
25 October 2008

Tilt Shift Video

Charles and I met a photographer at Bondi who was using a Nikon camera with a tilt shift lens (quite specialised) and a tripod and taking one photo a second of the ocean. His name turned out to be Keith (we got talking) and it turns out he specialises in his own special form of "photo delay" videos that make Sydney look like a tiny model city. Its amazing and so original - check out the video below for an example. He's been written about recently in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Bathtub II from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.


CGDK said...

I had problems yesterday too but today they are working. very clever! he must be qutie a patient man...

Mum said...

I'm glad I tried again! What an interesting idea - how do people think of such things! M

Ingrid said...

Wow, that's amazing. But it must take ages to get a video done!

Eva said...

completely love his work, I saw the second one in the paper - if you ever hear he is having an exhibition let me know
