
1 March 2015

Mermaid Pool and Tahmoor Canyon

I took a group of 17 friends to  Mermaid Pool and Tahmoor Canyon - a wonder world of potholes, pools, swimming holes and waterfalls. It was a fun day out but the group was larger than was wise and I managed to lose some along the way for a little while which was pretty stressful!  Leading a group through rough terrain with a poorly marked track is not for sissies - think I'll stick to small groups of friends in the future.  I didn't get to take as many photos as usual as my attentions were on navigation and group counting. Thankfully I had Gavin to help, who'd done hike twice before.

Gavin and Srini have a leap at the pot-holes.

My turn for a leap.

Beautiful potholes.

These wonderful reflection photos in the potholes were taken by Anupam.

Amazing how the water has sculptured the rocks.

We arrive at the stunning Mermaid Pool.

Group shot - all 17 of us.

Sitting at the top of Mermaid Pool.

I dipped into the water for a lovely massage.

Stopping off at the top of the cliffs above Mermaid Falls for a stunning view.

Wendy on the cliff.

Michelle and a lovely guy from Sydney Bushwalkers.

Another gorgeous view of Mermaid Falls a bit further along.

A great spot for our lunch break. It was a very hot, humid day so our swims were much needed and appreciated.

Gavin and Srini having fun.

Beautiful waterfall.

More waterfalls along the way.

Gavin in his hiking gear!

