
18 December 2018

Mack attacked !!

The email I sent to Liza says it all!!

Hi Liza

I took Mackie for his usual stroll at Brennan Park. He suddenly started to limp badly and I discovered a medium size ant attached to his rear, right foot (latched onto the rear pad)!!!  He was in obvious discomfort, so I carried him home. He lay on the bed and his leg was shaking, still in significant discomfort, and a bit sweaty.  I tried to call you and then to be safe, I took him straight to the vet in St Leonards.  By the time I got there, he was much better, not limping nearly as much.  I showed them the ant (yes I killed it as penance!) and they said if Mack had been bitten on the body, or head, they would have suggested a histomine injection but because a foot, no need. I brought him back and put his paw in iced water for a little while.  He now seems absolutely fine, no limping at all.  I tried to call to get your thoughts before heading to vet, but you were out and about.  The vet very kindly did not charge for the inspection and advice.

Anyway, just wanted to give you an update about our little champion.  Mackie is contentedly snoozing on the bed right now.



Mum said...

Poor Mack and very frightening for you. Nothing worse than having a sick or sore animal (I can attest with Jason on Christmas Day!) Hope Mack has completely recovered.
