A blissful morning. Xenia and I met up in Brennan Park, a lovely natural setting, to work on a mutual personal development project: Creating clarity on what is important to us and a vision for our ideal lives. We then did a meditation and went on for lunch at The Third Rail in Waverton where I savoured one of the most delicious salads I have ever eaten.
Life Trove
A celebration of treasured moments
11 December 2024
14 June 2024
Special connections (2024)
- Sri. Hotel room and help with taxi.
- Matt help with Photoshop
- Lend Gavin my waterproof pants and boots.
Matt's 21st
- Speeches recorded & shared
- Photos
Cape Town friends
- Russell
- Brandon
- Ivor
- Shirley
- Scanned photos
- Trish: "Just been feeling sentimental browsing the family photos you assembled."
- Trish letter of thanks
- Family Whatapp: Dad's trains, Gramps acting
Tina, Dom, Ruth
- Carcoar for Tina's 90th birthday
- Gift (Pillars of the Earth) and special card (Things I love about you)
- Dom and Natcha in car
- Ruth's art: Icebergs
Tribute videos
- Liz
- Jilly
- Chris
- Visit
- "I'm not enough" hypnotherapy: "A work in progress"
- Help with site: Home page issues, animation, buttons on slider
- Get review from Dom
- Help Chris with new phone: Open Sports, Email, Vodafone
- Sam Counselling site
- Help Xenia set up her phone
- Lydia portrait photos
- Help Shushann with Google Ads
- Taki Sushi evening x 2: Thanks dear heart. Lovely to catch up. So happy to have you as my soul friend. My Anam Cara
- Lost passport: Phoned her. Told her she was first person I called in crisis.
- Help with Google Ads
Visit Jilly (x 3)
- Express love & gratitude in visits and on call day of her passing.
- Bell ringing
- Listen to opera
- Tribute video
- "I love you"
- Me "Bye my love." Her: "Bye GG"
- Help her set up iPhone 16 Pro
- Life design sessions in nature, meditation
- Got him into Being and timer app
- Hi Graeme. Many thanks 🙏 mate for your advice & the Still app! I have had not a trace of stress, anxiety or negativity since starting the meditation. On Saturday I had an amazingly joyful day with Jo & Adi at SeaWorld & the Southport Yacht Club, staying in the present moment for the whole day. I feel I am living in Presence & the only real difference when I am not meditating is the absence of the chime. What a remarkable turnaround - I have been plagued by anxiety for a long time. Crossed fingers 🤞 it continues. Thank you!!
- A little over a week ago, in a call on Chris’s birthday, you gave me hope.
- One Watcher = God. No agency → Surrender.
- Anxiety advice: Attention on sensations, Not wish away (opportunity to practice, presence muscles), Music, "Problem solving" sessions when feeling ok, Gratitude
- Thank you for all your wonderful help during the year - I am extremely grateful to you! Love & cheers, You are a great mate!
- Video tribute
- Got him a cake
Matthew the pharmacist
- Coffee
- Jason & Libby
- Vivienne
- Summer
- John & Beata
- Gail
- Stanley & Matthew
- Christina
Art quote to Mary Ann + thanks for inspiring us
- Ahhh Graeme Myburgh, thank you! This means so much to me
13 June 2024
14 January 2023
Special connections (2023)
- Movie discussions & recommendations with Francisca
- Xenia: Cleared air re Frida
Cape Town visit
- Reunion with Ivor (Silvermine, surfing)
- Swartberg Pass roadtrip with Jo, Ant and Matt
- Love for Sam & Matt
- Conversations with Brandon
- Russell and Heather weekend
- Bishnu birding guide
- Gavin, Russell, Rajesh, Mo, Pillar, Jo
- Makbar computer gift
- New year's eve party: Set up tent, include Francisca
- Shared Antarctica and Everest photos: wonder & beauty
- Facebook friend feed
- Follow Gavin's Nepal adventure & comments
- Links to Facebook, instagram & blogs to keep in touch
- Birthday message to Ally + reply
- Ally moved by Mack post
- New year wishes: Michael, Tina, Yogi
Meet Ups
- Visit Jilly in Bowral several times
- Meet up with Aimee several times
Mack's passing
- Mack's passing with Lisa
- Beautiful messages from friends and family
- Mack painting (x 2)
- Gav "I love this video" Magical evening
- Reach out to Koko Loco
- Heather & Marion's help with Mack
- Michael slideshow
- Shushann tribute video "Was feeling low, so watched it. Felt loved."
- Matt & Jordan
- Thank you to Gavin & Tania
- Shithead (Game of cards)
- Chris show photos & map
- Elna show photos
- Beautiful affirmation from friends and family re photos
Tina birthday
- Dom: That is the most beautiful card I have ever seen.
- Dom: You put a sparkle in Ruth's eye.
- Mallee & Gypsie
- Ruth: My pleasure Graeme, your a very welcome guest in my home and a great addition to our family.
Chris help with wall
- Help with tree stump, Dennis reassurance, taking tree to dump.
- Just feel free to ring any time am happy to go for a walk, a drive or a hit at ping pong or kayak. Dont hesitate my friend I regard you as a brother.
- Movie discussions and recommendations
13 January 2022
Thank you letter to Gavin after the Arctic
Hi there Gavin
I have started blogging about our arctic adventures and it's been a form of ecstasy to start reliving it all again in vivid detail.
Wow, what a time it's been! Without doubt, one of the greatest experiences of my whole life. And to do it with one of my best friends makes it beyond priceless.
I just want to say thank you for everything...
...for making the whole thing happen! For impressing Justin with your online lessons, for coming up with the idea and for getting Aurora super-excited about it (which of course, is one of your many superpowers!) ...
... for believing in my photography and choosing me as part of the team. What an absolute privilege it has been. And also for all your support and encouragement with my photography over the years....
... for all the inspiration you bring. You are by far the most inspiring and energising person I've ever known and to spend so much time with you and to see you in full creative flow has been beyond amazing...
... for making the trip so much fun: for all the great laughs, wondrous facts, sightings shared, stories told, connections made, and shared jacuzzi wallowings...
...for all the admin you did to get us there, especially booking all the flights...
...for your support when I was so worried about my meds running out. Your intervention allowed me to relax and enjoy the rest of the trip....
...for playing such a driving role in getting us out of Longyearbyen by refreshing that page a million times. You and Tanya also made one hell of a team on Skyscanner - the king and queen of the ultimate real life "escape room" challenge.!!! ...
...for treating us with your Quatar gold passes. Pure luxury! That shower ranks as the best I've ever had! And don't get me started on the passion fruit yoghurt :)
...and most of all, for your priceless friendship. For all the memories, adventures, outings and special meals we've shared. For the inspiration, fun and laughter you bring. You enrich my life in so many ways . Friends simply don’t come better.
Meeting you in the little town of Thredbo feels like the ultimate synchronicity.
Special connections (2022)
- Nic site
- Nic hypnosis
Gratitude expressed
- Beautiful lunch conversation. Heartfelt gratitude re camera. Sharing about my Arctic trip.
- Lunch with Michael & his friends. Reminiscing about Sue.
- Offer to scan his photos and create a blog.
- Share my movie list
- Beautiful conversation
- Some beautiful sharing and mutual inspiring during lunch
- Xenia trip to Tasmania
- What we want from our lives
- Wanting to live life to the full
- Coal Loader
- A room to stay while in South Africa when he lost his room
- Taking his books to help out
- His delight in finding a room
- Looking after Mack while in The Arctic & South Africa
Tina, Ruth, Dom
- Carcoar for Xmas
- Heart to hearts with Tina
- Chatting about movies, get great recommendations
12 January 2022
Jo's birthday video
- Jo: Thanks for making my mascara run!!! What a beautiful video. I love it. Tears and all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 💗💗💗💗
- Anthony watched it. Cried too.
- Mum: I am crying too after watching your amazing video. I don’t know whether jo has seen it yet but she will also be blown away. I wrote something in her card and she will think I copied some of your words! So many similar feelings about your sister and my daughter. I know she will treasure it for ever. Everyone thought Mikaela’s card was special but your video is mind blowing. It is incredibly special. If you can do that for jo the cruise video should be a breeze! Xxx
- Mum: Of course she loved. It’s a priceless treasure. Xxx
- Xenia: I'm in awe of the video and the words.
- Aimee: Oh G! That video for Jo is beautiful! It touched my heart so deeply. Thank you for sharing. What an amazing human being, sister, daughter, friend, mum, wife... wow.
11 January 2022
16 September 2021
Special connections (2021)
- Pay Mack's teeth
- Help Yogi with anxiety and presence. Be aware of being aware as mantra and remain open.
- "You and Eckhart are my guru"
- "I am very grateful for having you in my life."
- "You've made such a difference. Thank you."
- That was absolutely magnificent (after discussing surrender and life as a movie)
MDMA weekend with Aimee and Shushann
- Beautiful affirmation
Help Nic with site
- Reference
- Thanks heaps!
- It's looking amazing. Best site out there.
- Hypnosis session
- Meet at Milson's Park during lockdown
- The Botanica
- Openness re anti vax
- Table tennis
- The Botanica and Japanese restaurant
- Movies (High Ground, aboriginal)
- Sea pool
- New Year's eve Love.Fish restaurant
- Waterfall outing
26 January 2021
Aimee's book is getting lots of love
Wow. Wow. Wow. Aimee has beautifully written her journey from self-loathing to self-love. You pick up amazing pearls of wisdom as you read, and you can translate it back into your own life. Imperfect is a must read when navigating who we really are.
Darling Aimee, I am feeling very honoured to be reading your book. “I know now that the spiritual path is not a road of never-ending bliss. It is a path for the courageous.” That touched my heart so much.
28 February 2020
Special connections (2020)
- Catch rat, feed it, and let it go.
- Bought Jilly computer
- Help Nic with coaching plans
Message to Srini and Gavin, starting a string of hikes...
- When I was living in London in the depths of winter and feeling a bit depressed, I used to crack open the sun-tan lotion bottle and smell it to give my spirits a lift. Now that I'm living in Australia in the depths of social distancing and feeling a bit depressed, I simply crack out these photos to give my spirits a lift… I love you guys and miss you. So looking forward to hiking again in the not too distant future.
9 January 2019
Special connections (2019)
- Encouragement and dex with English
- Photo shoot and profile for marriage site + Tinder
- Advice re dating
- Gave Sue’s computer, set up Office etc.
- Beautiful video: you inspire me
- Chris Kindle
- Blog
- Chris site
- Visits
- photo frame - joy (till dinner) Rob said watching day before died.
- slideshow
- funeral input with celebrant & leaflet
- head about Sue and saw slideshow
- Marion sessions
- Book edits section 1 & 2
- Intention setting
- Mum wants to meet you
- Life is God’s dream
- Bought me stunning cystal.
- Dad gave input
- Portraits
- Advice re her site and design of home page
- Lent $3000
- Amazing session with Marion
- Sappho bookstore
- Use awareness trick
- Fees up
- Deep sharing, useful for her too?
- Pay $150 < $130
- Nic: even took kids
- Jilly vists
- Christina site
- $1000 advertising
- Animal charity $1000
- Gavin Library $250
- Lifts to Bondi
- Calls to support depression
- Great laughs with Russell and pater and Kobus on phone.
Eating out
- I love you at Flying Bear
- Fish restaurant (Garfish) with Christina, Xenia, Shushann
1 June 2018
Special connections (2018)
- Marion
- Aimee sessions
- Spacious clarity with Aimee.
- Friendship with Christina, site
- Swimming with Kate
- Help Sam with spirituality essay
- Power of Now - Sam & Kate
- Create Ratanakiri site for Vutha.
- Lend money to Shushann & Jilly
- Jilly to Bowral (x3)
- Life is God’s experience with Aimee.
- Sue visits in Montana. Show photos.
- To Evita with Christina
- Help Lydia with business (site, business cards etc.)
- Gave Des my laptop
- Des meetings
- Introduced Des to Rupert Spira
- $1000 to Gavin’s Nepal fund.
- $ 500 to Africa
Shushann - lend $3000
- I want to start by saying that really saved my bacon at a time where I really did hit a wall.
- So deeply grateful for your kindness dear Graeme. I was touched very deeply by your gesture.
- “Your acts of kindness are iridescent wings of divine love, which linger and continue to uplift others long after your sharing.” Rumi --- Just read this and thought of you
- Sharing My Mantra: Graeme, this is beautiful 💜 Thank you for sharing. It touched my heart and I am almost in tears. I will cherish this. So much gratitude and appreciation. Also, thank you so much for yesterday.
- I feel so inspired, encouraged and connected to my inner purpose...'spacious clarity' as you say. I look so forward to our next catch up! A xx
- Thank you again for yesterday, I am still buzzing from all the inspiration and discussion... Each week I gain more and more clarity over my purpose and what is my burning yes.
- There is quiet joy that lives in my heart where I know all of life is a work of art
- You are able to say things so succinctly yet so from heart. I don’t know how you manage to do it.
- Tao Ching for the modern age.
8 June 2017
Special connections (2017)
- Anderson’s glad I was at lawyers & wonderful re carpentry
- Mum’s birthday - write message
- Aimee conversations in car and at coffee
- Conversations with Kate
- Martin and Kate dinners
- Deep sharing with Tina (Cambodia)
- Connecting with Sok (Ratankiri)
- Help Chris with speech (x2)
- Found car keys for Jilly
- Help Chris with CV
- Heather - book on Kindle
- Set up computer for Chris
- ESL resources for Aimee
- Photos for Michelle’s new site
- Sue’s Queensland photos
- Jilly to dr X 2
- Jilly money back
- Aimee: Site
- Wedding site for Roger
- Site for Brendan
1 May 2016
Special connections (2016)
- Sharon sharing and dates (Balls Head, Awake)
- Photos for Shushann and Lydia
- Heather Kindle
- Gaia so happy to see me
Srini and Rajesh
- Srini gets job, helped by me
- Help Rajesh with CV
- Jo's trip to Sydney
- Jo scare
- Jo robbery
- Jilly fetch from hospital and help settle in
- Jilly new computer
- Botanica with Yogi for spiritual chats
- Help Yogi with "illness" (depression) and from going high.
- Yogi - iphone 7
- Inspire Yogi for hiking
- Hiking with Yogi and sculptures
- Yogi with Jo. Not advice, just be space for her.
20 November 2015
Message from Sharon
You are such a beautiful being, and I truly love how given to God, by Grace, thou art. I trust all is continuing to go well. I am with a deep sense of thee these last couple of days. It is a deeply bright and indescribably beautiful place.
In love and presence, Sharon
7 May 2015
Special connections (2015)
- Chicken soup for friends
- Srini friendship conversation, mutual support, sharing
- Organise Jilly party
- Organise Jilly music concert
- Jilly appreciation letter
- Chris cleaning yard and my thankfulness
- Family
- With Matt: Lazer, pretend shot, GTA, Siri fun
- Get Jo into Lightroom
- Jo "I love you."
- Tokai & Kalk Bay with Jo
- Talk to Ant re case in car (art, not science)
- Sharon at Eckhart
- Joanna (brother)
- Chris - photo, painting, speech, meals, Eckhart at his place
- Craig - support of me in HDU & friendship
- Chris, Craig, Graeme: The Three Musketeers
- Help Lydia - prototype
- Sue - declutter
- Heather - Kindle
- Set up computer for mum & Jo
- Jo Gmail skills
- Srini - mutual support
7 May 2014
Special connections (2014)
- Chrisel
- Family (Cape Town)
- Geraldine pass away
- Liz (Blogstruck)
- Thank you letters (mum, Jo)
- Email to Matt, Sam
- Jo farewell (My friend)
- Liz Kindle
- Bithday letter to Sue + blog post
- Lydia (help with site)
- Letter to Chrisel
- Jilly (Eckhart), James, Craig, Chris
- Roger (dinners, Xmas outings)
- Andreas
- Sue
- The Hurds (Brandon, Warren)
Meet Up
- Liz, Zante, Michelle, Gavin, Lauren, Srini, Elna
- Ken (Barrington Tops)
- Kenny, Cloris
- Wendy & Rob
- Jo
- Howard
- Hugh
- Catty (Galapagos girl)
- David and Yen
- JC
- Nic
- Louise
- Deborah (erotic meditation)
- Inspire Srini to sieze life
- Jilly let off with a warning. Got her off $ 500.
- 2 minute talk on intimacy - Joanna wanted to cry
27 March 2013
Special connections (2013)
- Geraldine (ill with cancer)
- Mack & Liza
- Jilly
- Chris, Phil, Peter
- George
- Neri
- Andreas, Roger (dinners)
- Brendan (tennis)
- Abe, Irene
- Nic & Alessandra
- Helen
- IGA lady
Meet Up
- Chris
- Morag
- Ken
- Chrisel
- Hugh
- Nic
- Cat photos for Neri
- Russia collage for Sue
- Carry girl's pack on Meet Up hike
- Helping Jilly with computer, phone, lifts from hospital etc.
- Helping Helen with Carl
- Sue and Alex wedding
- Took Neri to vet
- Being space for Dani re friend's husband's death
- Take Helen to hospital
- E-mail to Kerri
- Gratitude emails to Abe and Denise
- Affirm Eva as host of blogging
- Flowers "just because"
- Neri reference
- Geraldine - share my spiritual awakening
- Meditating with Mack
- Connection with Rana (Bangladesh) in car
- Connection with Juni in car
- Jilly "I love you."
- Text to Helen for operation. "So very thoughtful of you."
- Being space for Dani re Mark and paddling coach
- Jilly sharing re Brian "As we journey on river of life"
27 May 2012
Special connections (2012)
- Dani
- Mum & Mike visit
- Meet Neri
- Jilly
- Chris, Peter, Shushan
- Geraldine & group
- HAI workshop
- Brendan (tennis)
- Steve (Kaplan) & English girl
- Mack & Liza
- Brendan and Sanga group
- Helped Jilly with computer
- Sue's portfolio (safari)
Expressing love and appreciation
- Letter to Dani
- Letter to mum
- Tell mum I love her and cry (2012 visit)
- Letter to Jo
- Letter to Sue
- Jo's photography. "You're so good for my confidence. Will always keep your e-mail."
- Bought homeless man food at Coles
- Africa portfolio for Sue (Mango Groove)
- Sending flowers to Dani's work (x2)
- Holding hands in movies and watching TV and when walking
- Do your dance. "Oooh Lah Lah"
- Texts every night
- Hugs, Dx
- Letter