
31 May 2008

Pictures of our house and neighbouring park


Mum said...

Looks a wonderful park and the house is great. I love the big balcony - a wonderful place so sit with a cup of coffee! M & M

CGDK said...

yes it all looks wonderful. What a great position for a townhouse -who needs a yard with a council cared for park across the road! Guess the neighbours will now have to get used to seeing G stalking birds in the park....

Russell said...

Hey well done on the house! nice spot, and not too far to lug the goods!

Sharon S said...

Congrats, Graeme & Ally! Looks like a lovely home in a wonderful setting! Such fun to be in a house, isn't it?! And no actual yard work to do...amazing. Wishing you many happy times in your home!

Keira said...

awww, congrats guys!! so happy for you, and can't wait to come visit!!!
keira :)

Robyn said...

Thought that I had already posted a note of congratulations. Silly me!

Anyway I wish you blessing, joy and fulfillment in your new home. It is a wonderful achievement and has made my eyes pickle with tears of relief that your yoyo of a search is now over.

Well done!!!!!! I hope you have a fabulous house warming party :)

Hamish said...

Congrats guys. So pleased you have found something to your liking and so nice to be next to a wide open space.
