Special memories
- The great housemate years at Willow Road
- Dinners in Fulhum
- Doing hikes (Hoar Hut, Otter Trail)
- Hogs Head and Buckaneers Backpackers
- That idyllic summer when Clifton was warm
- Outings in London (Kew Garden, Mama Mia)
- Camping at Palmiet and Kleinmond
- Our weekend outing to East Bourne
- My farewell evening in London
- Their visits to Cambridge
- Our visits to London from Cambridge
- Playing tennis
- Dinners at the Grove
- My shared passion with Steve for movies
- Steve´s great "Woman in White" recommendation
- Our triathlon weekend
- Colleens 21st party
- Stating over in Ealing Broadway in 1997
- Colleens amazing sense of adventure and shared love of travel and the outdoors
- The Kitch party in 1993
- Concerts at Kirstenbosch
- The Hoar Hut hike
- Walks on commons and parks in London
- Braais in London
- Skinny dips (like at the Houenort)
- Colleen and Steve get married
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