
16 September 2003

Gran and Gramp's passing

When, after being married to Gramps for over 60 years, Gran became sick and had to go into aged care, Gramps was absolutely determined to outlive her. He visited her everyday, wheel-chaired her out into the garden and held her hand for hours. It was heart-warming for everyone to witness; a true testament to their beautiful, soulful connection.

Gran passed away on 16 September 2002.

Gramps lived on, grateful that he had been there for Gran until her end.  He himself went into aged care with heart issues.

On the 15th September 2003, one day less than a year to the day that Gran passed, he mentioned to several of the staff that "Dorothy is coming to get me tomorrow."

The next day, 16 September 2003, exactly one year after Gran's passing, he himself passed away.

There love is a true inspiration to us all.

