Experiencing the letting go of impulse to rush and be present while doing DIY. Focus on giving each action full attention. Amazing!!
Thank you Divine Consciousness. Saying it all time.
A real knowing that all inspiration comes from a divine source, consciousness creating through me. Starting to say thanks whenever it flows.
Expanded awareness
Expanded awareness at Khirtan
Expanded awareness. I am him. I am her.
Movie high back
Movie" experience back - high. Discuss with Louise and Yogi.
Movie theme: Then mentioned 3 times in one day (Scott Kelby, Mooji, Kanangra) plus Sharon
“God made Visible Book." (movie in the can)
Field of experience. (Londolozi) video
Jesus - and his twin walks past.
God = Awareness
Awareness (and Life) instead of God
Deep awareness in park. All spiritual thoughts are empty, pointing to this
Sharing with Sharon, cry at "this"
Sense even "I am" is empty, go deep. Sense of I am is phenomenon. Deep nothing.
Sadness about lambs, suffering of animals - vegetarian.
Joy in the created achievements of the greats, of the creators.
Stuck to surface of universe looking down. Vertigo experience. Headless.
Great sessions with Nic, getting back on track with Bogeyville.
Mindful walks with Jason
Really smiling and laughing at the voices in my head. Great.
Labelling the voices (mind patterns) in my head that drown out the silence. (Mr Sinister, Mr Spiritual Hero etc.) Really helps to get focus back on moment.
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