
14 November 2015

Email to Heather

Thanks so much, Heather.  All is well and the experience was actually a priceless one, one I wouldn't change for anything, except the worry it caused my family and friends.

Basically, I went off on an extraordinary spiritual high - due at least in part, I'm pretty sure, to the stimulent medication I've been taking for several years that masks lower energies in my psyche.   I was in such a state of peace and complete fearlessness that I stopped taking the medication altogether.  I continued to feel peaceful and joyful for several days with extraordinary revelations and experiences and love beyond anything I can describe.

But sometimes what goes up, comes down abruptly - especially when the brain suddenly isn't getting the chemical it has become reliant on.

So I plummeted into a sudden world of illusion and in that state, literally stared face to face at my Ultimate Nightmares.  I lived for about 12 hours of intense suffering and intense fear before I realised that it was just a psychotic episode and I was in the North Sydney High Dependency Ward (Maximum Lock Up!)

I stayed there for about a week, meeting beautiful people and coming off the medication I'm been wanting to come off for years.  Now I'm home and feeling fantastic.

Hope all is going well.


