
15 February 2024

After scanning the family photos

Can’t believe the amazing job you’ve done on collating all the family history on your blog! Thank you so much. I’ve spent a lovely snowy morning scrolling through them all. I’m certain I’ve never seen much of it and listening to Dad’s voice on tape was amazing. Hopefully it will be treasured by the next several generations. I know how much effort it took for Jill and I to come up with limited memoires.

Much love as always, Trish

Thanks Trish for your lovely email.

I had such fun going back over the old photo albums, going back over old memories, capturing it all. The older I get, the more precious it all seems. Getting intimate with Gran and Gramp's lives, for example, is a way to keep them alive. I'm haunted by the idea that inevitably one day we will all be completely forgotten, all our precious moments and experiences "lost, like tears in the rain."  Maybe my blog is a primal urge to delay that.  Irrespective of all that, I do love all the curating and recording, it makes me happy.  And I look forward to looking back on it all when I am old and grey and feeling grateful for the amazing life I've lived and the beautiful friends and family I got to share the journey of life with.


