- God is in the stillness. I love God more than thought.
- My purpose is to be a calm, loving space for consciousness to flow into the world.
- Who I am cannot be harmed, threatened or diminished.
- I need nothing external to be complete. I am complete. I am love.
- Guilt is caviar of the ego and low on the consciousness ladder. Remorse, resolve and move on.
- I have the perfect ego and mind and pain body to learn what I'm here to learn.
- The purpose of life is to learn, grow, evolve and enjoy.
- The mind is inherited and thoughts are not real.
- Don't make sex into a mind construct - take mind out of it.
- The power of letting be, letting out, letting go, letting flow.
- Turning "not enough" into "so much." (abundance and gratitude)
- Be a space through loving what is.
- Trust life's unfolding and welcoming what is - no need for fear. All for my higher good.
- The power of processing emotions without identifying or creating a story.
- Grieving Dani is ok and understandable - there's no time limit.
- The need to impress is an archiles heal. External approval is just my projection.
- Listen without advice. Who am I to know what's best for another.
- Let go of judgement. Let her be. Let me be. We all have different egos and pain bodies.
- We do the best we can at the consciousness we're at. Let go of guilt.
- Consciousness that flows is forever, energy sucked into the ego drains and dies.
- The story of me is an illusion - subjective, edited, selective perception. Will die.
- Negative states of mind are a delusion caused by inappropriate attention and exaggeration.
- Never try to think myself out of a low mood.
- Divine Essence is not out there. It's everywhere. Its in me. It's who I really am.
- I'm not here to annihilate the ego, but heal and lighten it and let it go.
- Thank the mind. Let the mind be free. It's not an enemy.
- Consciousness is about intention. Why am I doing this? From love. Or to impress, from fear?
- There are no tests or punishments. Just consequences and opportunities to learn and evolve.
- Life is an experiment to see what works. Try new approaches.
- Don't get lost in needless ideology. Just a few leaves, not the forest. Pointers to love & stillness.
- Being and stillness are at the centre of my life, not something to fit in.
- I'm exactly where I'm meant to be and the past is perfect, having brought me here.
- The Map of Consciousness (David Hawkins)
Life Trove
A celebration of treasured moments
27 July 2013
Insights (2013)
Spiritual Diary
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