Tim Freke is a spiritual author who had a huge impact on me through his books, especially "The Mystery Experience" It was a catalyst to my interest in quantum physics and its relationship to consciousness. He provided wonderful context to the experiences of immense love and wonder that had been arising in my life. He also contributed greatly to my understanding that Universal Consciousness (God) is experiencing life through us, as us.
Books that inspired me
- You are different from me and yet we are one. Tim Freke
- You are infinite potential playing at being a person. Tim Freke
- I am the primal oneness of awareness, conscious through Tim. Tim Freke
- The multiplicity is only apparent, in truth there is only one mind. Tim Freke
- All we actually know for sure is what we are experiencing right now. Tim Freke
- Your experience of this moment is all you can be absolutely sure of. Tim Freke
- ‘I am’ is one of the great names of God in many spiritual traditions. Tim Freke
- I am spacious awareness within which my experience of life is arising. Tim Freke
- On the surface of life I appear to be Tim, but at the depths I am God. Tim Freke
- At the depths of my identity I am awareness witnessing Tim’s adventures. Tim Freke
- I am the universal field of being, individualized as a particular being. Tim Freke
- I am a spacious emptiness within which all of my experiences are arising like a dream. Tim Freke
- Is the ‘I’ your mind? The mind is something you are experiencing. It isn’t the experiencer. Tim Freke
- You are awareness witnessing a stream of experiences within which you appear to be a person. Tim Freke
- I am the field of awareness presencing a particular flow of experience that is arising right now. Tim Freke
- There is no little man inside my head who is choosing to say this or do that. There is no ‘doer’. Tim Freke
- Your experience of this moment is not a belief that can be questioned. It is a self-evident certainty. Tim Freke
- Right now, you are awareness witnessing a stream of experiences. This is your permanent essential identity. Tim Freke
- Awareness isn’t something within your experience. It is an emptiness that contains all you are experiencing. Tim Freke
- As a body I appear to exist within the world, but essentially I am awareness and the world exists within me. Tim Freke
- Being one with God and being in love with God are paralogically different ways of experiencing the same awakened state. Tim Freke
- The purpose of the spiritual journey is not to arrive anywhere, but rather to engage with the adventure of life in a new way. Tim Freke
- There is one awareness imagining itself to be everything and everyone, and meeting itself in all its many different disguises. Tim Freke
- We must become conscious of the oneness of being through the separateness. Tim Freke
- You and I are the singularity looking at itself… thinking about itself… confused about itself. Tim Freke
- When we become conscious of the deep mystery, the mystery experience spontaneously arises. Tim Freke
- For me the wonderful thing about awakening is that it enables me to embrace my human nature just as it is. Tim Freke
- Paralogical thinking means understanding reality from opposite points of view that complement each other. Tim Freke
- Logical thinking is either/or thinking. Paralogical thinking is both/and thinking. If we adopt a both/and perspective it becomes much more straightforward to awaken. Tim Freke
- God is the primal being dreaming itself to be all beings. You and I appear to be separate individuals, but essentially, we are all God! Tim Freke
- Spirituality encourages us to pay attention to the elusive subjective perspective. It urges us to ‘look within’ and become conscious of the deep I. Tim Freke
- She’d seen herself as trying to wake up to ‘God’, which felt like an impossible challenge. Now she felt that ‘God’ was trying to wake up through her. Tim Freke
- The primal field of unconscious awareness is ‘dreaming’ itself to be many conscious individuals, through which it is coming to know itself and love itself. Tim Freke
- Haven’t you noticed how full of significant patterns and strange coincidences your experience is? As if there is some hidden meaning? Well, that’s because this is a dream. Tim Freke
- Objectively, you’re an insignificant speck of dust passing through this vast universe. But subjectively, you’re the centre of the universe, around which everything revolves. Tim Freke
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