Showing posts with label butterfly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label butterfly. Show all posts

11 November 2007

Sunday at Royal National Park

I went to the Royal National Park to search for Lyrebird and Satin Bowerbird. Much to my excitement, I saw both! Unfortunately I did not get a photo of the Lyrebird. An excuse to go back. The Royal National Park, established in 1879, is the second oldest national park in the world after Yellowstone in the USA. It is enormous so I focused my attentions on the lush Wattle Forest, a beautiful tranquil belt of forest along the Hacking River.


Sulphur Crested Cockato

Golden Whistler ..

Wood Duck.

Australian Raven

Purple Swamphen

Whitebrowed Scrubwren

Satin Bowerbird


Pied Currawong.

New birds seen
  • Satin Bowerbird
  • Superb Lyrebird
  • Golden Whistler
  • Eastern Whistler
  • Dusky Moorhen
  • White-browed scrubwren
  • Whitethroated Treecreeper

20 October 2007

Exploring Katoomba in the Blue Mountains

The Three Sisters

Looking up a tree (burnt in half but still alive and growing)

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Crimson Rosella

Katoomba Railway - the steepest railway in the world

Beautiful butterfly

Venturing down the Giant Stairway - very steep!

14 March 2006


The small coastal village of Parati is a virtual museum within a tropical paradise. It is located 125 miles southeast of Rio and possesses a fine collection of classical 18th century Portuguese colonial buildings. I spent a very relaxed 3 days exploring the "old town" and the gorgeous beaches and waterfalls in the area. Ally then joined me on the final day from Islka del Mel for a romp in the mud (see below!). Great to be reunited again.

We went on a trip of the surrounding waterfalls in the area in a little beach buggy. Lots of fun, thanks in a large part to the wonderful group I was with - Veronica and Ben from Sydney and 2 metre tall Steve from the UK.

I am terrified of heights but when there is a high jump into water, I feel compelled to do it. Must be an adrenaline fixation. This one was pretty cool.

One of the highlights of Paraty was the mud. According to popular beliefs, the sulferous mud makes skin healthy and beautiful. During carnival, the locals dress themselves up as cave men, cover themselfs with mud and parade through the streets chanting: "Uga-Uga! Ha-Ha! Uga-Uga! We did a bit of that ourselves.

Wildlife we saw in Parati
