
28 May 2017

Mack, the Most Fabulous Senior Doggie !!

Hi there Graeme,

I wasn't planning on going down to Bradfield Bark (North Sydney Council dog event) today but a client I saw briefly this morning lives at Kirribilli so we went across with him and his HUGE Labrador.

MACK won The Most Fabulous Senior Dog! Yay to Little Handsome MACKee.

I really enjoyed being in the show ring and MACK behaved beautifully + performed each command to perfection! Needless to say I felt very proud of him. It was a funny thing to do, unplanned with a great result...

I know you don't like dog clothes but MACK was extremely popular in his Ralph Lauren POLO (must have been stopped by every second person, honestly, and paid compliments) + I'm pretty sure it swayed the judges.... I don't have any photos of us with the second and third prize winners but maybe the photos taken will be in the Mosman Daily, or on social media during the week. Not sure...

Meanwhile, here are some photos of dear MACK I took before the competition commenced, and a photo of MACK's certificate (already on our fridge!).

MACK & I left the event before my client and are completely exhausted. MACK must have sniffed 40-50 backsides and lifted his leg a couple of hundred times. He had a great time!

Dinner now for dear MACK and I'd say he'll be asleep for the evening by 7pm... great dreams of fresh air/blue skies/green grass + all those wonderful encounters with other canine's.

Bye for now, Liza

PS. I think I said many years ago MACK would have been wonderful to train as a pup-Jack Russell's really are amazing... we watched a flying JR at the event; a very young dog who seriously did fly through the air! MACK was watching intently, all the organised races...


Mum said...

Well done Mack and he looks gorgeous in his coat. I am sure Jason would love one but Antony thinks it is totally unnecessary!

joanne said...

Well done cute Mack on being a super star senior!! Don't think I can teach jason any new tricks😂
