To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go. Mary Oliver
Trotting when walk, tail up
Pee on bushes
Run up to dog, then ignore it.
Ages on lead, pulls back assertively
pull back on lead, ages to walk
Refuse to go, stop
Girl. Quick to scream.
smell at length with all being
Zen, in the moment
Walking him Balls Head, Waverton, Brenner Park
Social at park.
Demon doggie - growl, pull, shake head
Love of ball. Running for ball
Panting steam train.
Party - kids throw ball.
Wrestle. Bite but not hurt .
Chase after dogs, racing.
Jump onto bed - mum
Run after blondes at park.
Liza and doggie flap.
Sudden leap onto lap.
Perched on pillow after book from Craig.
Liza finds Mack after runs away.
Meditation bell
Plastic in poo
Jumped up to smell bottom.
Ears. Keyring.
Girl in bikini.
Licking my neck
Lie behind knees
Murmurings of pleasure
Yip. Yip. Yip. When dream.
Ally and me - between
Leaps onto lap unexpectedly
Meditation, lie on chest, paw me to come up
Head onto body or paw.
Ears up.
Pure pleasure when stroke tummy, eyes closed, fang out. Would pur.
Sudden lick face
Want to come on lap.
Ears up, look into distance
Lick his lips and nose
Break in with computer
Tail - mood shower
Hackles up, chest out. Stance.
Broad chest
Grouchy snap with puppies.
Nose up on covers. To get under.
Frantic scratching of ears
Scratch himself using bed
High pitched bark, doorbell.
Greeting when been away.
Onto my lap.
Pore at me when want come up.
Leap into car.
Shake after pet
Connects to people in neighbourhood. Lots of interactions.
Massages, cuddles.Love of sleeping.
Different moods.
Beg to play.
Love of sun, lie in sunbeam, go onto balcony
Love of heater
Real chicken
Not so happy
Grass seed in neck.
Vet - unhappy.
Kennel - photos.
Fussy eating.
Cower when pick up
Nightmares, wimping
Hang dog if tone. Sensitive.
Screech. Others lifted.
Run up to room when Liza drops off.
Re-united after hols.
Blue Mountains
Lake with Doug
Farmers market.
Bark at park
Chiefy's birthday park
Beach with Lizzie
Run up to women after Ally.
How loved Ally.
Loved people special to me, Jo, Mum, Chrisel, Dani, Ally.
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