Being & Spiritual Connectedness
- 30 mins per day average of Being (Sit & Be, Lie & Be) for Nov & Dec
- Time tracking of Being
- Presence, Spaciousness, Surrender wisdom deeply reviewed & understood
Compass: Evernote, Chrome
- Evernote shortcuts with divider headings
- Chrome bookmarks folders with favicons & spaces
- Old Account Evernote notebooks culled: History & Links work when move
- Icon links on my desktop and Dock to Evernote
- Chrome new tab photo & reminder of "Presence, Spaciousness, Surrender. On desktop too.
Compass: Task management
- Day Checklist: Daily review
- Todoist for out and about tasks, shopping
Compass: Tracking
- Habits (including Being)
- Dex usage
- Work time allocation
- Walking distance
Compass: Guiding Wisdom & Practices
- Daily Wisdom Reminder
- Assurance reviews & in order
- Thinking & Problem solving: Curated wisdom & put into order
- Task management: Principles & practices
- Being, Spaciousness, Surrender extensively reviewed & the relationship between them deeply understood.
- Guiding quotes moved into relevant wisdom & practices pages
- Macbook Pro arrives and set up
- Files in order and backed up
- Very fast: Allows huge Lightroom catalogue
- Battery check: Long life
- Added "Show desktop" to the dock
Finances & Accounts in order
- New bank account (Macquarie) with good interest.
- Update payment details for all suppliers
- CMC Trading Account for investments
- Apple Pay on phone
- Finances in order: Spreadsheet: Annual review, Regular commitments
- Annual review: Group large purchases by category
- Analyse large purchases. Which unnecessary?
- New wallet with Apple tracker
- Key documents scanned and uploaded to Evernote
- Start sales project. Camera stuff sorted for selling.
- Glasses
- Mirrorless R5 and lenses
- iPhone 14
- Clothes for Arctic
- 4 Air tags
- Air Fryer
Dex in order (?)
- Calculated how 8 much more productive than 12
- Canon R5 with RF 100 - 500 (eye detection)
- Fotojet Premium desktop app (large canvas size)
- Photography in The Arctic: Massive mojo back, confidence from feedback
- Back into photography (birding)
- All photos in one Lightroom database (except current)
Bird photography
- The Arctic
- Barton Park
- Rondevlei, Kirstenbosch, Strandfontein
- Life Trove birding in order & life list
Life Trove
- Take underlines away
- Surprise me
- Add search field
- Change "surprise" me to "random memory"
- Video content
- Add Clicky
- Hone labels
- Up to top improved visually
- Going through spiritual journal by year and honing and adding.
- Add school photos.
- Add Jenny, Cannon, Mr Suttle
- Add "Ode to things I love": Mountains, beaches, icecream, river swimming
- Birding & Hiking in order
- Add more priceless moments
- Arctic photos, South Africa bird photos
- Neck massage at physio (Jessie). My mind at rest. After massage, so much better.
- Lie on back and be
- The Flixster & other Youtube like sites to stream movie
- Movie spreadsheet: Movies to watch
- Life Trove: Movie diary in order (with dates, grouped by cinema & at home)
- Find more movies with a twist and watch
- Add twist summary to movies with a twist and create movie twists sheet
- Filter coffee coffee plunger
- Air Fryer
Wisdom Trove
- Replace Excel and Word with Google docs and sheets (with ability to split screen)
- Topic: "Life is God's experience": Traffic and high duration.
- Daily traffic reached 200 per day with over 10% repeat visitors.
- Edit replace: Testing
Life is a Movie (book)
- Scrivener
- Structure and flow
- Fantasy experiments
- Quotes in Scrivener
- Source quotes on dreaming
- Working on Daily Wisdom Reminder, Presence, Spaciousness, Surrender. Increased my understanding a lot.
Life is a Movie (topics)
- What makes a character in a movie or book interesting?
- Imagination contains unlimited possibility and potentiality
- Imagination contains immense creative power
- See your ego as the hero of your life story
- The purpose of life is to become a lover of life
- Is life predestined or predetermined?
- Conflict and its resolution adds interest and profundity to both movies and real life
- Amor fati: Love of fate
- The purpose of life is character development
- Fiction, fantasy and myth can point to deep truths
- Identify not as an ego but as awareness
- Depersonalisation
- The world as "maya" or illusion
- Be the witness, the watcher, the observer
- We are not the mind or its thoughts. We are consciousness.
- We are not the body or brain. We are consciousness.
- Sit back in the seat of awareness and enjoy the passing show
- Stay open by never closing
- Purchasing experiences tends to bring greater happiness than buying things
- Experience brings greater happiness than possessions
- Consciousness is the ultimate scientific mystery
- Gnosis: An indisputable knowing knowing experienced beyond the mind
- The observer effect: The observed cannot exist independently of the observer
More topics
- Everything in the universe is vibration
- String Theory
- God and imagination are one
- Emptiness (Sunyata)
- The purpose of life is to create
- Entropy and the tendency towards disorder
- Our purpose in life is to lower entropy
- The universe and life is governed by randomness and chance - or is it?
- Determinism
- Scientific and nondual arguments for causality being an illusion
- Knowing and being are one
- The experiencer and experience are one
- The power of metaphors
- How are happiness and meaning related?
- The purpose of life is to minimise pain - or is it?
- Hedonic verse eudaimonic happiness
- The purpose of life is to maximise pleasure - or is it?
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