Life Trove
A celebration of treasured moments
6 October 2015
Mystical experience: Waking up to life as God's movie
One morning in 2015, I woke up in a state of the most profound peace. I could see my entire life to that point stretched behind me and the utter perfection of its unfolding. I could see that my life was a kind of movie choreographed by a genius movie director. The movie of my life to that point and going forwards was already in the can and there was nothing I needed to do to influence it. For the next week, I existed in a kind of blissful, enlightened state, sitting back on the sofa of awareness, watching events unfold. Actions, choices, thoughts, perceptions all choreographed and arising perfectly. I was in a state of constant awe and wonder and a state of curiosity too as to what would arise next. After a week, my enlightened state slipped away and I got lost, once again, in my sense of being a conscious agent living my life. But the sense that life is a kind of movie still remains.
What impact has this had on me? Some fear that waking up to the “non-reality” of the world will make them lose interest in life. In my experience, the opposite has been true. Even if the physical world is not real, the experience of it is indisputably real. In fact, the experience of it feels far more vivid and intense for me now. I have awoken to the fact that life is a wondrous, mysterious, joyous experience to be embraced. It still has its ups and downs and challenges, for that is exactly how life on this planet has been designed to be. But I no longer take it all so seriously. I have realised that Graeme is no more than a kind of movie character that God I Am is experiencing the world through. And all I need to do is sit back in the seat of awareness and enjoy the passing show. I find myself playing more and laughing more and loving more and creating more, because knowing who I truly am somehow opens the gate to amazing spiritual creativity and power. Also, I am no longer afraid of death. Death is but the end of the movie. It is waking up from the dream to become more truly yourself.
I have also been able to embrace my humanness and my limitations, and this has been immensely healing. I am now able to love every part of being this character called "Graeme" especially his foibles and imperfections. I no longer think of myself as a human being trying to become perfect like God. I am God wanting to have a human experience. And this character; this temporary form, including its body and its mind, is perfect in every way for the experience to be exactly as it is meant to be. All is well, and all is as it is meant to be.
Most wonderful of all has been the blissful recognition that God is not just experiencing being “me”. God is experiencing being everyone. God is experiencing being my loved ones and Mack, my dog. God is experiencing being everyone I meet and have ever met. And God is experiencing being every ant and every plant. Everyone and everything is God. God is experiencing nothing but God. It is all God. And I Am That. With this realisation comes a love and a joy so deep and explosive, it is beyond description.
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