
15 September 2014

Synchronicity: The swifts

I discovered that Dani, my ex girlfriend who I broke up with in 2013, was in a long term relationship with a beautiful man (Paul) who she met a few months after our relationship ended.  There was some inevitable pain in the discovery as I was still in love with her but I was also deeply happy that she had met someone special.  

Several times, while out doing my mindful walking, my mind would turn to Dani and I'd wish her well.  She really wanted a child. I wished and prayed to the universe that she be able to have a child with Paul despite her being in her 40's. 

Then, on one weekend, I went camping. I lay alone next to a beautiful river and wished Dani and her relationship well and hoped with all my heart that she be able to have a family.  As I did so, a huge flock of swifts and starlings suddenly swirled and swooped above me.  Swifts for me have deep spiritual significance ever since a mystical experience I had in India in 1997.  I took it as a sign from the universe that Dani was well and that she was being taken care of.

I later discovered that Paul already had a young son, and as time went on, I thought that maybe this was the universe's way of blessing Dani with a family as she was getting too old to have a child of her own.  The thought gave me comfort.

In 2019, on Facebook, Dani, at the age of 47,  announced the birth of a beautiful little girl called Zoe.  I will never forget the surge of joy and gratitude I felt.

