Showing posts with label before and after. Show all posts
Showing posts with label before and after. Show all posts

18 June 2022

Topaz Photo AI

This amazing software allows one to sharpen images, remove noise and increase the resolution of an image. It has proven invaluable, especially on my trips to Antarctica, The Arctic and Iceland to really make my images pop. 

28 July 2009

Photo make-overs with Lightroom

I have become as passionate about processing photos as I am about taking them. Its amazing what you can do with the digital darkroom - much of the information is already in the RAW file (that's all I shoot now, no more jpegs for me); its just a case of knowing how to retrieve it. I've become an Adobe Lightroom addict (it is the best software ever). Here are some of my more recent before and afters. Hopefully you'll think I've improved on the originals!

Movavale Morning Rush

Lion Portrait

Forrester Morning

Turrimetta Rock

28 June 2009

Clone stamping with Photoshop

I've been trying it out in photoshop - its a pretty cool tool. Of course, it can be taken to excess as perhaps I have done here!


