A dear hiking friend, Graeme Perkes, passed away a week ago after a two year battle with cancer. Graeme lived life to the full more than just about anyone I know. He travelled all over the world, often exploring on foot or bicycle. He was a real inspiration. We will all really miss him.
I attended his funeral in Rouse Hill. It was a beautiful celebration of his life. Lauren did a wonderful speech that made us laugh through the tears. She represented his friends. Graeme's two nephews also did a tribute, representing his family.
There were three tribute videos, one from his friends and one from the family. And lastly, and most special of all, was a video by Graeme of some of his photos and video footage from his hiking in Nepal. So beautiful and soulful. It felt even more profound because I am about to head to Nepal myself, in his footsteps. I'll be doing the same hike as him to Everest basecamp.
A poem by Natham Lattimore, written and recited at Graeme's request
Hello God
It's been a while since we talked. A long time, in fact. You're like a distant family member I only see at Christmas. I remember you, though.
I remember the safety of your arms, and the warmth of your company. I remember the security I felt, as you spoke to me of the mysteries of life and the universe. That it all came down to love.
Even though we don't talk much anymore, I do remember that. The mountains I have climbed, and those I would never dare to attempt. The rivers I have waded through. The trees, united in forests that go on as far as the eye can see. All interconnected, all relying on one another for their survival. I see love, and its fingerprints wherever I look.
When I think of you, I think of my parents, my dear mum and dad, who did the best they could to raise me into as good, and kind a person as possible. I know that they credited you with every success they had; though myself, I see that in doing so they never gave themselves enough credit.
I don't claim to know the nature of existence. It's a mystery; an exciting one. Each adventure I have, I discover just the tiniest bit more of it; accompanied by yet more questions that may never be answered.
To leave this body, this shell that has failed me, and to become part of that mystery, to be enveloped by it... that may well be the most exciting adventure I have ever been on. And if you're there to meet me, then it will truly be nice to see you again.
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