Gavin, Srini, Rajesh and I hiked into the Southern Highlands wilderness to camp in a remote spot and get a good view of the rising full moon.
Highlights included...
- Meeting up with Rajesh in Mittagong. It's always wonderful hiking with him.
- Thinking we would buy wine on the way, then discovering wine legally can't be sold in shops on Good Friday. We resigned ourselves to no wine and then close to the start of the hike, we came across The Tertini Winery. Much to our delight, they were open and sold us some beautiful red wine.
- Hiking along a flat track past farmland and through some deep, overgrown bush and then, after an hour or so, arriving at a high ridge with spectacular views. From there, we hiked along the ridge the rest of the way, up and along a range of stunning rock pagodas.
- Having the whole place to ourselves. We didn't meet a single soul during our entire time in the wilderness.
- The clouds were incredible and with the setting sun, created some wonderful silhouette photos.
- Arriving at the spot where we would camp. Gavin and Srini had an entertaining disagreement over the exact site, but all was soon resolved and we settled in. It was perfect with panoramic views and an ideal flat rock for making a fire and doing our cooking.
- Watching the sun set and then turning around and watching the full moon rise, while sipping the most delicious wine.
- Dinner was incredible. Tanya had cooked us up lamb ragu that we had with pasta from Harris Farm. We were hungry at it was absolutely divine.
- By now, the wine had started to take effect and we started some deep and meaningful philosophical discussions (well we thought so at the time!) while Srini built a cracking fire.
- Waking up to the beautiful view the next morning and after chilling out a bit, we returned to the car along the rock pagodas, invigorated and inspired.
- A delicious lunch of Mediterranean salad and bread and butter pudding at The Shaggy Cow in Mittagong.
- All in all a brilliant hike and camp. This is one of my favourite new hikes.
Walking in

Venturing deep into overgrown bush

Getting to the ridge (what a view!) and many amazing rock pagodas
Heading towards the setting sun

Our awesome campsite
What a view from tent! |
Chilling out at the camp site, enjoying the view

Drinking wine fresh from the winery, enjoying the sunset and watching the full moon risse
Round the campfire, cooking up sublime lamb ragu, made by Tanya
Lovely flora and fauna
Happy and inspired after our wonderful hike and camp
Lunch at The Shaggy Cow