- It's lovely to know you are feeling the urge to do more photography as we love seeing your blog and makes us feel closer to you.
- I have just been reading your new sections and ended up spending over an hour looking back at some of the holidays you have been on. There is plenty still left to keep me amused for days. I love both new sections! I must really sit down and do something similar about my own memories.
- Just been feeling sentimental browsing the family photos you assembled. Miss having you all closer but so grateful for all the times we’ve shared.
- Wow.....that really is all there is to, and amazing, and spectacular, and
- Graeme - I think your blog is absolutely fantastic and it will be such a wonderful permanent record for you of everything you do and your young life etc. I have watched your tours around South America with great interest - what a wonderful trip you have had.
- Amazing life you lead!! x (after Antarctica and camping trip)
Robyn (Ally's mum)
- Love your photo's. Love your news of outings, sightings and family. Thank you over, and over again, for keeping everything posted and up to date. Visiting your blog is one of the highlights of my week.
- The scenery, birds and leaps bring your holiday alive for me. What a treat! Thank you so much G for all the care that you put into your blog. I enjoy it more than I can say.
- Have brought my Dad in to see your blog. Ally is taking him though the site showing him a bit of everything. he is amazed by the technology and the fact that you will have this scrapbook for your children's children. Reminds me of the Egyptian belief that, if your name is kept alive, then you are immortal.
- Robyn: I have sat here at Reddam with tears streaminmg down my cheeks. Everyone is being very polite and leaving me be but I want you to know that I have been deeply moved by your tribute. It is also the first time that I have seen a photo of your Dad. He has a very kind and gentle face just like you. Robyn.
Ian (Ally's dad)
- Happy 5th B'day G-Trove. It is a pleasure to read and to be able to share your adventures .I just love the photography. May the good work continue.
- Beautiful pictures. What a wonderful experience you are both enjoying . Those memories are for a lifetime. Keep going.
Special connections
- I love that you wear your heart on your sleeve and are not afraid to put yourself out there on your blog.
- I really like your idea of a digital scrap book.
- I’m really impressed with your website … and your life list. YOU write really well, and I’m intrigued by the photo of you covered in mud!?! I have a gratitude book I write in daily, but think your list and aspirations are commendable, because they are do-able. Maybe that’s why life is a little harder for us, we think too damn much!
- I lost myself for a couple of hours in your treasure trove...what an incredible collection of memories you have created there. You must be so proud of yourself; seriously to be so in touch with all your most valued people/experiences is very admirable. And the photos! Those South America photos are amaaaaaaazing!
- Wow, you really are a master photographer and writer (I still believe that you have missed your calling and should be a writer/photographer!). Thanks also for being so complementary about my family and your time here - I showed them all the entries about them and they loved it!
Sydney friends
- Since you gave us the link, I have been snooping around your blog. And all I can say is WOW!!!! It is an absolutely extraordinary piece of work.
- Firstly, Your photos are beyond amazing. I don't know if this sounds odd, but all of your photos have this very positive, uplifting feel about them. They give a sense of hope, wonder, awe and a general sense that everything is right with the world (sorry for getting a bit deep there). Anyway, there is definitely a gallery waiting with your name on it! A few of my favourites are the "Torres Del Paine, Chile" with the sunlight hitting the peaks, the lion sitting so grandly and looking so majestic, the moon setting over the 12 Apostles, the sun setting behind the elephant, the sunset one with the boat in the water (you must have taken it recently)....really I could name so many more....
- Your memoirs are so warm, honest and funny. Its great reading about your family and seeing photos when you were a boy...with hair (haha).
- Your poetry brought me to to tears (particularly the one entitled 'The Child' for a couple different reasons). I love poetry and used to write heaps as a child and in my teens but I haven't done so for ages.
- I’ve always loved the honesty of your blog G - the reflections/perspectives and experiences you share are insightful and inspiring.
- What a fantastic opportunity you took! I love 'catching up' via your site and seeing all those great photos!
- Amazing stuff, you make me me want to do more!
- My mum spent an hour in your blog. I always send her the link. I look at it on the loo.
- I read it [your blog] all as well. It’s very exciting. And your images at the polar arctic circle are wonderful. Beata
Ana (English student)
- A huge labour of love, but like said a Brazilian poet "we don't live without love". Your words and pictures are the testimony of the life, a beautiful life. Our comments just to express how is fantastic your look about the world. I'm glad to had met you one year ago in Sydney.
Old friends
- Looking at your blog brings back all kind of great memories, I get so tied up in work and getting on with life that I forget what it was like to be young!
- Hi Graeme, I have recently been struck by pangs of nostalgia and have been going through your blog (again) just to try and catch a glimps of what it felt like to be a little younger and a little more in awe of life. I'm touched by how often you refer to our friendship and treasure the carefree memories. Stay in touch and see you soon.
- Hi Graeme, a blast from the past but I was thinking about my old school friends on the weekend and looked you up. I read your blog and wow, you live life to the full.
Jane Cully
- Graeme, my long lost friend. This site was sent to me by my mother and I just cant seem to leave it. I have read so much and cried so much. The letter you wrote for your dad was truely moving and it really makes me miss those days so much when we were young. I now have 3 girls, twins of 1 and and elder daughter of 3. I hope we can meet up sometime in the near future and remember the old times together again.
- Your blog made me cry. Thank you.
- Your photo's are out of this world! What an amazing trip you have had and memories to last a lifetime. I feel like (in some small way) I have been travelling with you...I have loved reading every part of your journal! Tons of love
- Thank you so much for the news and for the reminder of the blog site - it is great. You guys are sooo good at recording your lives unfolding - such fun and what a lovely memory - I must get some advice how to get started and maybe make it a maternity leave thing! I think I have 4 years of digital photos that haven't got very far. J's mom and family would love a way to keep in touch like this.
- I read your blog regularly - every week at least. Your activities & photo's have kept me smiling through some lousy times at work and now that I am dating an Australian I see your blog in a different light. Australia will one day become my home and you and I could end up as neighbours.
Volvo colleagues
- Can't resist sending a note after a visit at your blog together with Marcus - we are both equally amazed by your stories but maybe most of all by your photos!!! I 've always known that you are an EXCELLENT photographer but this is totally AMAZING!! Thanks for bringing some sun, clear waters and great adventure to a winter cold Sweden... still snowy outside and minus degrees (celsius). Anyway, lot's of love to you both and enjoy... I/we are certainly enjoying your stories here at home :- ) Hugs from caroline and Marcus sends his regards
Tony Carlyon
- I just have to say that I have never been so impressed with either a blog, photographs, or someone’s life in general. I am amazed by everything you have done, and even more amazed that you have documented it so scrupulously, and have been kind enough to share it with everyone else! Thank you! I almost feel guilty that I worked with you for so long and never really knew what you were about and even more embarrassingly, just how interesting you really are, I suppose to an IT guy, you were ‘just another user’ anyway, for that I apologise! I wish you & your wife the very best on your remaining travels and if I ever get to have 1% of the excitement and thrills that you have had, I will be happy! As for the subject, “A century in the blink of an eye” I find facts and figures like that amazing, and I wanted to forward you the following attachments, they also put things once again into perspective for us mere mortals! Thanks again for an amazing insight into your truly remarkable life!
- The fotos are fantastic especially the ones with the Glaciers and the landscape with the fjords and the mountains. I was looking at your photos yesterday. My first reaction was “What the hell am I doing here?” I wanted to go to the next travel agency and book a flight. I envy you for your fantastic journey. Your fotos really hit the mark and add insult to my insuries. But that’s life. You guys go and have a great time.
Sharon (Volvo Trucks)
- You wouldn't believe how envious I am of you and Ally...what a wonderful adventure you are having! Next life...I'm gonna do EXACTLY what you're doing. In fact, I plan to have a copy of your journal with me to be sure I don't miss anything!
Andrew Pocock
- Howdy … I’ve been following your exploits on the blog (my spell checker keeps recommending that I should say bog instead of blog). I am very impressed that you find the time to keep it up to date so well. It is a fantastic record: I take back all I said about blogging! Still…. you have to get out a bit to make it worth while! You really have taken some fantastic pictures. I’m trying to convince Sue that when the kids have grown up, we should go for a backpack round South America and maybe the Far East; I think it’ll take some selling effort on my part to get her to agree.
David Freilich
- Love the blog site!! Great going ! An inspiration! My best- David
Friends we met on our travels
- I must confess I am something of a ghost on your blog - I surf it often but never leave any comments which I'm aware is a horrendous sin! As always, it's brilliant and it was great to stumble accross the poetry section (I wish we'd seen the horses on Cotapaxi). I am pleased you have a sexy new SLR Graeme - you won't regret that purchase for a second. And you will be pleased to know that we finally got around to setting up our own blog toward the end of trip - I think our families found it really useful and when we get internet some time next week we intend to give it a bit of a revamp as I have a hoard of photos from Uni to put on there. Pales in comparison to your own , but its a start:
- Merry Christmas guys. A great list to summarise another great year in your life - you are a real inspiration to us!
Carissa Kasper
- You're pictures and stories are incredible. Thank you so much for documenting your travels, it's been very helpful in planning my upcoming travels to South America.
- I just wanted to say I love your's wonderful!! I enjoyed seeing all your travels. It was great to meet you both; I had a wonderful time running into you everywhere! You both helped to make our trip special. Hope you're settling into Australia! Brigid (Mullen) aka crusty, I believe....
Strangers who stumbled upon Life Trove
Frenz Fries
- One amazing blog! Haha I'm so envious of all the beautiful places and the wonderful memories you have and still creating. keep up the good work guys.
- Wonderful site of wildlife, I have never seen anyhing of this kind in the blogs before. I have to appreciate your photographs and articles.
- Reading your blog is really amazing - I'm inspired to do my own! I went straight to the poetry of course. Poetry is such a special and personal thing. Yours is very good.
- What fun to surf here, it must not have been a mistake since I enjoyed it so much! Best wishes from Michigan, USA
Christophe and Karine
- We have visited your "blog" , Wouah , wonderfull pictures (animals , countries ,travels ...... ) When did you intend to visit and take some pictures from France ? Don't hesitate if you intend to travel to France
- Hi mi name is Anna, Im from Argentina. You've got a nice blog, with excelent pictures wich show great experiencies! good luck!
Lesa Harper
- Beautiful pictures!!! I envy the fact that you can travel all over the world and I am stuck here in Hampton, GA. Thanks for sharing your adventures. At least I can dream with the help of you photos.
Louis (size of universe)
- Your blog is incredible, as is this post! Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Cindy Swanson
- I stumbled upon your blog... …and just wanted to tell you how absolutely beautiful it is! The photography is breathtaking. It only fuels my lifelong passion to visit the UK. Thanks for blogging.
- Just discovered you, looking for excellent rollerblading tracks in Melbourne. I was captivated by the beautiful photographs, then entranced by your exuberance for living, very inspirational...I look forward to reading more. I live in melbourne with my 12 yr old son, and love to travel. Thank you, happy adventures!
John Hejl
- I love your site. It's the best one I've ever seen, and the spiritual vibes vibe totally with my own. I've been dreaming about my home-page for a while and I imagined something like yours (before I saw it). Unfortunately you're 35 years in front of me, so I can't catch up. I'll have my page working soon. Please give me some advice or maybe just a greeting. Definitely your friend,
- Aow, these photo's are great, your great at photography, your blog is fab too, well done. thanks for your lovely comments on my work/blog.
- Affirmation and encouragement in all areas of my life (to pep me up when I feel down or lose confidence)
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