- See 204 movies
- Most memorable scenes field
- Big list of movies to watch.
- Movie diary in Google Sheets and embedded in Life Trove including movies watched and movie stats.
- Add all movies I've ever seen to Movie sheet. Over 2000 movies in total.
- Continue movie twist project with details of twist in sheet.
- Childhood TV added
- Movie purpose, vision, principles, strategy
- Life Trove: Movies in order (movie posters, new labels)
- Director and Actor sheet with movies and # seen for each
- Movie genres and themes developed.
- Movie projects (e.g. music, biopic)
- Sensor cleaning
- Topaz AI sharpening and face recovery
- Skin check
- Poop check
- Oven roasted vegetables in Air Fryer
- Press ups
- Meditation timers with interim chimes
- Formal Being very integrated into life (Ave: 21 mins per day, Total: 5.2 days)
- Music while work
- Music playlists enriched & in order
- Movie themes playlist
- Nostalgia playlists (Childhood, TV, 20's, 30's, 40's)
- Life Trove Spotify embeds
- Music artist spreadsheet
- Toilet seat and shower head
- Tree removed and crack filled
- Back wood section with space
- New plants planted
- Irrigation system modified (with tricklers)
- Tiles cleaned with chlorine
- Front courtyard hanging garden sorted (climber controlled, new plants)
- Front courtyard hanging garden water controlled
Life Trove
- Life overview and Spiritual Dairy now easily editable
- Interactive maps (Antarctica & Nepal)
- Music with Spotify embeds
- Hike dairy and stats in embedded sheets
- Movie dairy & stats in embedded sheet
Compass Evernote
- Wisdom Trove notes moved out of old Compass notebook (all key notes now moved)
- Daily dashboard with tables & links.
- Daily reminders (Strategy, Wisdom, Assurance, Year so Far, Gratitude, Being, Creating)
- Daily review
- Custom Year calendar split into work & events
- Whimsical diagrams
- Decision template
- Add shortcodes (E.g. Prox) to all key notes
- Invest $10K in Dividend Fund
- With Macquarrie, visibility of food, transport expenses etc.
Purchases electronic
- Magic mouse (rechargable)
- 4 more Apple tags
Purchases home
- Oil sprayer
- Stove
- Airfryer
Purchased for photography
- RF 14 - 35 lens
- RF 100 - 400 lens
- Sensor blower
- Topaz
Purchases Hiking
- Hiking backpack
- Hiking filter bottle (lost)
- Sleeping bag liner
- Hiking boots
Wisdom Trove and Life is God's Movie
Life is God's movie
- Distilled Summary
- Feedback on summary from Tania, Aimee, Shushann
- Putting quote topics in order in Evernote (lgmx) and Scrivener
- Quotes into sheets: Existing & new with title shading
- Scrivener add sub-levels in binder with special icons
- Chat GPT
- Principles: Top down verse Bottom up
- Experiential knowing verse Empirical & Rational knowing
- Metaphysical quotes and research
- Experience → Knowledge, Understanding
- Source Quotes: Plots, Story, Narrative, Experience, Movies, Cinema
- David Chalmers: Reality +
- Joan Tollifson quotes
- Protagonist flaws & tribulations make for rich story: Aimee in tears
- Begin Metaphors for God in Scrivener
Wisdom Trove
- In order: Essays and quotes put into Google sheets and docs
- Add keywords to quote titles in Evernote
- SEO meeting with Stuart
- Dreaming
- Deep sleep
- Solipsism
- Thought experiments
- Don't take life too seriously
- Themes, Plots
- Villian, Hero, Protagonists
- Don't take life too seriously
- Thought experiments,
- Design your life
- Create the future
- Intellect
- Embrace your role but not lose identity
- Immersive experiences
- Create book collections
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