
4 January 2012

What do you think?

OK, so I know it's not the most essential issue facing the world this year. It's not going to solve world hunger. Or determine whether the euro survives or not. But it may directly effect my sex life in 2012. So your opinion is of tremendous value and respectfully requested in this most sensitive matter.




Keep it. Exactly as is the pictures. You are handsome ! Macky helps you in the seduction (laughs).

Graeme said...

Yes, Mack is the ultimate "chick magnate"! Better than a Ferrari!!

james said...

Yes, My Dog is cheaper than petrol...cheers

Anonymous said...

Keep Mack and loose the beard.

Russell Gowlett said...

I was going to say that some women don;t go for the george michael stubble, so 90s :o)
I think the bottom pic will appeal most, you have the nicest smile in that one.
So how is the sex life so far in 2012?

NewsNicola said...

Actually I dig the stubble ...! :) Perhaps it's because I'm a 90's sort of gal! I love the 1st and last pic especially. Looking good! love Nic
