- Reading the Mystery Experience.
- Cast of characters in head & dialogues
- Radical letting go and surrender.
- Letting go of psychic tension (rushing, striving, physical tension).
- Churning for order blocks creativity and inspiration. I let my mind be alive, untamed, free.
- Give it space to breathe. Not smother it.
- A change will require a radical change (Radical Letting Go)
- When present, it's Consciousness that experiences wonder. Sees out of eyes of this form.
- Movie: Amy leading to universe as art.
- Life is Consciousness’s epic masterpiece of art, each of us a brushstroke.
- Slow and easy, my friend, All is Well.
- Am I here now?
- Test for truth: What expands the soul.
- God is experiencing Life through each living form. A symphony.
- Stop avoiding and face it. (leak)
- Plan ahead to avoid last minute stress (balcony)
- Power of a bit at a time (SA blog, Evernote migration)
- Need to be more decisive (state preference)
- Need to let go of need to impress (Chrisel)
- Not rushing into floors solution - evolved
- Joy while walking
- TM Meditation course
- The Alexander Technique and the feelings of effortlessness and peace I experienced as a result.
- Awakenings (movie) - release
- Storm's River camping by ocean (water logic)
- Ally and the feather on New Year's Eve
- Oliver and laughing about our baldness