
3 July 2009

Dedicated photography site

I am very proud to announce that G-Trove (this blog) now has a sister. She is over at g-trovephotos.com . I have been taking photos now for over 4 years and my portfolio is growing. The new site provides a nice interactive way to view some of my better photos. I am hoping to get some photographic commissions for paid and charity work as time goes on and the site should help. Its been a lot of work but I think you'll agree its been worth it. Thanks to Charles for finding the template. Check it out and let me know what you think!


Mum said...

I obviously wasn't being patient enough. It takes a long time to download the photos but it is working perfectly. Brilliant! Sorry to worry you!!

Graeme said...

I did optimise the images so it shouldn't take too long on a goodsih internet line. If anyone else is finding it takes ages to download, let me know and I'll need to make the files smaller still.

CGDK said...

HI, it looks great but it did take a while to start, when I got sick of waiting & changed pages everything seemed to speed up a bit from then on. I love the background colour changing to enhance the images too. And I tried hard but could not get a pic to copy -which will save you heaps of time watermarking everything!

Ingrid said...

It works well on our laptop. The pictures are brilliant (of course)! Anna and I feel very honoured to appear in the people section.
