Apart from Eckhart Tolle, no spiritual teacher has played a greater role in my spiritual awakening and evolution. I have read many of his books and listened to many hours of his teachings on You Tube.
Books that inspired me
Some favourite quotes
- Happiness is in the knowing of our own Being.
- Happiness is simply to allow everything to be exactly as it is from moment to moment.
- In ignorance, I am something; in understanding, I am nothing; in love, I am everything.
- Love is the experience that others are not others. Beauty is the experience that objects are not objects.
- Give your attention to the experience of seeing rather than to the object seen and you will find yourself everywhere.
- There are not two things—one, the screen and two, the image. There is just the screen.
- The greatest discovery in life is to discover that our essential nature does not share the limits nor the destiny of the body and mind.
- Only that which is always with you can be said to be your self and if you look closely and simply at experience, only awareness is always ‘with you’.
- The separate self is not an entity; it is an activity: the activity of thinking and feeling that our essential nature of pure Awareness shares the limits and the destiny of the body and mind.
- Just as a screen is intimately one with all images and, at the same time, free of them, so our true nature of luminous, empty Knowing is one with all experiences and yet, at the same time, inherently free of them.
- Quotes on Wisdom Trove
Key insights
- All I can be certain of is the awareness of experience and the awareness of being aware. In other words, all I can be certain of is the existence of consciousness. The existence of a world external to consciousness, consisting of matter, is pure conjecture.
- Experience is indisputably real even if what is experienced is an illusion (not what it seems). The ego (the sense of being a separate self) is an experience I am having. It is an activity in consciousness. But it has no stand-alone existence except as an experience in consciousness being had by consciousness.
- Consciousness is not only the Knower of all experience but also the Substance of all experience. Consciousness always only knows Itself. There is only God, Godding.
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