The most universal truth spoken about by spiritual mystics and enlightened beings is that We are all One
A commonly held Scientific view-point is that you, in concept at least, are nothing but space containing swirling particles, moved and held together by energy. I am the same. The space between us is the same. Basically the two of us and the space between us is one space, containing swirling particles and energy.
The separation between us is an illusion created by both distance and energy attachments holding particles together - and most importantly, the interpretation made of that made by the brain. Science may one day discover that distance is as much an illusion as time. We already know that death breaks particle attachments releasing space into space and allowing energy and particles to dissipate to become part of everything else.
Modern spirituality talks more and more about God (The Infinite) being formless and timeless; something beyond this dimension of form we live in. What if we create a conceptual view-point where we think of God in the dimension we live in as being that which is formless? Namely, Space. After all, through history we’ve represented God as an energy form (e.g. The Sun), as physical form (e.g. idols or even some animals) and as a mind concept or image (e.g. A father in Heaven). The only thing we haven’t represented God as yet is Space or “Nothingness."
Using this conceptual framework (and it is nothing more than that), the universe is nothing but swirling particles and energy contained in Space. Everything in One Space, and Space in Everything. Space in every single form, living and non living. And Space between all physical forms, embracing them as part of One Space.
Imagine the implications that. A conceptual view of Truth that believes in Nothing, yet also acknowledges Everything including all points of view. A view that provides a deep sense of the inter-connectedness and Oneness of all things, physical and otherwise, in line with realities we think we know.
Why would the Infinite choose to be Space in a world of Form?
In this room, containing you and me, right now, there is nothing but Space (God) containing swirling particles and energy. Why? Because God, being Formless, is having an experience of being Form in a dimension of duality (which is ultimately the polarity between spaciousness (limitless) and density (limitation).
God is experiencing this world of form through “us” in this very moment of Now. Except, we don’t exist. The identities we create are illusions of the human brain (itself nothing but space, particles and energy), specifically designed to perpetuate this illusion. And God loves the illusions of the human mind and the stories it creates (including the “story” of ourselves) as much It delights in waking up to Itself within the human form. Why? Because stories, including stories of self, are part of the experience of life for the human form.
However, this world of form is about far, far more than the experience of God waking up to Itself through the human form (and the other equally valid experiences that other religions and spirituality contain.
To think that all this is about the human form and experiences through it is one of the ultimate illusions of the human brain and is steeped in human ego. God is having a personal experience through every living form that exists now and has ever existed. When an eagle soars, God is experiencing that through the form that is the eagle. When an ant scurries, God is experiencing that through the form that is the ant. Not just through that particular ant, but through every ant on the planet, now and past. All life experiences through each and every life form is separate. But all separate experiences are part of One Experience. And no single experience (whether that of a human or beetle) is any more important than another.
Maybe God is creating the ultimate Work of Art through form
We know that God is the ultimate Creator. The ultimate Artist. Maybe this Universe is the ultimate work of art. An infinite cosmic canvas created through forms and experiences. An eternal symphony. Each living form and its experiences is a “dab of paint” on that infinite canvas. Each living form and its experiences a note in the eternal symphony. And each dab of paint and each note is a priceless and essential part of the whole.
The One Experience comprises almost an infinite number of experiences. On this planet, this includes an experience of:
- Evolving, through Life forms, from limited to limitless - from water to land to air and into Space.
- The elation and expansion of the soul (none other than God within the form) when the form triumphs over challenge and diversity.
- The love and compassion that flows when God, experiencing though one form, connects to God, experiencing through another form.
- The joy of creating through form. Yes, the creation of art, music, architecture and tools through the human form and all else it creates. But also the creation of life stories, both real and fictional. And world stories like history. The creation of thought and knowledge. But also the creation of elaborate nests, termite cities, coral colonies created through other life forms. And all else they create.
- The joy of exploration and the discovery of new frontiers and possibilities.
- The delight of inspiration, insight, revelation and wisdom and the unfolding of profound truths.
- Waking up to the exquisite, breath-taking beauty and wonder of this world of form. Looking out into the vast night sky and contemplating the infiniteness of it all. No wonder the soul (the space within) expands when God contemplates infinite space through form for it is the very nature of God.
- The joy, delight and laughter of God when God wakes up through form to experience Itself more and more directly, more and more undistorted by the lens of the human mind.
- And so, so, so much more.
Certainly, through the human form, there are countless experiences of peace and joy and love. Certainly experiences of the wonder and beauty of it all. And experiences of abundance and transcendence. But what good would those experiences be without their opposites? Experiences of limitation, scarcity, pain and suffering? And the soul expanding experience of transcending them? If you were God, would you choose to experience a world like that? A life of constant bliss and peace. A world with no challenges and no pain required to deepen and expand the spirit, grow and triumph? No experience of expanding from the ultimate limitation (being nothing) to the ultimate freedom (being Everything.) Surely a world like that containing perpetual heaven would feel like a kind of hell after a while?
Experiment with the concept of "God as Space" and see if it translates into a direct experience
Nothing points to truth if it doesn’t translate into a direct personal experience. For no concept is true because the mind cannot comprehend truth. Words are only signposts to a truth the heart can feel and the soul within can sense through its own expansion.
If you’re willing to experiment with the idea that God is the Space within you, here are practices to try. Practices to allow God to experience the world more directly through the form you take. To experience the joy and peace within. To love. To release pain and heal. To inspire. To have access to universal intelligence and creativity. In a nutshell, for the form you take, to be an instrument for God ...
Create Space in your life; special time for God to breathe within “you."
- Be the Space for this moment. The more space behind your awareness, the more God experiences this moment directly, free of the distortions of the mind and the more “aliveness” there will be.
- Be the Space for someone else through spacious listening without thought or judgement. Or through shared stillness. If they are the space for you, God unites with God and there is an opening of the heart to deep unconditional love.
- Be the space for pain, in yourself and others, and there will be a release of dense energy which brings healing over time.
- Bring Space to ideas, both new and old. Let God breathe life and inspiration into them and combine them with other ideas to create something startlingly new.
- Bring space to your decisions and choices. Decide from Space (peace and stillness), not from contraction (desire and fear).
- Let all doing arise from Space (stillness and peace). And bring Space into the midst of all doing too to create inspired, effortless, mindful action.
- Be a Space for natural beauty. Be the space for a flower. Or even a pebble. Or a grain of sand. Let God experience it as directly as possible. Feel the exquisite beauty and wonder of it all explode from within.
- Create Space in the body - breathe in, yawn, stretch.
- Bring Space to all your attachments. Space loosens the bonds between forms to release energy and create spaciousness.
- Create mind Space though stillness, time in nature and whatever else quietens the mind.
- To get a sense of whether a thought tends to truth or falsehood, first bring deep Space (stillness) to the mind and body. Say the thought out loud and bring spacious awareness to the body. If there is a sense of expansion of the soul (space) within you, the thought is true for you. If there is a contraction, it is not.
- Declutter to create Space. Ditch physical stuff that is not serving you. But most of all, ditch mental stuff - ideas and beliefs that don’t serve you. In fact, let go All of it and see what happens.
- Lie under a night sky and be the Space for the vast Space above you. Feel your Soul expand, for that that you look out into is what You are. Infinite and vast beyond comprehension.
- Become aware of the energy you bring to all your intentions and goals. Is the energy spacious (peaceful) and loving? Or full of contraction (fear and desire)?
In these ways and more, bring Space to everything in life. Experiment with all practices that help you to loosen around any contractions and densities you feel within you. Bring Space to them. Most of all, let go of the perceived need to try so hard for that more than anything creates deep contraction, the very opposite of Space.
As you open to space and loosen around contraction, feel the expansion and delight in the release. Welcome to Freedom. Welcome to Possibility. The more you open to Space, the deeper that experience becomes. And the more the heart opens to love and joy; energies that bless the world and the more Space is released through you into the world as Peace.
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