Passed away: 27 February 2014
"I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion--and where it isn't, that's where my work lies."
Celebration of Geraldine's life (March 9)
Letter (25 November 2013)
Geraldine, you have opened my eyes to indescribable wonder and beauty. Through the consciousness and wisdom that flows through you, I've discovered the power of stillness and prayer and reflection and my experiences of what's within have been so precious and healing that every other experience I've ever had pales in significance. I'll never be the same. Thank you this priceless gift. Words aren't enough.
Letter (18 June 2013)
Dear Geraldine
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your light and your wisdom and your love on Saturday. Your teachings over the past year have transformed my life already so much. Saturday for me was a culmination, a turning point, an extraordinary beak through and I'll never be the same again.
First was the revelation that guilt is so low on the ladder - that it veritable sucks up and blocks consciousness. Second was the revelation of the great healing power of remorse. Third was the realisation that my life is unfolding according to a divine order, and that I can trust that and surrender to that completely and welcome whatever comes - and that I'll be ok no matter what. Fourth was your comment, one I've head from you many times before, but for some reason it resonated like a lightning bolt this time: "Pray like mad."
I haven't prayed since I was a very young child, when I did deeply and regularly, but something happened that scared me and I stopped altogether. Well, I've started to pray again - pray all the time - and it's opened the gates and I feel like I've come home. My meditation has given me many glimpses of my divine essence over the past year, and I've wanted to believe so much in the light of my being - that it is there and that's it real, that it's not just wishful thinking. Experiences I've had over the past few days, through my prayer and meditation, have awakened me to an unshakable certainty. It's led to a great cleansing and outpouring of pain that has needed to be let free for such a long, long time. It's led to a deep sense of peace and a deep joy.
My chat with D the other night was more difficult that I'd even imagined, she was angry and hurt. If I hadn't been with you on Saturday, I would be in a very dark place. Instead, I've been able to keep my consciousness flowing, which has helped me to respond with compassion and love - both for her and myself. And it's been the catalyst to all I describe above.
So, thank you, Geraldine, so, so much. You are such a light. Consciousness works through you in such profound ways and you've blessed all our lives so, so deeply.
With great love,
Key quotes from Geraldine
- Do the work!
- Be ok with being ordinary.
- Don't be an approval junkie.
- Everything has a divine plan.
- Be the change you want to see.
- Guilt is the caviar of the ego.
- Anger is forgetting who you are.
- The Dalai never goes to rallies.
- Don't care what people think of you.
- Show up fully for all experiences.
- One new habit at a time. Take small steps.
- Trust is a habit that must be practiced
- Truth cannot be known, only experienced.
- Starve your ego by swallowing your pride.
- Anger is never caused by you. It's in you.
- Give up constant judgements and evaluation.
- Reacting unconsciously is giving up your power.
- Meet each person as if for the first time.
- Spirituality is the ego's favourite outfit.
- Who are you to know what's best for another?
- Be yourself and allow others to be themselves.
- You draw everything into your life for a reason.
- Be no more for praise and no less for criticism.
- Worrying is like praying for what you don't want.
- The quiet moments are not conducive to this work.
- People change all the time. See them afresh and anew each time you meet.
- The ego uses past and future to steal the present.
- Be kind and loving. And expect nothing in return.
- The ego uses past and future to steal the present.
- Is what I'm abut to say kind? Necessary? The truth?
- Chip away at the marble to create your David within.
- The world is a mirror of your state of consciousness.
- Be a conscious responder, not an unconscious reactor.
- Be authentic and real. Stop polishing your self image.
- Really question concepts. What does this really mean?
- Each time you starve a compulsion, it loses some strength.
- Empty your mind of what you think you know. Drop opinions.
- Seek understanding before being understood. Ask and listen.
- Every moment is brand new. In every moment you begin afresh.
- You didn't choose to come here today. Your divine being did.
- Nothing that can be born, live and die is who you really are.
- External events are never as important as the way you react to them.
- When you judge someone, end it with the words "... just like me."
- Love what is. Pray "Help me to transmute this and turn it into love."
- Never blame others for how you feel. That's your responsibility.
- The ego expects. Essence allows. Let go of your expectations of others.
- The best way to teach your kids is to "be it." Teach by example.
- Adopt a beginner's mind. Sit down before fact like a little child.
- We do so much to buy love, forgetting all the time that we are love.
- In today's society, pride is seen as a virtue. It's not. It's a vice!
- External events are never as important as the way you react to them.
- Attachment happens when you mistake something outside for who you are.
- When I react to someone, what is this person teaching me about myself.
- The easiest way to avoid falling off your perch is to get down off it.
- We need a little dose of craziness to break the shackles of the norm.
- If something affronts, realise there is no self there. Let it go through.
- Am I showing up for this experience? Accept it. Learn from it. Use it.
- Everyone is trying to save us from ourselves. Stop trying to save others.
- We react most negatively and strongly when we sense the Ego is under attack.
- Feel remorse but then forgive yourself. Be determined to do it differently.
- You won't see the soul in a person if you see through a haze of perceptions.
- Try not to change people. Their divine being knows exactly who they need to be.
- Don't comb the mirror. Don't try to change externals. Do your own inner work.
- In every good there is bad - and vice versa. Divine being lives beyond duality.
- Trust everything is for your highest good. You don't need to know what that is.
- In relationship, there's only one person there. The other person is your mirror.
- In a relationship, there is just one of you. There's no other there. We're one.
- 7 virtues: Kindness, Humility, Temperance, Chastity, Diligence, Patience, Charity
- Shake things up. Break repetitive cycles and old routines. Do something different.
- If you spoke to you the way your mind does, how long would you stay friends with you?
- When your ego is on the war path, the first casualties are your compassion and wisdom.
- The ego is a many headed Medusa of little "i's" Cut one off and expect others to grow.
- Respond rather than react. It's not your business what others do. Just how you respond.
- Pray like mad. Use prayer and compassion to clean up the ego. Pray for right mindedness.
- Stop putting energy into your image. Stop pretending to be perfect. Admit your weaknesses.
- Giving approval puts kids under intense pressure. Love them, irrespecitive of what they do.
- We do so much to buy love. Things we do, strive for, say. Yet, we are love - we are what we seek.
- How aware was I today? If you can't remember much about your day, you've not been very conscious.
- People aren't responsible for the way you react. And you aren't responsible for the way they react.
- Drop all beliefs. Beliefs are illusions. Just constructs of the mind. The truth is beyond the mind.
- Every moment has infinite possibilities. Am I accessing them? Or always choosing the same one over and over?
- Don't try to change people. There Divine Beings know exactly where they need to be. Accept people as they are.
- Old stuff comes up because it needs to be reinterpreted. You can change the past by changing your perception of it.
- May all beings be happy. May all beings be at peace. May all beings be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.
- See the potential in this moment. Every moment is brand new. In this moment, there are infinite possibilities and choices
- Take full responsibility for the situation you're in. For who you are and how you show up in the world. For how you respond.
- Take 100 % responsibility. Make zero excuses. Take ownership of your anger. It's in you. Take responsibility for your reactions.
- It's not your business what others do. Just how you respond. But can learn from it. See what happens when people forget who they are.
- Give up all self image and concept. Don't hide your ratbaggedness! Be open about it. Stop putting energy into your image and pretending to be perfect.
- The ego demands, the self prefers. The ego competes, the self co-operates. The ego fears, the self trusts. The ego expects and controls, the ego allows.
- Don't give your opinion. You never know what's best for another. Let their soul come to its own inner wisdom. Ask what they think. Really listen. Help people find their own answers.
- When you complain about someone, end the sentence with the words "just like me." For example, look at that person acting all mean ... just like me. It stops the feeling of separateness. Reminds us that we have done the same, and now we know how it feels. Do it also if you think positive thoughts about someone.