Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts

8 March 2022

Jo delivering babies

And loving it!


2 October 2014

Jo as a baby

Jo scanned in some more photos of her as a baby. How gorgeous was she. And lovely to see pics of me as a doting brother.

12 February 2014

7 February 2014

Sue and Alex's gorgeous little one, Amilie

How cute is she!!  And she just about never cries. The perfect baby. If Sue and Alex could distil the magic formula, they'd be billionaires.

18 December 2011

Is this little girl photogenic or what!

I went over to see Brendan and Eva's new house which is absolutely fantastic.  I was even more excited when I discovered that Jodie is not shy of the camera.  I'll make the most of it while it lasts.  She's absolutely beautiful, I'm sure you'll agree.

And of course, Ella is as wonderful as ever, always full of fun.

27 August 2011

Eva and Brendan's new baby, Jodie

Here we go, at last, Jo!  She's so adorable, I'm sure you'll agree it was worth the wait...
