
30 September 2008

A lovely 38th Birthday poem from the Vanderbecks

Now Graeme’s another year older
But we’re stuck over here where it’s colder
As we’re so far away
Just a poem must say
What we’d much rather have been there and told ya.

As cousin and nephew you’re close in our hearts
So as this next year of yours starts
Know the Sorrell genes are strong
In your soul there’s our song
Our family can never be far apart.

In us all Grandpa’s spirit rides strong
And Granny’s love and kindness live long
They’ve helped shape and guide us
Are always beside us
To help with whatever comes along.

Now you and Ally have got a new home
It looks great from the photos you’ve shown
And I’m happy to see
There’s a spare bed for me
That Vanderbecks travel a lot is well known.

Now I’ve reached my own 60th year
At 38 you’ve got nothing to fear
I hope this year brings
The very best of things
And your life is both sunny and clear.


Mum said...

A great poem - following in gramps footsteps!

Graeme said...

Yes, Trish really is very talented
