
16 April 2015

Exploring Kirstenbosch Gardens and the new tree walk

Highlights of our morning in Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens included ...
  • Getting to experience the Boomslang Tree Walk for the first time, high up in the canopy. It's been beautifully designed and made.
  • Getting to photograph a lesser double collared sunbird.  So glad I lugged my 400 mm lens, it was perfect for the job.
  • The extremely cute baby guineafowl.
  • Drinking the water from the spring at Lady Anne Barnards Bath.  Thanks Chrisèl, I've never thought to do that before!  It tasted absolutely delicious!
  • A delicious red cappuccino to finish off (a "cappuccino" made from rooibos tea.)

Lesser Double collared Sunbird - which I've wanted to photograph for ages!

The Boomslang Tree Walk.

Lady Anne Barnards Bath

A delicious red cappuccino to finish off.  Not complete without plenty of honey and cinnamon!

