Big Items
- Dex in order: 4 + 2 (+1)
- Daily Being: Average 48 mins / day
- Presence, Surrender, Spaciousness
- Lemon water, Smoothies, Oats
- Skin cream
- Movies record = 47 docos, 137 movies, 15 TV, 14 rewatches = 213
- Daily review & reminders
- Financial visibility (All expenses, Income) over time
- Daily walk with music
- 35 Photography Meetups
- Life Trove: Technology, role models, custom maps, stamps, scanned family photos
Life Trove
- Books read by year with images
- Fiction & non-fiction
- Favourite movies by year with poster images
- Priceless moments: Add movie collages of favourite movies
Affirmation and encouragement
- All treasured Life Trove comments added to a page, categorised.
Spiritual dairy
- Add Spiritual journey pages to side navigation
- Spiritual Diary label
- Spiritual Journey overview moved to Sheets. (Allow links in text)
- Remove document title from top (for Life overview too)
- Add Nic hypnotherapy session
- Teachers and role models (Mandela, Attenborough, spiritual teachers & quotes, Nic, Geraldine quotes, Mr Cannon, Jenny Mallett)
Compass & Wisdom Trove
- Add mindmaps
Scanned family photos
- Dad, Gran, Gramps, Mum, Ally, Gramps war & acting
- Plays, beach, pool, UK visit, mum's London visit, horse riding, matric dance, graduation, Fab 4, Jo boyfriends, Playing in the garden, Matt, Youth
- Share family photos on Whatsapp: Gramps acting, Dad's trains, Gramps war stories (Matt recount)
- Jo and family 2019 - 2024
- Favourite musicals playlists
- Milestones → Family milestones + Friends milestones + My milestones
- Add pencil edit code
Year highlights
- More categories in index list
- Custom maps (Sydney, Australia, Cape Town, Africa) with photographed places added
- South Africa visits: Add details and in order
- Custom Maps: 30 new maps
- 1997 Travels in order
- Add "Exploring the World" with country labels to left side
Role models
- Role models, teachers & healers: Intro, books, quotes, insights
Blog tagline
- Under Blog Title
- Add new hiking collage
- Computer games
- Tain set
- Stamp collecting: Add British mint stamps
- Rugby world cup photos
- Technology: Computers, Screens, Phones, Software, Headphones, PDA's, TV, HiFi, DVD
Home life
- Labels for Willow Road, Hammersmith Grove, Brooklands Court, McMahon's Point, King Street
Matt's 21st
- Matt speech videos & photos
Effortless doing
- Clear, unclutter, sweep in my room, kitchen, front courtyard
My room
- New desk
- 3 new Buddhas
- Paint 3 buddhas
Courtyards and balcony
- Remove plastic
- Cement on my balcony and back coutyard
- Martin's balcony step
- Stairs
- Step in my room
Dining room
- Carpet changed around
Photography Meetup
- 39 outings (Tourist in Sydney)
- New friends: Jason, Libby, Stan, Matthew, Beata, John
- Beata & John outings
- Sydney map
- iPhone 16 Pro with 5x zoom
- Realisation I must share Canva video, not reduce quality in Vimeo
Lightroom process for Life Trove
- Use collections
- Export direct from Apple photos to Lightroom folder
- Topaz sharpening, noise reduction, pixel enlargement
- Lightroom & Photoshop: AI remove and replace
- Portraits for Lydia
Lightroom Universe
- Nepal, Iceland, Antarctica into database
- Backups in order (Sheet)
- Sink into creative emptiness.
- Thank you for Presence. Thank you for this.
- Meditation: Average 48 mins / day
- Yoga mat, head and back roller
- Effortless daily clearing & sweeping
- Add ► to Shortcut headings
- Add ◉ to work in progress
- Remove Life: from note titles and replace with →
- Learn to do note links that open App
Mac desktop
- Widgets: Year, Month, Week complete / remaining
- Add Mood chart excel file into Mac Dock
- Music while work, walk and commute
- Top 15% of Spotify listeners (> 400 hours)
Task management
- Task log categorised
- Task focus map handwritten, then mindmap
- Fleshed out for Photography, Life is a Movie, Life Trove, Compass
- Task log → Year so far (Progress) → Progress for each project
- Dex: Power of 4 + 2 (+1 )
- Hair clippers (x2)
- iPhone 16 pro
- Double fitted sheet
- Smart watch
- Yoga mat and head rest, back massager
- Financial review fleshed out: More sub categories, See levy etc. over time, Add financial commitments and Income for view over time
- Invest $21K
- Increase Fran rent by $15 per week (to $565)
- Deposit cash (coins) into HSBC
- Sell car for $500
- Sell 400 mm lens $ 950
- Tax in order: HSBC statements downloaded, housemate dates
- Household expenses tax deductible
- Triaxil leak: I moved it on, facilitating firing of engineer, saving $11K
- Letterboxd subscription, upload movies watched
- Unwatched twist movies list
- Get it back from Gavin and set up folders etc.
- iPad pencil and Task Focus handwritten
- Xmind mindmap
Cheap purchases
- Watch $ 50
- iPad Pencil
- Skin moisturiser
- Lube
- Tennis balls
- Regular Ball's Head walk
- Average of 5.2 km walked per day
- Walking: 178 days
- New walking routes
- Listen to music on walks
- Tennis
Dex in order
- 4+2+1
- Increasingly, no days without
- Research diet
- Start Crestor medication
- Smoothie (fruit)
- Oats porridge
- Peanut butter
- Lemon water
- Smart watch purchased and pulse monitored (resting pulse = 75)
- Skin check & mole removed
- Face skin cream
Wisdom Projects
Life is God's Movie
Essential Version
- Move first edition to Google docs with tabs
Notebook LM
- Amazing 20 minute podcast. Super motivating.
Source quotes
- Memory
- Illusion of the self
- Self enquiry
- Conditioning, Life scripts
- Authority
- Left verse Right brain: Jill Bolte Taylor, Ian Gilchrest
- Sloww book summaries
- How mystical knowledge relates to and interacts with other forms of knowledge (rational, empirical, intuitive, cultural etc.)
Curated quotes
- Self-transcendence
- Left verse Right brain
- The Ego Tunnel (Thomas Metzinger)
- There is No You (Andrew Halaw)
- The Power of Movies: How Screen and Mind Interact (Colin McGinn)
- The Matter with Things (Iain McGilchrist)
- God is Nothingness (Andre Halaw)
- Being Myself (Rupert Spira)
- The Grand Biocentric Design (Robert Lanza)
- The Master & His Emmisary (Ian Gilchrist)
- Seeing no Self: Essential Inquiries that Reveal Our Nondual Nature (Katrijn Van Oudheusden)
- Beyond Illusion: Exploring the Six Illusions that Cause Our Mistaken Belief in a Separate Self (Katrijn Van Oudheusden)
- Selfless Service (Katrijn Van Oudheusden)
- What Am I? A Study in Non-Volitional Living (Galen Sharp)
- Science Ideated (Bernardo Kastrup)
Books reread
- Illusion of the Self (Bruce Hood)
- The Ego Trick (Julian Baggini)
- Awakening (Sam Harris)
- The Happiness Trap (Russ Harris)
Daily email
- Rupert Spira
- Katrijn Van Oudheusden
Life & Spiritual Coaching
- Strategy
- Life design process
- Values, What we love to do
- Xenia sessions
- Doc with my results and Xenia
Wisdom Trove
- Backup database
- Wisdom Trove updated to latest Wordpress & Enfold template (Thanks Rujuta for $400)
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