Wonder & Beauty
The ultimate dream lifestyle
Most people
Living now in history
I'm not
Momentous things
Safe from harm
Sydney and Waverton
My skills
Wisdom Trove
Love and social
Life Trove
My abundance
Rich past experiences
When I needed it most
Thank goodness
- Presence, Surrender, Spaciousness
- Spirituality, Self-realisation
- Meaning, Purpose, Vision
- Love, connection, wonder, beauty, sacredness, oneness
Abundance, Health, Freedom
- Abundance: Rental, dividends, RA, donations, gifts
- Health & Vitality
- Freedom (time, wealth)
- Energy (dex)
Love & Connection
- Family
- Friends (old friends, hiking, spirituality)
- Mack and Liza
- Ally in my life
- Dani, Lizzy, Shona, Nicky, Caroline
- Humour
- House, balcony, plants, 3 rooms, partition
- Waverton, Sydney, Australia
- Cape Town, South Africa
Wisdom & Insight
- My job: a treasure hunt for truth
- Wisdom: Wisdom Trove, Life is God's movie
- Compass
- The Internet, Chat GPT, Macbook Pro, Evernote, Wordpress
- Reading
- Nature, wildness, wildlife, animals, birds, plants
- Hiking, camping, hiking friends
- Travel
- Photography, Canon R5, iPhone
- Life Trove, Wonder Trove
- Movies & documentaries
- Music
- Food
The ultimate dream lifestyle
- Far better than “About a Boy"
- Mobile life with gadgets (coffee shops, digital nomad)
- A treasure hunt for truth. Imagine how much great philosophers would give to do this!
- My business is the holy grail of quotations and wisdom
- Plenty of travel and photography, adding to my blog
- Great sense of purpose, building a legacy
- Time to devote to spiritual connection and purpose
- Free of corporate stress, time free
- No dependents
- My job a treasure hunt for truth and the possibility to make a dent in the universe (real difference)
- Immersing myself in genius
Most people
- Work under high pressure to deliver to high standards in little time
- To enrich others (mostly) or create legacies for others (if lucky)
- Commute 1 hour plus per day into work
- Work is often unmotivated
- Got mortgages to pay
- Worried about losing job
Living now in history
- Age of internet - wisdom accessible
- Age of oneness to wisdom (Eastern spirituality)
- We are living through the most exciting, challenging and most critical time in human history.
- Never before has so much been possible; and never before has so much been at stake. Peter Russell
- No world wars
- Good medical
- Technology revolution: digital age
- Still wild places, nature
- Movies
- Digital photography
- Unlimited movies and series to download - constantly replenished.
I'm not
- I'm not in the midst of severe depression and despair
- I'm not in the midst of severe anxiety and overwhelm
- I'm not in constant emotional pain
- I'm not in constant physical pain
- I'm not desperately ill or have a desperately ill loved one
- I'm not in acute grief, having lost or about to lose a child or loved one
- I'm not having to worry if my money's going to last till the end of the month
- I'm not wondering where my next meal's coming from - or for my loved ones
- I'm not living in a slum or on the street
- I don't have a life to look back on where I didn't experience anything or have no- one love me
- I'm not trapped in a mindless, boring, repetitive job
- I'm not stuck in a gruelling job that sucks up all my time and energy or requires a long commute
- I'm not stuck with dependents who need or require me to constantly earn and support.
- I'm not drowning in debt
- I'm not stuck in a mindset that sees no meaning or purpose to life
- I not without the use of my limbs, sight, hearing
- I'm not addicted to alcohol or hard drugs
- I'm not being horribly exploited by others
- I'm not uneducated and illiterate
- I'm not physically or mentally disabled
- I'm not trapped in a loveless, abusive, unkind relationship
- I didn't have an abusive, unkind upbringing
- I'm not obese, short or physically unattractive.
- I'm not living in the midst of war and violence
- I'm not living in an opresssive country where I have no human rights
- I don't live in a brutish, violent, oppressive time in history. The Goldilocks era of internet and abundance.
Momentous things
- Volvo
- Shirley: “Seven Principles of Spiritual Success”
- Rosemarie: “Conversations with God.”
- Nerium
- Jilly on Internet
- Cosgrove: Dex
- Chris advise for DIY
- Yogi with bipolar
- Sue Apple
- Entheos
- I'm free to do what I want, go where I want, pursue my passions and purpose.
- Freedom of money and time.
- Freedom to do what I love and be fully alive: create, hiking, nature, photography, tennis, movies, growth, spirituality, travel
Safe from harm
- Nose at Silvermine
- DIY accidents
- Hawkesbury jump
- Mania suicide and foot stab.
- Car step into
- Mack and car
- Mack’s leg in car, Mack crossing roads
- Amazing house, maintained, with great balcony right on park that brings me income.
- Proud of house again - ability to fix it up.
- My balcony, and all the plants
- Wonderful balcony, right on park, amazing area with beautiful walks
- Able to keep despite divorce
- Mum's generosity
- Rental income - extra room
- Increasing in value
- Did it up, no car needed, and $70K in the bank
- Didn’t put money in shares (huge crash)
Sydney and Waverton
- Botanica
- Yogi, Jilly, Chris, Aimee
- Ball’s Head, Berry Island
- Nightjars, possums
- Brennan Park
- Meaning and purpose in my life
- No longer at mercy of thoughts
- The experience of self realisation, love, so deep, so vast, all there is. The lottery.
- Getting to witness the transformative power of love in my life as my love grows.
- Ability to let go through yawning, feeling, crying, stretching.
- The experience of Wonder.
- Music - and the ability to cry and feel love.
- Revelations
- Awakening to Consciousness and the growing peace of Being and Letting Go (revelation, creativity, love, joy, inspiration)
- Eckhart Tolle, Nic, Geraldine, Mooji
- My enlightened experience
- My awakening spirituality - realising Who I Am and my Completeness
- Increasingly opening as a space for consciousness.
- Learned to create inner calmness (meditation, yawning, crying, stretching)
- Music - an expression of divine essence. So, so beautiful.
- Getting in touch with my emotions and allowing them to release and flow
- The power of reflection, The Work
- Deep, deep priceless spiritual experiences that give me faith the power of Essence is real.
- Trust and surrender to Life
- My wonder in nature and the universe
- Mindfulness and Eckhart Tolle
- My pain - and the awakening it has brought
- Jilly coming into my life (bringing HAI, Geraldine, Eckhart, Nic)
- The taste of "being awake" in action (telling mum & Jo and Sue I loved them, calmness over Xmas, stillness on drives and walking)
- Alexander technique at a young age - calmness, letting go, going with the journey, grasping
- Spiritual mania and the movie experience
- Bliss and heart orgasm
- Mood charts
- Life in summary
- Progress
- Evernote
- How has helped Wisdom Trove
- My potential to grow, evolve, transcend. I'm on an adventure of transformation and evolution, only just tipped surface.
- How I've grown in love.
My skills
- Awareness
- Synthesis
- Wordpress
- Writing
- IT
- Personal development
- Photography
- Revelations re life and existence
- Life wisdom
Wisdom Trove
- Wisdom Trove - enjoyment, learning, potential for abundance, work from wherever, make family proud.
- The joy of it and all I've learned
- The Ultimate Experience
- An idea for a business that has countless hours invested and something I love.
- Joy of synthesis and quotes
- Time and freedom to work on it
- What makes it possible: computer, internet, mindmanager, wisdom, people who share it, my passion, my synthesis ability, Dex, income
- The time I've had to collect wisdom, reflect on it, practice it - priceless gift.
- The skeletons of it were not stolen with my computer
- If you'd told me re this when I was 22, I'd have been ecstatic.
- Yes, I spend lots of time on it - but no more than if I was working for someone. It's time I love, no commute, life lessons galore.
- The best is yet to come - the distilling.
Love and social
- Connecting with people, exploring, laughing, sharing.
- The wonderful fellow beings in my life.
- I have a loving and generous family
- Meet Up and hiking - and the social life it opens up.
- Relationship with wonderful Jo
- Jo, Mum, Mike, Matt, Sam, Antony
- Jilly, Sue, Brendan, Russell, Andreas, Srini
- Mack with Liza
- Grandparents
- Ally in my life: 17 years of a loving partner
- My family sections on blog - help me to love and remember loved ones.
- Letters to loved ones
- Generosity of mum
- Being tall and happy with way I look
- Teeth capped by dentist.
- Still got hair and look ok without.
- Physique
- Wisdom Trove
- Nature, walking
- Spirituality, growth
- Reading
- Photography
- Joy of movies
- Mindmapping
- Blogging.
- Tennis
Life Trove
- A full life lived and recorded despite pain
- My blog - sense of purpose for many years.
- My blog did not lose its photos.
My abundance
- I have a great house - close to city, beautiful area, rentable, allows dogs, next to park - that generates an income
- Money lasting with good income
- My health
- I live in a top 3 city and my family does too
- Powerful strengths and skills (passion, synthesis, writing, presenting, html, Internet, focus)
- Some money when I retire
- Generosity of mum (house, furniture, DIY, Cape Town trips)
- Jo's wealth R15 mil. I've caught up!
- Moved money to Australia to earn income
- Inheritance from Grandpa
- Top 5% of wealthiest nation on earth
- Abundance of time
- My financial abundance. Top 5% wealthiest of richest nation on earth. No dependents, house paid for, rent, dividend income. Freedom.
- Bank balance healthy
- $ 1000 + per month dividends
- Mum's amazing generosity
- Got through Ally finances and tax issue in tact
- The investments I sold for Ally were at a good level
- House and e-trade in Australia before $ Aud powered ahead
- I moved money to Australia at 72 cents
- I moved money to Australia to earn income - it changed my life
- Consider Yogi, Chris, Nerium
- I didn't get a mortgage and put money in stockmarket
- Some car accidents closely averted (Porsche, lane swap, hold back)
- RA (60K) plus mum’s loans
Rich past experiences
- Lived a life rich in experiences (travel and living in different places)
- Lived a full life despite depression - many experiences
- Volvo and Cambridge, tourleading, Nepal, 1997, South America
- I have experienced hell and survived every time! And lived a very full life in beween. Just look at the blog.
- A for Celta & Matric
- Ally came into my life and enticed me overseas
- Finances pushed me overseas and tourleading
When I needed it most
- Volvo
- Tour leading job
- Pill
- Liza coming into Mack's life
- Teaching got me going again
- Meeting Ally
- Meet Up
- Jilly
- Brian Johnson Entheos
- Mindmanager
- Conversations with God
- Seven Laws of Spiritual Success
- I'm healthy, my body gives me freedom to do what I want.
- Physical health has been so good.
- No arthritis.
- Wrist been fine.
- My shoulder is fine - even for tennis
- My wrist ok with tennis.
- Shimmering sight - I thought I was going blind!
- No cancer in family
- Feet not effecting me
- Coming when I needed it.
- Life without double pill is fine
- Spreading pill over day made all difference in the world
- Life without double pill absolutely fine when relaxed (holiday)
- Macbook Pro, iPhone, iPad pro
- Speakers
- Headphones
- House
- Kindle
- i-Phone lost in rain, new iPhone, Mac
- Sue getting Mac
- Camera and lenses
Thank goodness
- Discovered re divorce financial when strong.
- Financials with Ally went ok, and she got what she thought was fair - and I feel all right about it.
- Wisdom Trove wasn't stolen - or my photos (backup and not taken)
- No pregancies (Ally, Niki, Dani)
- I did not write ugly on class register
- Shoplifting - got away with it!!
- Discovered my memory card was corrupt before Kruger
- Mack not shut in car door or run over
- I didn't hit rock in Hawkesbury leap
- I didn't get run over.
- Dani has period 5 days late!!! Oh my God, so glad I didn't know. Thank you.
- Pain, when it comes, only seems to last for day or two.
- I'm not in the midst of intense suffering like I have been.
- My pain - lead me to essence, being, awakening, amazing insights to my egoic conditioning
- The release of crying - being able to cry at last.
- My agitation is a huge blessing. It's forcing me to practice calmness and letting go.
- The opportunity to observe myself in pain and learn
- Has been good for most of my adult life including prime years.
- Didn't get anyone pregnant.
- Nothing physically wrong.
- Dani didn't break up early on.
- Dani and I ended on a relative high.
- Xanax, hold base.
- Testosterone high
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