Showing posts with label Nic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nic. Show all posts

21 August 2024

Nic and his new Tesla

I went to Sutherland to catch up with Nic and to help him with his website. I also got to test drive his new Tesla. It's acceleration is insane! 

22 January 2022

Hypnotherapy with Nic

To thank me for the site I helped him create for his hypnotherapy practice, Nic did a hypnotherapy session with me.  Here is the audio from the session.

28 December 2021

Nic's Hypnotherapy site

I helped a dear friend, Nic, create a web site for his new hypnotherapy business.  

See innerpeachypnotherapy.com.au

Email a few months after launch

The website is working great. I have a steadily growing number of clients. My supervisor (who knows a lot of starting practitioners) said I'm doing amazingly well, I'd say mostly thanks to you! The guys doing my SEO all commented on how good the website look and how much better that all the other hypnotherapy sites are!

That warms my heart to hear. I’m so glad.  The web site was very much a joint effort and many of the best ideas were yours. But it was wonderful to be able to help.  If you decide you want to add functionality, just shout. 

28 August 2021

Branding suggestion for Nic's new business

I'm building a web site for my friend, Nic. Here is my suggested brand concept.

2 October 2020

13 February 2020

12 October 2018

8 May 2016

Meditation at Nic's

Here we are at Nic's beautiful home in Sutherland.  Gaia is growing up fast.

12 February 2014

30 September 2013

David Hawkins and the map of consciousness.

Nic introduced me to David Hawkins and the map of consciousness. It just immediately intuitively felt right and I then went on to read most of his books.

Some favourite quotes

  • That which you resist stays.
  • Power serves others, whereas force is self-serving.
  • Why give the ego more power by resisting and opposing it?
  • The more we give love, the greater our capacity to do so.
  • I just realized that I don’t have to have an opinion about everything–what a relief!\
  • Everybody is like a magnet. You attract to yourself reflections of that which you are. 
  • The radiance of God is the light of awareness that reveals the divinity of all that exists. 
  • Great leaps in levels of consciousness are always preceded by surrender of the illusion that “I know.”
  • Over the ages, it’s been noted that merely observing the mind tends to increase one’s level of consciousness.
  • Energy fields are so powerful that they dominate our perception. They are really portals out of which we see the world. 
  • It is rewarding to give up the attachment to the glamour of ‘being spiritual’, ‘holy’, or ‘special’. Truth has no trappings.
  • The alignment of one’s goals and values with high-energy attractors is more closely associated with genius than anything else.
  • We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become. Thus, every spiritual aspirant serves the world.
  • To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world; moreover, in a ripple effect, the gift comes back to its source.
  • Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.
  • Every act, thought, and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all.
  • All judgment reveals itself to be self-judgment in the end, and when this is understood a larger comprehension of the nature of life takes its place.
  • Power is associated with that which supports life, and force is associated with that which exploits life for the gain of an individual or an organization.
  • What the people in the world actually want is the recognition of who they really are on the highest level, to see that the same Self radiates forth within everyone.
  • The body is like a companion, a friendly pet that follows one around…One can continue to own the body and be responsible for it without identifying with it as one’s identity.
  • The true destiny of man is to realize the truth of the divinity of one’s source and creator which is ever present within that which has been created and is the creator—the Self.
  • Force has an insatiable appetite, it constantly consumes. Power, in contrast, energizes, gives forth, supplies, and supports. Power gives life and energy—force takes these away.
  • It’s best to heed the traditional wisdom that tells us not to fear evil or fight it, but merely avoid it; yet in order to do so, one first has to have the capacity to recognize it.
  • Non-attachment is not the same as indifference, withdrawal or detachment…. In contrast, non-attachment allows full participation in life without trying to control outcomes.  David Hawkins
  • There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence.
  • The ego has to be first accepted as though it is a reality in order to be dealt with before it can be transcended. At the higher levels, the ego is seen to be an illusion, without any innate reality.
  • Identification solely with the content of consciousness accounts for the experience of self as limited. In contrast, to identify with consciousness itself is to know that one’s actual self is unlimited.
  • Just one instant in a very high state can completely change a person’s orientation to life, as well as his goals and values. It can be said that the individual who was is no more, and a new person is born out of the experience. 
  • The energy of a loving thought is enormously more powerful than that of a negative one. Therefore, the traditional solutions of love and prayer have a sound scientific basis; man has within his own essence the power of his own salvation.
  • Freedom to evolve requires a world which affords the greatest opportunity to ascend or descend the spiritual ladder. Viewed from that perspective, this is an ideal world and its society is constituted by a wide range of experiential options.
  • Spiritual evolution occurs as the result of removing obstacles and not actually acquiring anything new. Devotion enables surrender of the mind’s vanities and cherished illusions so that it progressively becomes more free and more open to the light of Truth.
  • The inspiration to evolve spiritually is already a manifestation of the presence of God within, and it’s certainly indicative of good karma. Just to want to know truth, to evolve, to improve oneself, to become a better person, to fulfill one’s potential – those are all inspirations. And the person doesn’t make them up; they just come to them. It’s like an innate desire to fulfill your potential.
  • David Hawkins quotes on Wisdom Trove     
  • "Power verse Force" quotes on Wisdom Trove

21 September 2013

Thank you's to Nic

23 Oct 13

Hi Nic

I've been reflecting a lot on points that came up last night and the more I do, the more I realise I'll never think of approval or rejection in the same way again.  It's just the breakthrough I needed in an area I've struggled with as long as I can remember. Thanks for making yourself available in the way you do for wisdom to reveal itself at just the right time.  I'm deeply grateful.


4 Sep 13

Hi Nic

Thanks for last night.  There were lots of insights that resonated deeply and I've been trying that meditation technique some more and it's really, really great.


11 Sep 13

Hi Nic

Thanks for the wonderful introduction to reincarnation and karma last night. Thanks for all the wisdom and insight that flows through you.  It's a great blessing.

4 Jul 15

Hi Nic

I've been thinking of you guys a lot and hoping you're well.  I'm sure little G is growing so fast!  And is adorable as ever.  I hope your work away went / is going ok.

Life on my side is good. I was in South Africa for 10 weeks and got back a month ago, settling back into Sydney life.   So many of the things I learned from our sessions together are now becoming so part of life that I just can't comprehend being without it.  I feel very, very blessed.

If you are back, it would be wonderful to catch up sometime. No pressure to start the group up again if family commitments are strong as I'm sure they are, but if you feel called to do it again, on a weekly or monthly or quarterly or ad hoc basis, wild horses won't keep me away.

Give my love to Allesandra


4 September 2013

Going to Nic's spiritual group

I started going to Nic's spiritual teaching group in 2013 and kept going for several years. He introduced me to David Hawkins and the map of consciousness which has had a profound effect on my world view.  Nic's teachings were truly transformational. I feel deeply thankful for his presence in my life. He arrived at a time when I most needed his wisdom and his teaching were utterly perfect for what I needed to progress on my spiritual journey.

Some of the many key insights I gained from Nic

All is well 
  • All is perfect including who I am being right now
  • Love what is. All of it.  
  • I am exactly where I'm meant to be, experiencing what I'm meant to be experiencing in order to learn what I'm here to learn. 
  • Divine consciousness brought me to this exact moment. I embrace it as it is.
  • Trust that everything is for your learning and evolution of consciousness.  
  • You're perfect as you are. Who says a gnarled tree in nature isn't perfect?  As it's supposed to be?
  • Everything that happens is for the ultimate good of all involved. 
  • When a decisions arises with options 1 or 2, neither is preferable. Both are perfect. One may bring greater suffering, but also great lessons.

Absolute verse relative truth
  • Absolute Truth is a state of Being. It is the experience of the Presence of God. It is the felt realisation of my Oneness with Being. 
  • Relative truth differs according to my level of consciousness. 

The ego is not an enemy to fight or resist
  • Don't fight the ego for you strengthen what you fight.  
  • The ego is something to be healed and seen through, not destroyed. The snake that caused so much angst, when truly seen, is recognised to be but a harmless piece of rope.
  • We are here to raise our consciousness and learn lessons.  We have the perfect ego to learn the lessons we are here to learn.  
  • I have the perfect mind and ego for me to be where I'm at and to learn what I am here to learn. No level of consciousness is essentially better than another. 
  • Create a spiritual ego (good, moral, pure, righteous) that fights with the ego (evil, bad, sinful) and the battle that ensues will leave no space at all for consciousness. 
  • The ego is an information processor; a survival tool, that we're evolving beyond.
  • Think of the ego as a pet dog. Not something to hate. Smile at its antics and wonder how you've been taken in by it for so long. But also, do not let it ride rampant.

Transcending the need for approval and the fear of disapproval
  • Approval is a projection of the approver's story and conditioning.
  • Impressing others is pointless for I'll never know if it's genuine or not. And it can be taken away at any time for the least and most irrational reason. My self-approval is what matters.   
  • Don't take anything personally. When people judge me, it has nothing much to do with me. It's their projection.  Their story. 
  • Let go of being attached to praise.  Let go of the need to be enough.  
  • When you stop needing to be worthy, your inherent worth reveals itself.  

Transcending guilt and shame
  • Guilt plays a momentary purpose. Harness it in order to feel sorry and intend to do differently next time. Then let go of all guilt and shame.  They vibrate at a very low level of consciousness and do not serve the world if hung onto.
  • I'm exactly where I'm meant to be in the evolution of my consciousness. I always do the best I can at the level of consciousness I'm at at any particular moment.  
  • Spiritual work is hard enough without beating myself up.   
  • Where I am right now is perfect. Consciousness brought me to this point. 
  • I do the best I can with where I am at. I am not perfect. I'm human. My humanness is inherited. Perfection is a lie.
  • I am a work in progress. We all are. 
  • The brain changes at 200. Below 200, there is no choice, only ignorance.
  • My level of consciousness is different for different parts of my life.  

Transcending the need to judge others (and myself)
  • Judgement gives me a very narrow and partial view of a life and a person.  
  • When I think "This person should be... " what I mean is  "I want him to be ..."  
  • Let go of desire for him / her to be any way other than what she is. He / she is perfect as he / she is. 
  • A person is just being who they meant to be right now.  
  • Socrates. "Every man does what he perceives as the greatest good."
  • One level of consciousness is not better than another. All levels of experience lead to experience and learning.
  • All resistance and judgement has a secret pay-off for the ego.
  • In truth, there is never anything to forgive. People are as they are meant to be at any moment.  Be compassionate and loving instead.
  • If you want to stop judging, say "Bring  it on!  Give me more judgement." Observe the feelings that arise and let them go.   

Transcending "sin" by avoiding it
  • Sin is that which weakens me.  Sin is that which vibrates at low levels of consciousness. Don't fight it.  

Transcending thought by allowing it but not identifying with it
  • Ego is identification with the radio of the mind.  
  • I'm not my thoughts.  Thoughts aren't even of the ego.  Ego doesn't create thoughts. But it reacts to them, believes in them, takes ownership of them.  
  • Thoughts are not created by the mind. The mind is an antenna tuning in at a certain level of consciousness. Fear leads to worrying thoughts. Listen to the radio and the thoughts get louder.
  • I don't need to ever feel guilty or bad about the thoughts I have. Thoughts are generated before I'm even conscious of them.  

Transcending emotional pain by really feeling it and thereby letting it go
  • All emotions, no matter how unpleasant they may feel at first, are merely  physical sensations. Let go of thought and feel (observe) the emotion as a pure sensation. 
  • Bring attention to the body and the emotions generating and empowering the distressing thought.  
  • Where do I feel it? How does it feel? What is its colour?  Watch it change.  
  • The pain I am releasing is built up from the repressed pain of this life and other lives.  It may also be part of collective human pain that is part of my role to release for the benefit of The All.  
  • Get in touch with the emotion (unblocked by thought) rather than intellectually think it through (e.g. worry)  Thought blocks and amplifies emotions.  
  • When I release what seems like bottomless pain, there will be an end eventually.  I am releasing 42 years of repressed pain.  (This proved to be absolutely correct!)
  • The pain of loss opens the awareness that what I truly am cannot be diminished.    
  • All the pain of losing Dani helped me realise who I really am. What I did is exactly what I needed and she needed at that time.  (Life ended up great for her with a doting husband and beautiful child. And for me too.)
  • When thought ceases (like on recent walks), emotions flow beautifully.  
  • I can try to rationalise and reflect till I am blue in face - if the emotions below is strong and unfelt, it will be a constant battle.  

Spiritual evolution is a journey of surrender and letting go 
  • A spiritual life will always have challenges. Once I've unblocked one thing, another thing will likely emerge to be healed. The spiritual path is not about constant peace.  
  • Think of your future enlightened self pulling you to enlightenment.

Transcending fear ...
  • Ask "What is the fear? What's the problem."  Get to the deepest possible emotion by asking "So what?" over and over.
  • Fear is ignorance and illusion. Truth is that which brings peace (a higher state of being).

... including the fear of death...
  • Death is not to be feared. There is scientific evidence of past lives. Hypnosis has been used to remember past things that can then be verified.  
  • People who've come back say there is no judgement at death except some temporary self-judgement. Veils are lifted. 

...and the fear of hell 
  • Eternity is not forever. It is the timeless Now. All experience exists in time and passes.  Hell is a state of contracted consciousness (suffering) that passes.
  • Hell is not a punishment. It is a choice. 
  • Karma is not about punishment or judgement.  It is simply the impartial and impersonal law of consequences.

The power of intention
  • Use intentions as your compass. They are all you can truly control.
  • The energy of the intention behind an action will determine its outcome.
  • The only free will you have is to set your intention. In that way, you start to change the field.  
  • Set the intention and watch. That's all you can do. 
  • Always ask yourself what state (level of consciousness) your intention is coming from.
  • Will and intention doesn't come from ego, but from the grace of Consciousness. 
  • Where on the map do I choose to be and act from?  
  • No level on the map of consciousness is inherently right or wrong. But do look and reflect onthe emotions you'll experience at that level. And the level of love & peace - or suffering.

The power of spiritual will (versus will power)
  • Spiritual will comes from a high level of consciousness and is impersonal. It is a form of Power inherent in Consciousness. Will power, on the other hand, is personal. It is a forcing, trying and grasping. Power is infinitely more powerful than force. Force (including will power) is finite and energy sapping while Power (including spiritual will) is self-sustaining. 

The power of Love
  • I make love my intention. Love vibrates very high and is extremely powerful.  Everything is an opportunity for love and kindness.
  • I don't need to try to force love out of myself. Love is not something I need to do. I am love. I open to the love inside me and let it flow through me.  
  • Learn and evolve and be loving and kind. Every situation is an opportunity to love and learn.  

The power of prayer and meditation
  • Meditation reduced crime in New York by 30 percent.
  • Pray for strength and clearness / rightness of mind, not for events to change.  
  • The intention (energy) behind the prayer is most important - where  on the ladder of consciousness is it coming from?  The higher the level, the greater the power.  Prayers of love and gratitude are thus very powerful.

The power of self-care
  • Consider the metaphor of the oxygen mask. I need to help myself before I can help others.  

The power of humility that comes with a realisation of the truth of Oneness
  • All spiritual progress and the raising of one's level of consciousness is grace from consciousness.  The ego cannot take credit.  
  • Feel grateful, not superior or special.  My energy field is not personal. There is  in truth nothing I control.  
  • It's not me doing anything.  There is in truth no "me". All is done by the grace and power of God.
  • Pride always comes with fear of falling.  Humility is fearless.
  • Humility is not thinking less of myself. It is thinking of myself less.

Realise decisions are emotional, not rational
  • All my decisions are made by emotion, not the rational mind. The rational mind just justifies afterwards.  
  • Even if I know rationally it's wrong, it's the emotion (tapped into consciousness I'm at) that makes the decision. 
  • I grow increasingly aware of the emotion at the heart of my decisions. 

Using the map of consciousness for decision making
  • Use the map for decision making. What level am I making the decision from (E.g. love verse fear?) 
  • Remember my financial decision to do the paperwork myself to get my RA funds from South Africa or outsource it to experts. We looked at it going up the ladder and everything pointed to doing it myself. Then we got to the level of Love and I realised it would be far more loving to myself to outsource it. It turned out to be absolutely the right decision. The paper work revealed itself to be very complex and would have been an awful and long-lasting source of stress!  This was a real eureka moment for me of the power of using the map of consciousness as a decision making tool.

4 May 2013

Farewell Geraldine, a wonderful spiritual teacher

Passed away: 27 February 2014

"I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion--and where it isn't, that's where my work lies."

Celebration of Geraldine's life (March 9)

Letter  (25 November 2013)

Geraldine, you have opened my eyes to indescribable wonder and beauty. Through the consciousness and wisdom that flows through you, I've discovered the power of stillness and prayer and reflection and my experiences of what's within have been so precious and healing that every other experience I've ever had pales in significance. I'll never be the same.  Thank you this priceless gift.  Words aren't enough.

Letter (18 June 2013)

Dear Geraldine  

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your light and your wisdom and your love on Saturday.  Your teachings over the past year have transformed my life already so much.  Saturday for me was a culmination, a turning point, an extraordinary beak through and I'll never be the same again.

First was the revelation that guilt is so low on the ladder - that it veritable sucks up and blocks consciousness.  Second was the revelation of the great healing power of remorse.  Third was the realisation that my life is unfolding according to a divine order, and that I can trust that and surrender to that completely and welcome whatever comes - and that I'll be ok no matter what.  Fourth was your comment, one I've head from you many times before, but for some reason it resonated like a lightning bolt this time: "Pray like mad."  

I haven't prayed since I was a very young child, when I did deeply and regularly, but something happened that scared me and I stopped altogether.  Well, I've started to pray again - pray all the time - and it's opened the gates and I feel like I've come home.  My meditation has given me many glimpses of my divine essence over the past year, and I've wanted to believe so much in the light of my being - that it is there and that's it real, that it's not just wishful thinking.  Experiences I've had over the past few days, through my prayer and meditation, have awakened me to an unshakable certainty.  It's led to a great cleansing and outpouring of pain that has needed to be let free for such a long, long time.  It's led to a deep sense of peace and a deep joy. 

My chat with D the other night was more difficult that I'd even imagined, she was angry and hurt. If I hadn't been with you on Saturday, I would be in a very dark place.  Instead, I've been able to keep my  consciousness flowing, which has helped me to respond with compassion and love - both for her and myself.  And it's been the catalyst to all I describe above.

So, thank you, Geraldine, so, so much.  You are such a light. Consciousness works through you in such profound ways and you've blessed all our lives so, so deeply.

With great love,

Key quotes from Geraldine
  • Do the work! 
  • Be ok with being ordinary. 
  • Don't be an approval junkie. 
  • Everything has a divine plan. 
  • Be the change you want to see. 
  • Guilt is the caviar of the ego. 
  • Anger is forgetting who you are. 
  • The Dalai never goes to rallies. 
  • Don't care what people think of you. 
  • Show up fully for all experiences. 
  • One new habit at a time. Take small steps. 
  • Trust is a habit that must be practiced 
  • Truth cannot be known, only experienced. 
  • Starve your ego by swallowing your pride. 
  • Anger is never caused by you. It's in you. 
  • Give up constant judgements and evaluation.
  • Reacting unconsciously is giving up your power. 
  • Meet each person as if for the first time. 
  • Spirituality is the ego's favourite outfit.  
  • Who are you to know what's best for another? 
  • Be yourself and allow others to be themselves. 
  • You draw everything into your life for a reason. 
  • Be no more for praise and no less for criticism. 
  • Worrying is like praying for what you don't want. 
  • The quiet moments are not conducive to this work. 
  • People change all the time. See them afresh and anew each time you meet. 
  • The ego uses past and future to steal the present.
  • Be kind and loving.  And expect nothing in return. 
  • The ego uses past and future to steal the present. 
  • Is what I'm abut to say kind? Necessary? The truth? 
  • Chip away at the marble to create your David within. 
  • The world is a mirror of your state of consciousness. 
  • Be a conscious responder, not an unconscious reactor. 
  • Be authentic and real. Stop polishing your self image.
  • Really question concepts.  What does this really mean?  
  • Each time you starve a compulsion, it loses some strength. 
  • Empty your mind of what you think you know.  Drop opinions. 
  • Seek understanding before being understood. Ask and listen. 
  • Every moment is brand new. In every moment you begin afresh. 
  • You didn't choose to come here today. Your divine being did. 
  • Nothing that can be born, live and die is who you really are.  
  • External events are never as important as the way you react to them. 
  • When you judge someone, end it with the words "... just like me." 
  • Love what is. Pray "Help me to transmute this and turn it into love."
  • Never blame others for how you feel. That's your responsibility. 
  • The ego expects.  Essence allows.  Let go of your expectations of others. 
  • The best way to teach your kids is to "be it."  Teach by example. 
  • Adopt a beginner's mind. Sit down before fact like a little child. 
  • We do so much to buy love, forgetting all the time that we are love. 
  • In today's society, pride is seen as a virtue. It's not. It's a vice! 
  • External events are never as important as the way you react to them.  
  • Attachment happens when you mistake something outside for who you are. 
  • When I react to someone, what is this person teaching me about myself. 
  • The easiest way to avoid falling off your perch is to get down off it.  
  • We need a little dose of craziness to break the shackles of the norm.   
  • If something affronts, realise there is no self there. Let it go through. 
  • Am I showing up for this experience?  Accept it.  Learn from it.  Use it.  
  • Everyone is trying to save us from ourselves.  Stop trying to save others. 
  • We react most negatively and strongly when we sense the Ego is under attack. 
  • Feel remorse but then forgive yourself.  Be determined to do it differently. 
  • You won't see the soul in a person if you see through a haze of perceptions. 
  • Try not to change people. Their divine being knows exactly who they need to be. 
  • Don't comb the mirror.  Don't try to change externals. Do your own inner work.  
  • In every good there is bad - and vice versa. Divine being lives beyond duality. 
  • Trust everything is for your highest good.  You don't need to know what that is. 
  • In relationship, there's only one person there. The other person is your mirror. 
  • In a relationship, there is just one of you.  There's no other there. We're one. 
  • 7 virtues: Kindness, Humility, Temperance, Chastity, Diligence, Patience, Charity 
  • Shake things up. Break repetitive cycles and old routines.  Do something different. 
  • If you spoke to you the way your mind does, how long would you stay friends with you? 
  • When your ego is on the war path, the first casualties are your compassion and wisdom. 
  • The ego is a many headed Medusa of little "i's"  Cut one off and expect others to grow. 
  • Respond rather than react. It's not your business what others do. Just how you respond. 
  • Pray like mad.  Use prayer and compassion to clean up the ego.  Pray for right mindedness. 
  • Stop putting energy into your image.  Stop pretending to be perfect.  Admit your weaknesses. 
  • Giving approval puts kids under intense pressure.  Love them, irrespecitive of what they do. 
  • We do so much to buy love. Things we do, strive for, say. Yet, we are love - we are what we seek. 
  • How aware was I today?  If you can't remember much about your day, you've not been very conscious. 
  • People aren't responsible for the way you react. And you aren't responsible for the way they react.  
  • Drop all beliefs. Beliefs are illusions. Just constructs of the mind.  The truth is beyond the mind. 
  • Every moment has infinite possibilities. Am I accessing them?  Or always choosing the same one over and over? 
  • Don't try to change people.  There Divine Beings know exactly where they need to be.  Accept people as they are. 
  • Old stuff comes up because it needs to be reinterpreted.  You can change the past by changing your perception of it. 
  • May all beings be happy.  May all beings be at peace. May all beings be free of suffering and the causes of suffering. 
  • See the potential in this moment. Every moment is brand new.  In this moment, there are infinite possibilities and choices 
  • Take full responsibility for the situation you're in.  For who you are and how you show up in the world. For how you respond. 
  • Take 100 % responsibility. Make zero excuses. Take ownership of your anger. It's in you.  Take responsibility for your reactions. 
  • It's not your business what others do. Just how you respond.  But can learn from it. See what happens when people forget who they are. 
  • Give up all self image and concept.  Don't hide your ratbaggedness! Be open about it.  Stop putting energy into your image and pretending to be perfect. 
  • The ego demands, the self prefers.  The ego competes, the self co-operates.  The ego fears, the self trusts.  The ego expects and controls, the ego allows. 
  • Don't give your opinion. You never know what's best for another.  Let their soul come to its own inner wisdom.   Ask what they think.  Really listen. Help people find their own answers. 
  • When you complain about someone, end the sentence with the words "just like me." For example, look at that person acting all mean ... just like me. It stops the feeling of separateness. Reminds us that we have done the same, and now we know how it feels. Do it also if you think positive thoughts about someone.  