
4 September 2019

The crystal

Dear Graeme

I also wanted to share that since we met on Friday I have had the most amazing a-ha moment. You told me that self-love or allowing is being gentle with ourselves... gentle exercise.... etc. Well, I have had an incredible shift with my gym exercise. I have stopped listening to hectic music (pushing myself) and instead I am only doing gentle exercise. I am fully present with my body and its SOOOO amazing, its more beneficial then when I was pushing myself. haha what a magical paradox?! When we are gentle...we are more efficient and more effective... it makes me think of the tortoise and the hare. Anyway, just wanted to share and thank you for your words on Friday. Sometimes, we say exactly what the other person needs to hear.

Dear Aimee

Oh that's absolutely wonderful!  What a profound gift it is to be able to treat the body as a living being worthy of love, touch, spacious attention, nourishment and gentleness. It so craves all those things.  And when we treat it that way, it's so much better able to serve us. It becomes our vehicle for awakening.

You've also been instrumental in a big shift in me recently. I often meditate on my back with my legs up, The other day, I was doing that and feeling a strong, uncomfortable contraction in my solar plexus that was blocked and I couldn't get rid of it. I suddenly found myself reaching for your crystal and put it onto my chest. It was deliciously cold and then warmed up quickly. And as it did, the contraction vanished. There was the most beautiful release and then love. Like magic!  I've been using it like that everyday since. It's been so incredibly powerful.  So thank you.  It's by far the most special gift I've ever been given.

