European Bee-Eater |
Lilac Breasted Roller |
Lilac Breasted Roller |
Lilac Breasted Roller |
White Crowned Plover |
White Crowned Plover |
Jacana |
Grey Heron |
Grey Heron |
Goliath Heron |
Pied Kingfisher |
Pied Kingfisher |
Giant Kingfisher |
Giant Kingfisher |
Brownhooded Kingfisher |
Malachite Kingfisher |
Ground Hornbill |
Ground Hornbill |
Ground Hornbill |
Long Tailed Shrike |
Helmeted Guineafowl |
Crested Guineafowl |
Three banded Plover |
Wood Sandpiper |
Ruff |
Knot |
Giant Eagle Own |
Bateleur |
Bateleur |
Tawny Eagle |
Martial Eagle |
Brown Snake Eagle |
African Fish Eagle |
African Fish Eagle |
Hawk Eagle |
Steppe Eagle |
Tawny Eagle |
Kite |
White Faced Vulture |
Whitebacked Vulture |
Raptors in flight |
Hamerkop |
Yellow Billed Hornbill |
Yellowbilled Hornbill |
Redbilled Hornbill |
Stilt |
Stilt |
Blackbellied Korhaan |
Blackbellied Kornhaan |
Kori Bustard |
Redbilled Oxpecker |
Rednecked Francolin |
Rednecked Francolin |
Crested Francolin |
Doublebanded Sandgrouse |
Orange Breasted Bush Shrike |
Bennetts Woodpecker |
Darter |
Whitebreasted Cormorant |
Egyptian Goose |
Masked Weaver |
Saddlebilled Stork |
Storks |
Various |
Various |
A Redbilled Oxpecker searches for yummy ticks...
Birds seen during my stay
- Whitebreasted Cormorant
- Darter
- Goliath Heron
- Grey Heron
- Greenbacked Heron
- Yellowbilled Stork
- Marabou Stork
- Woolynecked Stork
- Openbilled Stork
- Saddlebilled Stork
- African Spoonbill
- Hamerkop
- Hadeda Ibis
- Egyptian Goose
- Knobbilled Duck
- Lappetfaced Vulture
- Whiteheaded Vulture
- Whitebacked Vulture
- African Fish Eagle
- Bateleur
- Brown Snake Eagle
- Tawny Eagle
- Martial Eagle
- African Hawk Eagle
- Yellowbilled Kite
- Lizard Buzzard
- Rednecked Francolin
- Crested Francolin
- Helmeted Guineafowl
- Crested Guineafowl
- Ground Hornbill
- Ostrich
- Black Crake
- Kori Bustard
- Black Bellied Korhaan
- Three Banded plover
- Whitecrowned Plover
- Blacksmith Plover
- Dikkop
- Doublebanded Sandgrouse
- Laughing Dove
- Grey Lourie
- Striped Cuckoo
- Diederik Cuckoo
- Burchell's Cuckoo
- Red Chested Cuckoo
- Giant Eagle Owl
- Black Swift
- Giant Kingfisher
- Pied Kingfisher
- Malachite Kingfisher
- Brownhooded Kingfisher
- European Bee-Eater
- White Faced Bee-Eater
- Lilac Breasted Roller
- Grey Hornbill
- Yellowbilled Hornbill
- Redbilled Hornbill
- Masked Weaver
- Blue Waxbill
- Blackeyed Bulbul
- Whitethroated Robin
- Purple Crested Lourie
- Orange Breasted Bushshrike
- Bennett's Woodpecker
Amazing bird photographs. Can't wait to see the animals!
Just STUNNING, and thats an understatement, I'me pretty much lost for words, can I say WOW"
Camera control, lighting, depth of field, timing, detail, its all there.
Cant wait till we go on another shoot actually.
Guy Lockwood.
FANTASTIC shots, specially the birds. And what a variety. I am soooo impressed.
Graeme. Through your lenses I had a great time today. Thanks a lot.
Lilac Breasted Roller is a miracle of the nature.
Cheers !
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