- Smoothies
- Bernardo Kastrup Youtube and course
- Chrome bookmark folders
- iPhone Home Folders
- Compass dashboard each day
- Sit and be
- Gratitude in morning
- Time working
Life in order
- Realise importance
- Work in order allows momentum across many
- Financial spreadsheet for annual review
Life design
- Start it properly
- Realise importance of research
- iPhone 13
- Macbook Pro
- Personal freezer
- Kmart clothes (T shirt, trousers, track-suit tops, shorts)
Wisdom Trove
- Truths - do many topics
- Metaphors for God
- Spiritual narratives (The purpose of life, The existence of cosmic meaning and purpose: fact or fiction?)
- The paranormal (near death experiences, psychedelics, savants, telepathy etc.)
- God (Evidence for and against God, Can an omnipotent God be reconciled with the existence of evil and suffering in the world?)
- Comedians
- Aimee poems
- Hedonic adaptation, Mathematics, Quantum fields
- Many topics on Death, Creativity, Wisdom
- Wisdom in humour, poetry, stories, humour
Life is God's movie
- Life is God's movie: book (Presentation to Aimee, Structure and flow)
- The world we experience is a projection of the mind
- The finite mind is a virtual reality headset that consciousness puts on
- Virtual reality
- Is the world we experience an illusion?
- Is the world a computer simulation?
- The world we experience is a virtual reality simulation of the real world
- Time and space exist only as appearances in consciousness
- The separate self (ego) you take yourself to be is no more real than a fictitious character in a movie.
- Idealism, Dualism, Panpsychism, Materialism
- Science, philosophy and spirituality all point to the illusion of the self
Secondary menu
- Set up
- Related truths, related advice, full check
Home page
- Featured topics, Profound truths, Advice for living
- Find Rujuta
- Menu's, random owl heads, login-out, view your profile
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Set to live (end Sep)
- Launch to friends (Shushann, Gavin etc.)
- Gavin send out
Admin functions
- Stats (Clicky visitor action log)
- Admin view
- Chrome favourite folders
Nic site
- Dispel Elementor
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