So who is Jack Reacher? Here are some facts about Reacher for your interest and enrichment…
- Jack Reacher is the modern day equivalent of the enigmatic stranger who rides into town to sort everything out with fist and gun.
- He was born on October 29th, 1960 on an Army base in Berlin. His father is a Marine who served in Korea and Vietnam. As kids, Jack and his family moved non-stop from one military base to another.
- Reacher mustered out of the army with the rank of Major in 1997 when defence budget cuts made him "lose interest".
- Since leaving the army in 1997, Reacher has been a drifter. He travels around the United States, exploring the one country he never got to see in his childhood. He is always on the move.
- Reacher owns nothing except the clothes he is wearing. He wears his clothes 4 days or so, then throws them away and buys more clothes. He is weighed down by nothing.
- Reacher makes money by doing odd jobs. He also tends to pocket the money he takes from thugs.
- Reacher has blue eyes and fair hair. He is a giant of a man, standing at 1.96m tall with a 50-inch chest, and weighing between 100-115kg. He is exceptionally strong. He is also crack shot.
- Reacher has a knack for finding and tackling trouble where ever he goes. As well as helping people in distress.
- Reacher has no doubts about his objective: to rid the world of bad guys. And nobody does it better. However, Reacher is also that rare kind of action hero who always takes the trouble to think things through and solve the puzzles (using his brilliant investigative skills) before sorting the bad guys. He thus combines brute force and brilliant deduction.
- Reacher capitalises on his past career as a Military Policeman. He served for 13 years. He is a hell of a good investigator. Maybe the best the army ever had.
- Some of the baddies he comes across are real heavy weight nasties who have a penchant for cutting peoples' balls off.
- Reacher has the uncanny ability to know what time it is, at any time of the day, without referring to a timepiece.
- He has the ability to take on multiple thugs at once and he generally comes out unscathed.
- He has a fascination with mathematics and a love for blues music.
- He is addicted to coffee.
- He has a passion for pretty women (particularly if they are in distress) and tends to bed at least one per book (surprise, surprise!).
Reminds me a bit of the side kick guy in the Modesty Blaise books. He used one big word per book, the meaning of which became explicit during the telling of the tale. He loved and adored MB but their's was a chaste relationship. Nevertheless, per book, there was always an extravagant gift for MB like a string of perfectly matched pearls that he had found himself while exploring the worlds best diving spots for wild oysters. What a Hero!!!!
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