Showing posts with label Yogi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yogi. Show all posts

14 April 2021

Correspondence with Yogi

 From Yogi

Beautifully said Graeme. You are being of enormous help to me. Thank🙏 you!!


Notice that you’re noticing. Resting deeply in the awareness of being aware. Resting knowingly as the presence of awareness (Rupert Spira).


All is exactly as it is meant to be at this moment. This includes anxiety. I don’t care what happens - (Krishnamurti). God/Life is running the show. God, universal intelligence, is having a human experience through me. Yogi is just a character in the movie. Trust that all is well. Be welcoming. Sit back in the seat of awareness & enjoy the show. Be curious as to what will happen next. Enjoy every twist in the plot, & the synchronicities. You are in the world but not of the world. Don’t take it so seriously. No self, no problem.

AA - God, I turn my will & my life over to your care.

AA. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake.

VRE - God is well, & so are you, if you would but know it.

VRE - The awareness of the presence of a higher & friendly Power.

NM - You see yourself as in the world. I see the world as in me.


Remaining relaxed & open to events, emotions - not closing. Not rushing.

Yogi. Do one thing at a time. Take your time. Pause between activities. Do everything for its own sake, not as a means to an end.

From Graeme

Wow, Yogi, that's a superb synopsis.  I love it.  Really great.  It really sums up the philosophy that has brought me a great deal of freedom and peace over the past year or two.

As you said in your follow up text, the "I don't care what happens." has absolutely nothing to  do with apathy or indifference  - and everything to do with surrender and acceptance.  When you know that there is an Infinite Intelligence unfolding all experiences and events, you surrender to that power and let it run your life.  You thus allow these unfolding experiences and events to be as they are, trusting that all that arises is for the ultimate Good of the All.  All is as it's meant to be even if it doesn't feel like it at the time.  In my experience, the good of what the mind labels as bad is often revealed much later in hindsight.   

It is very much in this sense that Krishnamurti said "The difference between you and me is that I don't care what happens."  As Eckhart says, he is totally aligned with life and with what is unfolding in the present moment. He is fully surrendered to God and to Life's unfolding.  

In this state of consciousness, paradoxically, the choices that get made and actions that get taken in order to deal with life's challenges are so much more inspired and intelligent.  You have access to universal intelligence. In a sense, God is choosing and acting through you. 

In an even deeper sense, there is no you.  Only God experiencing being you and everyone else. In this sense, the life of Yogi really is like a movie and Yogi exists as a character in it. And who would want to experience a movie where nothing ever seems to go wrong?  It would be dull and there would be no character development or profundity. The "movie of life", I believe, is all about the experience of limitation and the experience of transcending that limitation in order to increasingly discover our true limitless nature.

I so loved our discussion yesterday and the brilliant quotes you shared.  It brought a beautiful sense of clarity.


27 February 2018

Blue Mountains with Yogi

A wonderful weekend away.  Highlights was Hanging Rock, Newnes and the amazing small arms museum in Lithgow.  Lowlight was returning to the camp site in the pouring rain to discover Yogi had a river running through his tent!!  

Introducing Yogi to Hanging Rock

The person on the right is Yogi!!  

Camping at Wallarawang

Stop off to explore the camp site at Newnes

Lunch at Wallarawang

A delicious lunch in a converted train station.

Small arms museum (Lithgow)

This was amazing.  Every kind of gun imaginable on display from the tiniest handguns to enormous bazookas and even rocket launches.

4 May 2017

Jo's 40th birthday

A fun evening out celebrating the 40th birthday of Jo, Yogi's daughter, at a Mexican restaurant. I had an inspiring conversation with Jeremy, an actuary, about our shared passion for creating "works of art" through our work and hobbies.

8 February 2017

Deva Premal concert in Sydney

Dear, wonderful Sharon.  I just have to thank you again for organising last night. It was sublime beyond words. As someone said last night; a "love-gasm"" of the heart!  Such a blissful connection to Presence through music and all the beautiful beings there.    And what was equally priceless was to experience it with my dearest friends. Thank you everyone for being in my life.  You make it so very blessed.

Dear One, So glad to be there last night even though I hardly saw you. To know our spirit friends are close is always heart warming.

I love you dearest Jilly xxx and each one of you magnificent, beautiful beings xxx How deeply Graced this life is.

Hi there dear Sharon and lovegasm friends  - I couldn't have said it better myself dear Graeme. Thank you for a sublime evening hat was filled with so much joy, honouring tenderness and exquisiteness.
i couldn't sleep last night. My spirt was soaring in the energetic bliss of the evening.

So much magnificence....

I was offered the most wonderful minute in time with Deva  - which became timeless. We met each other deeply and understood beyond words. Thank you again dear Sharon.

How beautiful Jilly xxx

What a magical night, I am buzzing. I love all of you so deeply and bless bless that you are all in my life. A night embraced by the timelessness Joy we all are ❤ ❤ xxxx

19 November 2016

Picnic at Brennan Park with my Eckhart Group

Such a beautiful day with sacred friends. I'm so blessed to have this wonderful park next to where I live.
