
3 September 2014

Muogamarra Nature Reserve

Chrisèl and I enjoyed a lovely walk at this nature reserve.  It's open only for 6 weeks of the year when it becomes a celebration of beautiful spring flowers.

Some highlights of the day ...
  • The friendliness of the rangers and staff, mostly volunteers.
  • Taking photos of the flowers and the bees, all putting on a marvellous show for us.
  • Discovering what a Trig Beacon is.
  • The stunning view from the trig beacon over the Hawkesbury River.
  • The strange, cobbled rock formations in a few parts of the park, they almost looked man made.
  • A delicious meaty pie and cool ginger-beer at the famous pie shop next door; the in place for bikers  to strut and show off their stuff.




Mum said...

What a stunning place. Flowers as good as we saw up the West Coast.

Russell Gowlett said...

You do get out a lot!!
Gosh, imagine being from Cape Town and not knowing what a trig beacon is :o)

joanne said...

How gorgeous is that reserve! What a pity it is open for only 6 weeks a year.
