To be a calm, loving, open space for consciousness to flow into the world
I connect to the spiritual power of my Inner Being by …
- Resting deeply in Awareness both in stillness and in the midst of doing.
- Surrendering to Life’s unfolding, loving what is, enjoying this wondrous play of form.
- Ever expanding spaciousness within mind and body.
- An ever deepening sense of oneness with everyone and everything. It's all God, Godding!
- Mindful walks and photography in nature.
- Heartfelt gratitude and prayer.
- Resting, exercising, and nourishing the body.
In so doing, I become a calm, loving, open space for Consciousness I am to flow into the world...
- A space for love and connection.
- A space to explore and share wisdom that helps people transcend their limits and discover inner power, joy and freedom.
- A space to perceive, capture and share wonder and beauty.
- A space for creativity, inspiration, revelation and insight to flow free.
"I am a hole in a flute that the Christ's breath moves through..... listen to this music.” Hafiz
Guiding Values
- Spacious, Aware, Surrendered
- Oneness, Love, Connection
- Inspiration, Creativity, Free flow
- Wonder, Beauty, Gratitude
- Wisdom, Insight, Truth
- Calmness, Stillness, Effortlessness
- Laughter, Fun, Adventure
- Simplicity, Focus, Balance
Connection to Being
- Life lives through me: experiencing, loving and creating through this temporary form I take.
- Spacious, aware and surrendered in all I do.
- The mind on retreat, finding the gap and resting in Being, then coming out to play.
- Every movement is a chance to loosen and release.
- One thing at a time, taking my time.
- An abundant flow of psychic energy.
- Transcending limits as I connect more and more deeply to the love and power within.
Freedom and Abundance
- Complete freedom (finances, energy, health, time, skills, clarity) to do what I love and be fully alive.
- Abundant finances with the ability to go on spiritual retreats, invest in my projects, travel whenever I wish, enjoy the latest technology and share my abundance with others.
- Sydney 5 months of the year (writing, friends, retreats) Travel 5 months. South Africa 2 months.
Love and Connection
- Deep, authentic, fearless connection with the beautiful beings in my life. Sharing fun and laughter.
- Helping, inspiring and encouraging others, making a real difference to their lives.
- A wonderful group of friends to share my passions with (hiking, spirituality, photography, dancing)
- Savouring every minute with beautiful Mack.
Wisdom and Insight
- Exploring, discovering, applying and sharing wisdom that raises consciousness and brings freedom and transcendence.
- Wisdom Trove: The most meaningful wisdom site on the internet, widely used by influencers. Full of spiritual power, providing both substance and essence. A partner and team of curators.
- Writing and collaborating on spiritual books, articles and teachings.
- Sharing new empowering spiritual narratives that awaken people to sacredness and wonder.
Wonder and Beauty
- Wondrous, fun, adventurous experiences in the natural places of Australia and around the world, all captured in photos and on my blog.
- Nature photography: capturing wonder and beauty in both the vast vistas and tiniest details.
- Portrait photography: capturing inner essence, helping others to recognise their beauty.
- Photography projects and presentations that inspire.
- Balance and harmony between wisdom and insight (mind), love and connection (heart) and beauty and wonder (the senses).
- A beautiful home environment that raises consciousness and inspires creativity.
Clarity and Surrender
- A spacious life vision, purpose and plan that provides direction and inspiration.
- A continually expanding sense of possibility, inspired from within (inspiration and imagination) and without (bibliographies, documentaries, inspiration trove)
- Complete non-attachment to outcome, allowing Universal Intelligence to unfold this life experience as it wishes. Your will, dear Life.
- A streamlined process of visioning, planning and doing that allows the mind to be like water and to rest in Being, while also encouraging free flowing spontaneity
Honouring and loving this temporary form
- I recognise my body as the beloved living being it is and I nourish it with healthy exercise, food and rest.
- The body is spacious, strong, graceful, nourished, healthy and loved.
- I rest in the aliveness and spaciousness of the body.
- I honour the unique wonder and beauty of this form, perfect in every way for Consciousness to experience what it is here to experience.
- I embrace the experience of being this character.
- I consciously release repressed emotions from the past to become ever lighter and more spacious.
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