon

Thanks so much, Sharon.

I was going through some old writing and it made me realise how long my soul has longed for this, even way before I had a true sense of it.  We are so blessed, by Grace. 

Through the loving ways that people connect;
laughter between friends, a couple holding hands,
the generosity of a stranger, the smile of a child.
Through the gift of knowing I am enough, no matter what.
Through my highest thoughts, my truest words, my kindest deeds.
Through the wonders of sunsets and mountains, ocean waves, dolphins and daffodils.
Through the uplifting beauty of music, art and poetry.
Through the infiniteness of time and space and the intricacies of atoms and less.
Through the mighty power of silence and the peace that stillness brings.
Through these things,
I see the footprints of a benevolent Mystery unfolding
and I look out into the vast night sky
and I smile at the stars and the moon
content in the knowing
that the universe smiles back.

Written: 2004

I hope you had a wonderful day at the Ashram.  I did some writing and work, and just been out for a lovely walk.  Now I'm waiting, with a longing in my heart again, for little Mack to arrive home so we can enjoy a mutual cuddle.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday,

Hi Graeme,

It is so truly lovely to hear all that you are experiencing in your great love of God. You are finding what you seek, and what is seeking you is finding you! You are now a finder, as Eckhart would say, Graced with constant unfolding and deepening of all you find! Rumi, Barry, Eckhart, Yogananda, all the other real beings, and Sharon (whatever she is), rejoice with you! 

Thank you for sharing your recent experience, which resonates with me very much. It is lovely to read your clear description, and I am blessed and grateful to know what you mean. Thank you for your helpful reminder to do it more consciously. I am quite often in that place you describe, deeply knowing and living 'I have no head', observing movement on the 'edge' of me, and the stillness-depthlessness behind/within my back and all around me. At times I am as deep, wide and spacious as the universe, and drop or disappear in there ~ never to return one day I trust, by Grace.
It is so beautiful that your love and truth are so freely flowing into your writing currently. Enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it. Life is good! It is so right that you go with it and use this special time in every way possible.

Botanica sounds and looks wonderful (I found some photos online - they may need your beautiful eye to improve some of the pics!). It reminds me of various wonderful cafes in Northern NSW I love and know well. How fortunate you are to have it so close.

Enjoy it all, and thank you for being the dear being that you are.


Hi Sharon

That is such a wonderful quote.  Thanks so much for sharing it.  It so encapsulates what I am feeling.

I'm feeling so beautifully connected at the moment, with immense feelings of love.  My mind feels so clear and inspiration is flowing through. I've been writing a lot, and it feels peaceful and effortless.  I feel so grateful that at times I feel like my heart will burst with it.

I'd love to share one of the things that has flowed through, inspired by an experience I had recently (also included) and see if it resonates at all with you, if you try it.   I'd love to share mutual practices with you like this.  Deepening presence is such a heart felt intention for me right now.

I hope you don't mind, but I sense a deep will to continue writing tomorrow while I'm in this state.  Next week brings many things I need to do work-wise, so the opportunity will wane.  Unless it doesn't of course.  Life has such a beautiful will.

I'm off to The Botanica now for some renewal.  It's the most spiritual oasis of a cafe you can imagine.  I'd to share a meal with you there sometime.

Wishing you a beautiful day too, and a very special time tomorrow

Good morning Graeme,

How lovely it was to be with Jilly, and the lovely group of beings around her, including you, yesterday.  So much love and consciousness within and without.

I thought you'd enjoy the excerpt from BL below.... As this delights and fulfils you, it slowly brings you back to life. 

The BL Foundation send out weekly excerpts from his many books to people registered, if you'd enjoy that.

Have you been able to find my email (on Thursday I think?) re the Baha'i Temple event tomorrow afternoon?

Enjoy the beautiful day, Sharon

Wow, I absolutely love what you said about sensing yourself within the temple at every level from body to Being. That is so utterly beautiful.

We mentioned we both loved the ocean and watching the waves.  Have you heard the exquisite song by Miten/ Deva Premal about the magnificence of of the ocean and waves coming in?  It's exquisite. On my Spotify playlist that I've called "sublime."

Hope to see you tomorrow,

to Sharon 
PS Here's the song

to me 

Thank you, Graeme, truly.

I love this exquisite song, and didn't know it. I've watched-listened to it a few times today, dissolving, with tears at times, into the beauty and truth of all that is conveyed.

There is so much magnificence... the waves are coming in.... I am part of the Ocean of Love... My love and light dissolve the darkness..... I am so in love with Life, my fear and pain are dying, by Grace. Oh, the absolute wonder and majesty and indescribable reality of it All... 


to Sharon 

It so wonderful that you loved the song.  I too have cried many times at the pure beauty of it.  

Music for me is a key that opens up my heart for love to pour through.  Some of my most beautiful spiritual moments of grace have happened during or after listening to music.    

Here are some words from others that sum of what music means to me ...

After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Aldous Huxley

Music is an outburst of the soul. Frederick Delius

In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language.  Henry David Thoreau

For heights and depths no words can reach, music is the soul's own speech.

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.  Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is the shorthand of emotion. Leo Tolstoy

to me 

Yes, music allows me to reach heights and depths that no words can... such beautiful places within me. I love music too.    

Thank you for the lovely quotes.

Do you have Eckhart's 'Music to Quiet the Mind' CD? There are some exquisitely beautiful pieces on it. I can bring it for you tomorrow night if you may enjoy to listen to it? He has written a beautiful piece about the truth and wonder of music in the accompanying little booklet.

I saw the beautiful moon as I was walking my dear client out a little while ago.... indescribably mystical, in the vast, vast night.

We live in paradise, don't we? Everything I am and need  is provided in abundance, and shines with Godly light and sound. All I need to do is be present and alive to it now!

to Sharon 

My turn to say a big thank you. I didn't know about Eckhart's CD. I did a search on Spotify and found his playlist containing not only the songs on the CD but also about 100 other songs he listens to. What a treasure trove!!  I listened to it before bed, so beautiful, and then slept like a baby.

See you tonight,

25 Feb 2016

Hi Sharon

I'm really looking forward to a lovely walk on Sunday.

It looks like life has a cooler day in store, which will be a wonderful relief. Poor Mack has spent the last two days, hogging the fan, panting like a steam train with his tongue hanging out. I have too.  Ha ha!

There are two walks I'd love to do and I'm having trouble deciding between them:

1.  Walk around Waverton and Wollstonecraft including Balls Head and Berry Island with beautiful views of the city. We could pop off at The Botanica for a bite and even drop in on your dad if you want :)

2. Manly Scenic Walk - a 9 km walk from Spit Bridge to Manly with great swim spots along the way. Stop off in Manly for a bite and swim and then get bus back to Spit Bridge. A fantastic walk.

I'll have Mackie on Sunday so he'll enjoy the walk too.  He's done both and loves them equally.  I asked him which one he preferred to do Sunday but his answer was lost in translation.

Shout if you have any preferences. Or if other walks you'd like to do, maybe closer to where you live. Otherwise I'll toss a coin and let life decide.

Hope your week is going beautifully,

Hi Graeme,

What a sweet email. I enjoy the way you write, and your sense of humour.

I'd love to walk around Waverton, Wollstonecraft and those other lovely areas, if you and Mack would? Perhaps do the Manly Scenic Walk, which is a fantastic walk, another time? It would be nice to visit Botanica, and we certainly could drop in on Dad, yet perhaps another time too : )
I'm having a beautiful week. I'm perceiving a glowing light within all I see - especially the nature around me - it's very bright and real.

A lovely quote from BL I have on my desk currently: I am forever. I am all things and all things are in me. What is there to question? What is there to fear?

I am forever. So much tension and fear falls away with this knowledge.

How is your writing going this week, Graeme? I trust it's still flowing for you?


Hi Sharon

Great stuff! The walking in this area is beautiful and nice and flat!  I'm very happy to drop in on your dad. Dads are a precious commodity to be hugged at any opportunity!

That's wonderful that you're in such a lovely state and perceiving a glowing light in all. So beautiful.  I experienced that so, so strongly a few months ago.  I remember in particular going into Thomas Dux and being absolutely mesmerised by the glowing, shimmering fruit and vegetables that seemed to have had their vibrancy super charged.  There was such an immense sense of aliveness and such a joy in it all.  Such a special experience.

My intense connection of the last couple weeks has subsided, but the awareness is still constantly there. I'm still writing quite a bit, when I get the chance, and Yogi has joined me in a fun venture to write a short book.  We meet almost daily at The Botanica to share ideas and we're also using all the latest internet programs to collaborate.  Such a fun exercise, whether it ever gets read by anyone or not.

I'm really looking forward to Sunday. Any time is good with me. How about 10 am?  It feels like a respectable hour for a Sunday :)

My address is 43B King Street, Waverton.

See you soon,

Hi Graeme,

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow too. I'm sure we'll have a lovely day, and it will be so nice to wander around your beautiful area, with Mack, seeing where life takes us. 10am is perfect. I see you're just across from that glorious park - how wonderful for you!

I'm glad you are still writing when you can, and it's so good to hear that you and Yogi are meeting and doing those fun things together, with a very worthy book likely to result. I'll read it! And I'm sure many others.

I'm sure the light and the intense connection will return for you, Graeme, and eventually be a constant and deepening inner and outer knowledge and experience. It's there all the time, as you know, yet does get covered over by the subtle/coarse mental, emotional etc layers of living past.... yet this is the rightness of the 'spiritual life' isn't it, facing all that is not conscious in me, as best I can, by Grace, and being the witness of this transmutation.

A  true and beautiful quote that appeared in front of me today:

"Follow your bliss.
If you do follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life you ought to be living
is the one that you are living.
When you can see that,
you begin to meet people
who are in the field of your bliss,
and they open the doors to you.
I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid,
and doors will open
where you didn't know they were going to be.
If you follow your bliss,
doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else."
--Joseph Campbell
Oh, the wonder of life, which I love so much.

Enjoy the beautiful day, Sharon

Dear Sharon

A beautiful quote!

I love Joseph Campbell.  One of my favourite quotes is one of his ...

People say that what we are all seeking is meaning for life. I think that what we're really seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance within our  innermost being and reality, so that we can actually feel the rapture of being alive.   Joseph Campbell

Trying to determine one's meaning and purpose in life can become quite mind driven. But the experience of being fully alive.  Ah, thats the domain of the heart and soul !!

See you tomorrow,

2 March 2016

Good morning Graeme,

Another glorious day on this beautiful, beautiful earth, loving the great Mystery within and without....

Last night, just after I got out of my car at home, and looked up at the night sky, a huge shooting star flashed right across the sky above me! What a wonder! It was a magical, mystical moment and symbol to me of the wonder of life and the brightness within and around me currently...   I'm indescribably blessed.

Enjoy the day! Sharon

Hi Sharon

Wow, that's so beautiful to see a shooting star flashing across the sky. That's always a sight that fills me with such wonder.  I'm just so totally in love with the night sky at the moment.  I lie on my balcony chair each night before bed with beautiful music on my headphones and just stare out into its wondrous, immense vastness.

Thanks so much for sharing the video. Eckhart is always so wonderfully animated, and especially here.  I just love him so, so much.  I also really enjoyed the passion and humour of "The Dog Whisperer".  Might get one of his books to better understand my beloved Mack.

"Awake" is available to download.  Yay!  So we can watch it any time we want.  I'm very free at the moment time wise so pretty much any time, week evening or weekend - except 9 - 17 March. Oh, and except Tuesday nights :)   I'm happy to come to you. I can always bring my large computer screen in the unlikely case we can't see it on your TV.

May the rest of your week continue to bring you unexpected joys,

Hi Graeme,

Yes, shooting stars are a wonder! I haven't seen such a huge one for a long time. I love being in natural places where there are billions of stars, and many shooting stars flashing in the heavens.... all that vast space, and wonder. It's like that up north when I go to the BL video events, with the ocean washing through me as well - heaven.

There's a deep nourishment and beauty within the night, isn't there? How lovely that you are with this so often. The vastness is such a deep reflection of being. What a glorious life it is for those of us who love it and do all we can to merge with it, are merging with it by Grace. I am touched that you love the vastness so much - you are a rare man, Graeme.
Yes, darling, darling Eckhart. He is such a sweet heart. And 'The Dog Whisperer' is so passionate and humorous, as you say. I'm sure he can help you with Mack. What delightful beings we have around us.

That's so good that 'Awake' is available to download. I'd love to see it soon! How about tomorrow late afternoon/night or Saturday late afternoon/night? Might it work for me to come to your place? (Tomorrow afternoon I'm going into the city to see my acupuncturist, so it could work well for me to come to your place). I'd love you to come here, I just don't wish to impact on Mum's cosy nights around her TV (you and Mum will love each other, I'm sure, she's a very loving, beautiful, darling woman) so we can be downstairs here in my lovely office-therapy room area, where I don't have a TV.... whatever feels good for you, is good with me.

A beautiful BL quote: Without thought or intention, pour out your being in gratitude, as the bird pours out its being in song.

In Gratitude, Sharon

Hi Sharon 

What a beautiful quote from Barry. So much beauty and truth in his words. As Mooji often says "Intention brings tension."  It's been such a freeing process for me, more and more, to let go of goals and intentions, and to allow life to unfold as it wills.  And if intention arises, to let go of all attachments to it.  I've discovered that Life so often delivers something so much more profound and wonderful than I could ever have envisioned with the mind.

I've been reading some of Barry's songs in the book you brought me and they are sublime.

Talking of shooting starts, three years ago, I lay under a vast night sky in South Africa, out in the country where I could see so many countless stars, it left me in deep awe.  As I lay there, my thoughts turned to someone dear to me who I was concerned about.  I wished them well with all my heart.  As I did so, three  (three!!!)  shooting stars simultaneously shot across the sky. It left me in absolute wonder, and with a realisation that all was well (and so it turned out to be.)  And also a realisation (deep knowing) that had been dawning for a while.  That the benevolence of the universe was not wishful thinking. And far from conceptual.  It was a startling reality.

I've got a very full day of work tomorrow, and want to be fresh for the movie so Saturday would be best for me if it still suits you.  Matt is away and I think Sharmista is too, so lets meet here if you're ok with that.  There's some music I'd love to share with you on Matt's super duper speakers.  Also, if you come latish afternoon, there's a wonderful spot close by for a bit of a picnic looking out onto the city.  However, I'm totally easy if you decide you'd prefer to have it at yours. I can always bring my computer screen and portable speakers!  Ha ha, I'm a bit of a gadget lover I must confess :)

I'm so looking forward to the movie and sharing the experience with you,

10 April 2016

Dear Graeme,

Thank you so much for inviting me to join your special, special blog. I've been so enjoying the little bits I've looked at just now, and will spend more time soon.

You are a dear man, and I enjoy getting to know you, and our friendship. I love your openness, profundity and joy, among so many other beautiful states and traits I observe and feel around you. I find with you an intense brightness and fineness that is rare. So thank you. Thank you for being you.

Life is good!


Dear Sharon

Thank you for your beautiful, affirming words.

I've so enjoyed getting to know you too. The access you have to the light of your being and the way it radiates through you as joy, love, serenity, physical grace and healing attention is an enormous source of inspiration to me. Also the way you embrace life with such love and live it so deeply.  You are beautiful in so many ways.  I'm very grateful to Life for bringing you into my life and the lives of my dear, dear Eckhart friends.  I know they feel the same way.

I read a couple of quotes the other day that made me think of you because you personify them ...

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.  Hafiz of Shiraz

The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.  Henri J. M. Nouwen

It isn't by getting out of the world that we become enlightened, but by getting into the world…by getting so tuned in that we can ride the waves of our existence and never get tossed because we become the waves.  Ken Kesey

Words are so wonderful aren't they? The way they point to truth.  And the way they create a platform into the chasm of the soul from where we can leap off into its depths where all words fall away.

Life is indeed good,

Dear Graeme,

Thank you, so much, for your deeply touching words, and beautiful quotes.

It is so beautiful to know what you perceive, as I can't really see how this unnameable reality I love and am reflects to others... I just am it, more and more. This is one of the true Graces of another who has the x-ray vision (as Barry sometimes described it) and the ability and will to communicate and reflect it back - helping it go even deeper. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

I am also so very grateful to Life for bringing you into my life, and the other dear Eckhart beings who are each so beautiful. I feel so blessed, and am loving this unfolding of love, wonder and sweetness that is occurring between and within each of us. All so indescribably beautiful! Oh God, this Life is so beautiful! It's sometimes hard to remain conscious within all the beauty... yet I do my best!
How beautifully you describe what occurs as words point to truth and then dissolve as I become that truth.

Yes, Life is so Good!!

19 April 2016

Hi Sharon

A belated thank you for a wonderful Sunday - for beautiful company, beautiful teachings, and a yummy lunch.

It was also wonderful to see your amazing home and soak in the beauty and serenity of the garden.

All in all, the perfect way to spend a rainy day - and the perfect diversion from laying floors!!

See you tonight,

PS ...  Quote of the day
No word is it. Every word is appearing in it. Scott Kiloby

Hi Graeme,

Thank you. Yes, it was a perfect way to spend a rainy day, and so lovely to be in your wakeful, joyous company.

Quote of the Afternoon:

Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn't very much.  Eckhart Tolle

This really makes me laugh!

Enjoy being, Sharon

29 April 2016

Hi Graeme

I heard the most excruciatingly tragic yet funny statement by Dr. Daniel Amen (US psychiatrist and brain scientist) during the week: 'The average attention span of a human is eight seconds. Of a goldfish: nine seconds'.  ?! God help us.

Hi Sharon

Ha, ha, that's so funny!!  Not sure it's totally true though.  Those goldfish the other night, floating weightlessly, seemed pretty anchored in being :)

Human attentiveness on the other hand!!  The craving for distraction so very intense. The i-phone and computer constantly whispering seductively "look at me!"  And of course, compulsive thought - the greatest seductress of all.
Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for miseries and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.  Blaise Pascal

From the point of view of the meditative traditions the entire society is suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Jon Kabat- Zinn

Hi Graeme

Those quotes are so true.

Yes, glorious goldfish in being....our teachers.... those lovely ones we saw the other evening, so one with life...

I've been 'working' this morning (just being really), as I have a spike in clients and am trying to fit them all in!

Life is good!


2 May 2016

Happy birthday, beautiful Sharon. Happy everyday!  May your day be as radiant as you. And may your world be full of colour and your crayons never melt.

Life is about using the whole box of crayons.   Ru Paul

Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.  Don Miguel Ruiz

In the love of life,

Thank you, dear Graeme,

What a beautiful day it is ~ within and without! Another day to be happy and free!

Thank you for bringing life, light and so many vibrant colours and moments to my life.

Enjoy being,


20 November 2015

Message from Sharon

Dear Graeme

You are such a beautiful being, and I truly love how given to God, by Grace, thou art. I trust all is continuing to go well. I am with a deep sense of thee these last couple of days. It is a deeply bright and indescribably beautiful place.

In love and presence, Sharon

6 November 2015

Email sent after a week in hospital

Hello beautiful family and friends

I want to express my deepest gratitude for all your amazing support during the last two weeks: all your well wishes, phone calls and visits, prayers and positive vibes, words of encouragement. To Matt for ensuring I came home to such an immaculate room. For listening to my strange ramblings before I went in; especially Liza, Matt & Sharmista, Shushann, Nic and Srini!

In a nutshell, for all the love and caring you all showed in so many ways. It was yet another beautiful reminder to me of how absolutely priceless friendship and human connection is.  I appreciate your love and care and support  more than I can express.

I want to express a particularly deep public thank you to Craig.  Oh my goodness, where do I start, Craig?  I can't tell you how extraordinary your support was.  You were literally my rock during this often uncertain and scary experience.  Thank you for looking out for me when I was showing warning signs, for getting in touch with the hospital, for all your immense wisdom, for the perspective you gave me, the advice you brought, for your numerous visits, for bringing all my stuff to me, for the nuts and priceless letters from home, for taking me out on walks.  And for your constant peace and calmness which was like a soothing balm.

But most of all, thank you for keeping everyone in the loop the way you did. For reassuring my mum and sister who felt so helpless and far away.  For hunting down hard to get info from the doctors and sharing that, for all your emails and all the calls you made.  You were a priceless gift to my family especially.  Without you, they would have been absolutely frantic with worry.

As you all know, I'm home now.  Apart from the worry it's caused all of you, I'm grateful for the experience.  It's given me some priceless insights into a condition I've had since I was a child. It's brought home powerfully the importance of looking after myself: living life slowly, getting lots of sleep, nourishing food, exercise, walks, connection.  It's given me a renewed appreciation of the immense freedom I enjoy in my life and all the little things that I realise aren't little.  It's given me the incentive to do some therapy to sort out some fears I woke up to. Allowed me to get off medication I've been wanting to get off for ages. And brought home the realisation I don't need to feel shame or pretend to be "well" if I'm experiencing emotional difficulties from time to time.  That is such a relief, such a freedom.

I look forward to catching up with all of you. And embracing and sharing the adventure of life that I feel so privileged to share with all of you.  

Sending you love

What a beautiful letter which I am sure will mean as much to your friends as it does to me.  I hope you will re read it many times when things get tough and remind yourself of the amazing support you have in Australia and you will ask for help immediately if you ever need it in the future.  I know the next few weeks are going to be very difficult as your body continues to recover and your brain adjusts to being without some of the medication it has become so reliant on.  We love you so much and hate that you have had to go through this experience but hope that the long term result will make it all worthwhile.

Remember we are here for you any time of the day or night.  Be gentle on yourself, take any support that is offered and take it one day at a time.

All my love, Mum

Wow G!  That is truly an amazing letter you wrote.  I think your friends will be blown away by the sincerity and raw emotion of it.

Will chat soon

Jo  xxxxx

Thanks Graeme - you are very welcome - & you are well loved.

And "in a nutshell" is apposite, coz that's where you were! -  and what a speedy escape - well done - & may it continue, as the L'Oreal girls say, "because you're  worth it".

Cheers mate

Blessings dear Graeme

I’m sorry I wont be there tonight to give you a hug. See you next week. I was thinking of buying Craig a big bag of cashews for all his care. I know how much he loves them.

Shushann xx

My dearest Graeme,

I was so surprised to receive that long explanatory email from you, that you were actually in hospital and needing help.

I did wonder why I had heard nothing from you in two weeks, but I prayed for you nevertheless. I'm still in the dark but the main thing is that you're better now. I'm so grateful to all your friends who've supported you and been there for you in your time of need. Just goes to show what wonderful friends you have, and how you receive in return all you give out. 

Please take extremely good care of yourself in every aspect of your life and know that there's nothing more important than you!

With much love and a myriad of blessings,

Heather xxx

Thanks so much, Heather.  All is well and the experience was actually a priceless one, one I wouldn't change for anything, except the worry it caused my family and friends.

Basically, I went off on an extraordinary spiritual high - due at least in part, I'm pretty sure, to the stimulent medication I've been taking for several years that masks lower energies in my psyche.   I was in such a state of peace and complete fearlessness that I stopped taking the medication altogether.  I continued to feel peaceful and joyful for several days with extraordinary revelations and experiences and love beyond anything I can describe.

But sometimes what goes up, comes down abruptly - especially when the brain suddenly isn't getting the chemical it has become reliant on. 

So I plummeted into a sudden world of illusion and in that state, literally stared face to face at my Ultimate Nightmares.  I lived for about 12 hours of intense suffering and intense fear before I realised that it was just a psychotic episode and I was in the North Sydney High Dependency Ward (Maximum Lock Up!)

I stayed there for about a week, meeting beautiful people and coming off the medication I'm been wanting to come off for years.  Now I'm home and feeling fantastic.  

Hope all is going well.  

29 September 2015

Email Sharon

Happy Birthday Dear Graeme,

What a beautiful day it is, and what a beautiful man you are.

I loved being with you and the other dear beings on Sunday... great to see the photos, too!

See you tonight.

Lovingly, Sharon

9 June 2015

Thank you to mum after Cape Town visit 2015

Dear mum

I wanted to thank you a million times for your extraordinary generosity during my trip to South Africa. For the flight ticket that got me there and back.  For spending money for me and food money for Jo. For the Tsitiskama hike and the Baz bus ticket.  Not to mention shoes, iPhone chargers and more.  And lots of delicious meals out and in.

When I list it like that, I feel guilty that I allowed you to treat me to so much.  But please know that I appreciate it more than words can possibly express.  Getting to spend such quality time with my wonderful family is the most precious gift in the world.  The Tsitsikama Trail ended up being a joyous celebration when my feet suddenly came right like they did.  And the Baz trip was full of soul enriching experiences that I will cherish for life.

Please, please know that I don't take your generosity for granted. I feel such gratitude that it often makes me cry.  Please also know that I don't expect that kind of generosity, or anything remotely close to it, on future trips. That's very important to me.

I'm getting back into the swing of life back in Sydney and feeling extremely motivated. Some of the work I've done in the past week feels like it's the most inspired I've ever done. I'm brimming with ideas that just keep flowing. I'm also enjoying it all greatly.  It's a miracle what a long, nourishing break can do. I cherished every minute of of it.  Thank you.


From mum

It is just so wonderful to have you here.  Hope the inspiration continues.  Please remind me when your SA passport is due to expire so we have a date to look forward to until you come again!  Hope the puppy is settling down and not causing too many piddles etc.

15 January 2015

Facebook with Sara

Sara: I think I am growing up! I am not sure about it yet but I think more these days and it is a sign of growing up, isn't it?

Me:  I want to be a little boy when I grow up.

Sara:  I want to stay the little girl too, then I can always enjoy the little things.
Yes, it is good to grow up while you are still a little child. I have to find the balance

Graeme:  Yes, exactly! A sense of wonder and curiosity. A sense of play. A sense of fairness. Honesty (though sometimes not tact!!) Enthusiasm and creativity in spades. A feeling anything is possible. It’s such a pity we tend to lose so much of that as we grow up. I reckon we'll find more happiness growing down than up :)

14 December 2013

Email to Trish

Hi Trish

Thanks for your newsletter.  It's so wonderful and inspiring to see how active you guys are and all the adventures and exploring you get up to. A great example for me to aspire to when I get to that stage in my life.

I hope you guys have a wonderful Xmas and festive season. Your trip to Sri Lanka sounds very exciting - that's a part of the world I'd love to explore in the future and I look forward to reading about your experiences there.

Life on my side is good.  I'm immersed in work that I enjoy and I can do from home, that doesn't cause me to much stress which is a big win for me.  I've joined Meet Up (what a wonderful site, I highly recommend it) and been doing some great hikes and weekends with them.  I plan to ramp that up even more next year.

Mack, my doggie, is still the apple of my eye and my walks with him in the evenings are often the highlight of my day.  I share him with another lady, and we adore him equally.  It's the perfect system; dog share.  I'm sure there's a business idea in there, somewhere.

My relationship with Dani came to an end in June after a year and I experienced a lot of grief over that. Ah, the torments of the heart!  But feeling a lot lighter about it now, and enjoying the freedom my life affords me right now without any relationships.

I've become a serious meditater and joined some wonderful spiritual groups, and that brings a lot of fulfilment and peace and social connection which has made all the difference.

I send my love to you all.  I think of you guys often too and enjoy following the updates on Facebook of the Vanderbeck clan.

