
19 November 2011

A labour of love...

When I first started my blog on Blogger over 8 years ago, I was unhappy with the way they handled comments.  So being a high tech wizard at the time, I integrated a 3rd party's comments system onto my blog.  Since then, my wonderful friends and family have left over 1500 comments on the blog and they are a much beloved part of it; as important to me as my memories and photos.

Imagine my absolute horror and dismay then, when I discovered that the company who ran the comments system were no longer supporting it and were not providing a way for me to transfer the comments into any other system.  All those cherished comments sitting on a legacy system that was going to die.

Then, being the low tech wizard I am these days with no ability to program, I had a moment of inspiration:  copy and paste!!!

So I have basically spent the whole day, over 12 hours, copying the comments from my old system and pasting them into the new system.

It's been a labour of love because it's been a wonderful opportunity and excuse to go back and read all the old comments from family and friends.

So thank you to you all for leaving comments on G-Trove since I started blogging.  You've inspired me to keep it going through the years and now it has a life of it's own - an electronic scrap book brimming with memories for my old age.

I'd like to especially thank Mum, Jo, Russell, Robyn, Kerry, Carleen, Ingrid, Eva, Nicola and Ana.  You've been particularly prolific commenters and I really appreciate it...


Jo said...

Wow, that sound like hard work - enough so that I had better leave this comment!!!! xxx

Graeme said...

Thanks for the comment, Jo! Glad you worked out the new comment system. It's a little less intuitive, but it's Google, so you know it'll (hopefully) be around in 5 years time!


A huge labour of love, but like said a Brazilian poet "we don't live without love". Your words and pictures are the testimony of the life, a beautiful life. Our comments just to express how is fantastic your look about the world.
I'm glad to had met you one year ago in Sydney.

Jill said...

I am impressed at your labour of love. We also love your new format blog.
