
17 November 2007

Birding at Bicentennial Park with my new 500 mm F4 lens

I had a successful morning of birding at the Sydney Olympic Park. Some of the land has been reclaimed including Belverdere Lake (part of Bicentennial Park). I got to take some nice pictures (see below) and also saw three new bird species: Chestnut Teal, Brown Honeyeater and Red Whiskered Bulbul.

Baby Stilts doing the ballet (aren't they cute!)

Adult Stilts (nice reflection!)

Welcome Swallow (saying goodmorning)

Splendid Fairy Wrens (Females).

Male Superb Fairywren

Red Whiskered Bulbul (beautiful)

Brown Honeyeater 

.Silver Gull  

Little Pied Cormorant
Crested Pigeon

Chestnut Teal

Pacific Black Duck

Willie wagtail.
The lake where I took the photos
Down the barrel of my lens.


K said...

U did have a VERY successful morn. Very cute!!! :)

CGDK said...

the wren & baby stilts are gorgeous shots!!! Wonderful work -you are making great use of that new gigantic lens!

Graeme said...

thanks! it hurts my back but does take nice shots :)
